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  1. EightyEight

    RIP: A500...

    So, my nephew was over a few weeks back and he ended up breaking my headphones while I wasn't home. (This is what I get for taking him to Disneyland...) So I've been basically living off my e2c for a while. I think I'm ready to move on, but I'm debating as to whether I should get another pair of...
  2. EightyEight

    Where to buy...

    Where can you buy decent quality cable/wire that connect the left cup to the right cup? the cable is about 1mm wide and has two wires: red and gold with clearish threads inbetween each colored wire. Would radio shack have good quality wires like this? or does it not matter?
  3. EightyEight

    Black Zen Micro (just ordered)

    After reading all the praise this forum has of the Zen Micro, I ordered the Black Zen Micro for a total of $197 USD at I've been debating on whether to get the zmicro or the H10, and I guess i bit the bullet and finally went with the zen. I've ordered it under "overnight shipping" so...
  4. EightyEight

    A500 Right Cup Not Working

    My A500 were working perfectly fine until this morning... The RIGHT cup just decided not to work... So I was wondering if you guys have any suggestions as to what the problem may be, before I start to unscrew here and there and find if there is a wire connection problem Thanks in advance
  5. EightyEight

    E2C + Burn In = Improvement?

    Well, I just got my E2C for 60 shipped and wow.....awesome isolation BUT the sound quality is not as good as my A500, but it's not fair (yet) since they haven't had the same burn in time. So, what I'm asking is: for those who have had the E2C for a period of time, did you notice an improvement...
  6. EightyEight

    DT 880 Users Suggestions

    I want all the DT 880 owners, or those who have heard of the DT880 to give me a recommendation on an AMP under $300 Thanks, Josh
  7. EightyEight

    WT Audition: HD 555 vs HD 595

    It seems like for me to find whats right for me is to actually audition the HD series headphones. So does anyone know where I can audition BOTH somewhere in southern California? I know a few local places that sell the HD 555 but the HD 595 is less common and might be hard to audition both at the...
  8. EightyEight

    DROOL :)* H300 & iFP1000 too bad theyre not available in the US.
  9. EightyEight

    Make me a CD please

    Hey Head-fiers! I'm planning on making mix of a CD by tomorrow and I was hoping that you guys can make me a playlist or recommend some songs. I'm trying to make this a Rock, Alternative, Hip-Hopp genre. But if you have a really good song you need to recommend go ahead Thanks!
  10. EightyEight

    A500 -> HD600

    Its been a month with my A500, and now I have caught the disease... Here's my situation, I'm thinking about upgrading to the HD600 (not paying retail, buying used) and selling the A500. But currently I do not have an AMP. I have my M Audio Revolution 7.1 to drive it. I will eventually buy...
  11. EightyEight

    How old are you?

    Just curious. I'll start off. My name is Joshua Lee and I am 16 years old and because of this forum I will become broke...
  12. EightyEight

    WTB: Shure E2C or Etys ER-6

    Which one do you prefer?
  13. EightyEight

    Etys, im scared to put these in...

    on the site they show this pic on inserting the canal phones. But i thought they went in with the black foam tips and white flanged rubber tips.
  14. EightyEight

    A500 questions

    Well, ive been enjoying my A500 since i got them, but there seems to be a few things im not completely satisfied with. The cable goes to the LEFT cup only, and it seems like the band above the head is what transmit it to the right cup, but i can't help but notice that it needs to be transmitted...
  15. EightyEight

    Do my A500 need a Burn-In?

    Do my A500 need a Burn-In? If so, how long and what types of music do you recommend me to play continuously? Or are there "special" audio files made for burning in?
  16. EightyEight

    Just Got My A500~!

    I've waited a week and a half to get these, and wow Im now fooling around with my songs, and my Turtle Beach Santa Cruz configurations. Not to sound unsatisfied but, will these cans improve with non-stop playing burn-in? Special thanks to everyone at Head-fi, who have provided information...
  17. EightyEight

    For those who had order from this site, how long did it usually take to arrive at your home? (please include which state you live in)
  18. EightyEight

    Browsing Lag?

    Is it me, or do you find it hard to browse through this forum from time to time?
  19. EightyEight

    Just Order ATH A500

    wsup, im new hear and ive spent the past couple of days browsing and doing a lot of searching. I've come to the conclusion of getting the ATH A500 for the $115, and I was wondering if this was a good choice for someone who listens to hip hop and rock. Portability is not a problem. Comfort...