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  1. NinjaQuick

    「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge

    Anything unexpected worth watching this season, don't really want to sub to funi but am willing...
  2. NinjaQuick

    Here's what Beats by Dre president says about the headphones that DJ uses (according to commercial)

    People legitimately think beats and bose are high end sound. I admit they are sound, but high end is high fidelity, and bose /beats barely have any fidelity to source.
  3. NinjaQuick

    The AKG K7XX Massdrop First Edition Thread

    Biggest issue I have with my 7xx is the peakyness at like 2khz. It is tiring.   Sound is the same from my modded ST vs. OnePlus One vs. PC out at my workstation in the office. Then again, I don't listen loud, prolly 80-90db. Enough good power to listen in flight though (tested oneplusone, used...
  4. NinjaQuick

    [New] Philips Fidelio X1

    I'm working with support to get them replaced.
  5. NinjaQuick

    [New] Philips Fidelio X1

    Sad day, my X1s took a spill, and hit the ground gently, but hard enough, to break one of the plastic pins that hold the left ear cup in place.   Going to be talking to support to see about warranty and will keep you all updated.   That said: These pins are likely the weakest part of the...
  6. NinjaQuick

    Philips Fidelio X2 : A Review by Baycode

    Also, I am impressed by how the X2 managed to be different to the X1 without devaluing either option. Can't wait for when my 7XX arrive to do a comparison.   Sort of my holy trinity at the moment.
  7. NinjaQuick

    Philips Fidelio X2 : A Review by Baycode

    I read your contributions, and to put this to rest:   You were giving strong impressions of the L2 being superior, even if you constantly said it was your personal opinion, by reiterating you were establishing a theme which was pushy and caustic.   The L2 are darker than the X2, they have...
  8. NinjaQuick

    Philips Fidelio X2?!

    heh, just saw someone here wants the X2 on Massdrop.   Voted as well. I'm waiting for the 7XX, but wouldn't mind having the X-siblings at my desk as well.
  9. NinjaQuick

    Philips Fidelio X2 : A Review by Baycode

    I'd say the M50s are pretty much the most over hyped underperformers this side of 125 dollars.   They are not comfortable, they are not clear, they are not fast... I really do not understand the attention they get.   The K612 are in the same rough price range, and are better.   The AD700s...
  10. NinjaQuick

    [New] Philips Fidelio X1

    Anything that won't add warmth to the signature is a good bet. The X1s do not need a tube amp or overly warm solid states. They are warm enough as is.
  11. NinjaQuick

    Philips Fidelio X2 : A Review by Baycode

              While everyone might have different concerns about this, I will say this:   I have worked on the production/delivery/stocking side of products in the past. Planning shipments, deliveries and stocking is highly dependent on customer (retailer) wants and needs. We might make...
  12. NinjaQuick

    [New] Philips Fidelio X1

    Well, depending on what timeframe it turns out to come in, the X2 are already available in some markets, so far the most obvious change is the removable pads (probably replaceable if Philips sells them, otherwise at least it would make it easier to refurbish the pads).
  13. NinjaQuick

    [New] Philips Fidelio X1

    I just wanted to say: I am listening to the Kill la Kill OST, because I have it. At work, laptop sound chip at the wheel, and my god, I am glad I bought these headphones. Low volume (because office and sound leakage = personal stuff in box out front door).   That is all.
  14. NinjaQuick

    Philips Fidelio X2 : A Review by Baycode

    I would be surprised if they didn't sell replacement pads, that would be gutting themselves for at least 25 (assuming 40 is per pair) per unit sold. Basically, a 60-70% replacement buy-up rate, plus it allows them to possibly expand the replacement line with optional colors or fabrics to further...
  15. NinjaQuick

    Philips Fidelio X2 : A Review by Baycode

    They are most assuredly leather. Heavily dyed though, hence the sensation of fake.
  16. NinjaQuick

    [New] Philips Fidelio X1

    Well, I have clearly stated my views are based on data/measurements. If other people prefer some other form of taste, that is up to them. If they disagree, then they should disagree in a form that adds to the discussion rather than reducing the conversation to insult driven rhetoric.    As I...
  17. NinjaQuick

    [New] Philips Fidelio X1

    Exactly. I said my bits. Children are free to take what I said an twist it in whatever way they want, or apply prejudices to it. Not an issue to me. Their immaturity and continued ignorance is their problem.   I own the X1, which is why I am in this thread.   Nice try with Monty Python...
  18. NinjaQuick

    [New] Philips Fidelio X1

    Absolutely. They are ignorant to what is good. It isn't something like "Beatles are terrible" or "Megadeth is alright". It is "Square wheels make the ride rough" type of thing.   Something people don't realize is even experts are just people limited to the experience they have. DH is a little...
  19. NinjaQuick

    [New] Philips Fidelio X1

    No, I am not arguing that it doesn't work. I am arguing that what it does to sound is quanitfiably bad. It isn't a mystical subjective loss in fidelity. It is a compressed, flanged, modulated and phased nightmare.   Stop spreading misinformation about the borderline usability of DH, you are...
  20. NinjaQuick

    [New] Philips Fidelio X1

    I've tried DH on:   SS Siberia V2 AKG 550 Bose QC15 X1s BD 770 AT 700s Beats Turtle Beaches whatevers Astro whatchamathings Sony MDR7506   And in 100% of the cases, it sounded bad. I have tried it on lots of other things as well, but it is suck.   The effect is purely...
  21. NinjaQuick

    Philips Fidelio X2?!

    Well, if the X1 got the love the L1 got in the L2... the X2 will easily be some of the best cans. At any price range.
  22. NinjaQuick

    [New] Philips Fidelio X1

    Simply put: Dolby Headphone sounds the same regardless of the cans you use. Using Dolby Headphone on something like the X1s is a waste of whatever you spent on the X1s.   If you like how it sounds, cool. Good for you, buying good headphones was a bad move though.
  23. NinjaQuick

    [New] Philips Fidelio X1

    Any amp can power the X1s. I recommend against using solutions like Dolby Headphone, though. It muddies the sound and really does a poor job of surround anyways. Many games detect stereo and output to stereo optimized, or have options to improve headphone listening.   When I do headphone movie...
  24. NinjaQuick

    [New] Philips Fidelio X1

    I use the ST, same thing as the STX, and there is no issue. That said, the DGX will sound nearly the same. If you can hear the difference you are either lying about it, or unfortunate to have used much MUCH more expensive hardware.
  25. NinjaQuick

    Philips Fidelio X1 - Low volume on PC spend more on higher up in price is clarity. For whatever that cheap thing costs, it will (arguably) not sound flawless. It will, however, be more than enough to drive the X1s.   If you still *must* have a proper sound card, then something as cheap as the Xonar DGX is all you really need.