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  1. gardibolt

    IRIS ListenWell

    I have a pair of the IRIS headphones from their Indiegogo campaign, and they do indeed have excellent isolation even with glasses--better than my Oppo PM-3 headphones, which have good isolation. I tried them out against my Jabra 85H with ANC engaged and had similar results in blocking most...
  2. gardibolt

    = HiFiMAN HE-560 Impressions & Discussion Thread =

    I adore the combo of the HE560 v3 and my Lyr 2 hybrid. I expect the Lyr 3 would give similar results, though I haven't tried it.
  3. gardibolt

    Aeon 2 closed Impressions and Discussion

    How are these with classical? Symphonic, chamber, piano, vocal, opera?
  4. gardibolt

    Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers

    True story. I return to my D-getter Heerlen Bugle Boys every now and again, and I've reached the conclusion I could have stopped there and saved myself a lot of money and not been appreciably worse off.
  5. gardibolt

    = HiFiMAN HE-560 Impressions & Discussion Thread =

    Not in my experience. The Lyr2 that I use is about half that power (6W/32 ohms), and the HE-560 sounds glorious through it. Not overly bright (like most Beyer headphones tend to be).
  6. gardibolt

    Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers

    Yes my last transaction with him he tried to palm off a Sylvania as a Tung Sol; when I complained and he agreed to exchange I got another Sylvania. His website is a fun read, but never again. The Bugle Boy talk is making me think of putting my 1958s in to replace the 7316s finally. I like the...
  7. gardibolt

    Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers

    I hear you. I got the 7316 D Getters a couple months ago, and they haven't left my Lyr 2 since. They're going to take away my tube rolling license for overextended tube in socket violations. My 6C8Gs wonder where I went....
  8. gardibolt

    Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers

    Consider the socket savers a permanent addition to your rig. Taking them out only increases the wear on the sockets which is what you’re trying to avoid. And on the Lyr 2, the additional height boost makes it a lot easier to extract tubes.
  9. gardibolt

    Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers

    The 7316s sound much better with the Focal Clears; in fact they make the rather disappointing Clears sound better than they ever have.
  10. gardibolt

    Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers

    Finally got around to trying the Amperex 7316 1959 D getters. With the 6XX I was decidedly unimpressed, especially coming off the Valvo PWs. I’ll have to try them again with different headphones but if they still sound drab and dull they’re going back on the market.
  11. gardibolt

    Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers

    USPS tells me my 7316s from Nova Scotia have arrived so I guess I have plans for this evening.
  12. gardibolt

    Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers

    I get that "near close to 'being there' as I've heard on headphones." using them in Lyr 2 with HE-560s. Listened to Turandot (Leinsdorf, Nilsson) and it was like sitting in the sixth row at the opera. Detail, soundstage, subtleties galore.
  13. gardibolt

    Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers

    Hi guys, miss me? :sunglasses: Been super busy and didn’t have any money to blow on tubes anyway so didn’t have a chance to check in for a while. But whoa, 150 pages to catch up on? You’ve been busy too! Glad to see that in my absence many of you have discovered the glories of the Telefunken...
  14. gardibolt

    Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers

    The GE 5670 triple micas actually sound pretty good with the super dark T1s. Probably too bright for anything else.
  15. gardibolt

    Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers

    Had a weird experience listening on my T1 with my Ken-Rad 12AX7s. After a couple hours the sound got softer and softer till I had to put the Lyr 2 on high gain full volume. I tried again the other day with some cheap GE 5670s (just in case the Lyr was about to go haywire) and it sounded fine...
  16. gardibolt

    Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers

    I’ve been trying different headphones with the blue label Valvo 6201s for the last few weeks. Interestingly, one of the best combinations with them are the 6XX; they bring a new level of clarity, soundstage and positioning to these headphones that I’ve not been that wild about.
  17. gardibolt

    Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers

    I think I have an extra set of the 6C8G but can’t remember if they’re TS or KR. I can check later tonight if you’re interested.
  18. gardibolt

    Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers

    You’re in for a treat with those Tele ECC801S. They’re my all time favorite tubes, especially paired with HE-560. We had some extensive discussions about them a couple dozen pages back. Mine have some kind of wacky construction but they’re terrific.
  19. gardibolt

    Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers

    Happy New Years all you tubeheads! And congratulations to Bill!
  20. gardibolt

    Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers

    AC is a great guy; I sent him a box of tubes to test and got them back quickly with full results. He can also give you some good tube recommendations based on your listening preferences.
  21. gardibolt

    Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers

    I just posted the other day how much I was liking the 396A from TK so yes, still plenty to love in the Old World. Turns out the 6201s aren’t noisy after all but instead my tinnitus is back. hopefully it calms down so I can listen to music over the holidays.
  22. gardibolt

    Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers

    The PW Valvo 6201s arrived. Good sound but pretty noisy. We will see if burn in helps but not optimistic.
  23. gardibolt

    Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers

    The WE 396As from TK sound great with the Focal Clears. Currently showing in my avatar.
  24. gardibolt

    Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers Feel like I did ok on these?
  25. gardibolt

    Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers

    My understanding is Siemens should have 4 seams on the top and I’m not seeing any seams.