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  • Users: Reticuli2
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  1. Reticuli2

    Are Binaural Recordings now called by some other name?

    Are Binaural Recordings now called by some other name? Considering the amount of binaural beats garbage there is on streaming services, are binaural dummy head recordings or even DSP-based HRTF productions under some different name or heading now to differentiate themselves from the annoying...
  2. Reticuli2

    Best closed 'utility' can for headphone-only DJ mixing at home? At any price.

    ...I'm liable to choose the cheaper of the two, unless the more expensive one just so happens to also be more pleasing-sounding, I suppose. I'm not *against* the headphone secondarily having a recreational purpose. Thanks. P.S. Headphone-only by-ear DJing without using speakers. Oh, and the...
  3. Reticuli2

    Looking for a Stax-compatible headset that has more treble, less and tighter bass, and is faster sounding than the SR-207

    Looking for a Stax-compatible headset that has more treble, less and tighter bass, and is faster sounding than the 207. I like the SR-207 a lot, especially for casual listening with or without tubes, but it doesn't resolve layers and details or transients with the best when things get...
  4. Reticuli2

    Could interface headphone jack damage headphone drivers?

    Anyone ever heard of or experience headphone jacks of USB audio interfaces seeming to over time degrade or damage one driver or the other when it's left plugged in? I'm wondering if there could be DC leaking from a jack. Every headphone left plugged into my two interfaces eventually seems to...
  5. Reticuli2

    I seem to prefer sealed to open headphones, even in a quiet room

    I rank the ER4S and DT1350 above the K701 and HD580, which I think lack focus & crisp transient attack and seem especially meant for very high listening levels. The ER4S and DT1350 are finicky with source, amp/jack, and seal, but once you nail that... wow. I can see myself mastering with the...
  6. Reticuli2

    Need to add delay to a headphone jack.

    I need a cheap, effective means of adding delay to a headphone jack.  This must be either built into a headphone amp or something I can put between a headphone amp and source jack.  And again, the cheaper, the better... but it must work and not sound horrible.  I'm not looking for echo, by the...
  7. Reticuli2

    Can one of those Numark and Kmart Electrets be properly run from a T-amp's speaker terminals?

    Or do I need a class A or AB amp to run those?
  8. Reticuli2

    Looking for Gel Earpads for Koss 4AA & ESP 6/9/10 series

    David Clark-style aviation headsets and the HN-7506 use gel pads with an outer rim, as many headphones use, but those are much smaller cups and pads.  The Peltor ear protectors use an inner plastic ring that their gel earpads just pop on and off from.  Anyone seen any gel pads similar in...
  9. Reticuli2

    Noise canceling headphones and using line-level, a jack, or a headphone amp.

    If noise canceling designs have a built-in amp, are they designed to be used with a headphone jack or can they be used with an adjustable line-level? I assume a dedicated amp is not needed, but are there any known impedance considerations with feeding one line-level? Is the performance better...
  10. Reticuli2

    This needs to go viral. Possibility of getting the Open Fuel Standard Act added to the new Senate transportation bill. Contact your senators in the link below. This is the most important piece of legislation in a generation. The car companies own...
  11. Reticuli2

    Industrial Shoegazer Trancey Rock with a Dynamic Range

    If you like Curve and/or Cocteau Twins, and appreciated dynamics, check this out...!/morpheme1   Dynamics come in often around 15dB RMS, which is more than many commercial releases now.  Cheap payment through Bandcamp.
  12. Reticuli2

    Open-backed, non-isolating earbuds?

    Are there any that you can think of?
  13. Reticuli2

    Looking for open can with shimmery highs, liquid-ness, great vocal intelligibility, and impedance over 200 ohms.

    Building on the perspectives of this thread and people's consensus... I'd also like people's recommendations for an open...
  14. Reticuli2

    Any threads that compare discrete class A headphone amps with at least one near-zero-ohm jack on them (2nd high ohm jack is fine, too)?

    Any threads that compare discrete class A headphone amps with at least one near-zero-ohm jack on them (2nd high ohm jack is fine, too)?
  15. Reticuli2

    You know when you pull the headphone plug out halfway and the sound becomes kind of mono?

    Is that actually a perfectly even signal to both earcups or is that lopsided to the right?  I don't care if it's the sum of both channels or if it's dropping one of them, but is it sending the same voltage and presenting the same resistance on each line?  Or is it different voltage and/or...
  16. Reticuli2

    Which amps have digital volume controls?

    Just wondering if there's a list or someone knows a bunch off the top of their head.   So far I see Fiio E6 and E7 has them.
  17. Reticuli2

    Fiio E7 firmware with analog aux input clipping indicator?

    That would be nice.  Are there any firmware upgrades with a clipping indicator for the E7?
  18. Reticuli2

    Denon AH-D2000, Beyerdynamic DT990 Pro 250ohm, Beyerdynamic DT880 600ohm, AKG Q701, used Sennheiser HD580/600, or save & wait?

    ...  Fostex T50rp (muddy, too much midrange, not enough extension), and   Sporta Pros (glassy and hyped, but a good utility headphone).   *Since I can't make up my mind and there is insufficient tests on all these headphones in the poll, how you vote and your explaination below is very...
  19. Reticuli2

    Order of DSP plug-ins in Foobar

    Does the order of the plug-in chain matter in Foobar, say if I put resample before or after EQ and crossfeed?
  20. Reticuli2

    Why aren't dual-mono airline-style connections the standard?

    I realize most people either don't care or are dopes about any technology and that's why WITHOUT government or industry consortium standards (particularly the academic and PhD driven ones), a lot of technology informally standardizes a certain way without "guidance" in less-than-optimal ways. ...
  21. Reticuli2

    The Lack of Real Data

    Fostex T50RP   Koss ESP950   Koss Sporta Pro   None of these have ever been put on a dummy head with full frequency sweeps, channel balance checking, or full range distortion tests?   There is a Porta Pro done on Headroom, but it's just a small portion of the frequency range...
  22. Reticuli2

    Fostex T50RP or Denon AH-D1001?

    Fostex T50RP or Denon AH-D1001?   For listening pleasure, studio monitoring, and djing.  I'm also considering the Audio Technica ATH-AD700, but more as a compliment to the other options.  So maybe I'll eventually get that, too.   I assume the Stanton DJ 2000 is not anywhere close to the...
  23. Reticuli2

    Mono stereo adapter

    Need a non-crappy (read that, not thin cable and prone to break) in-line mono/stereo switch for headphones   or possibly recommendations of the best headphones with this already built in.  Not very many out there, though.  Former would be cheaper.
  24. Reticuli2

    Sansa Clip 8GB & Cowon iAudio U5 Tests

    Used RMAA. Soundcard used is an Emu 1212m. Headphone simulation was done with a Y-splitter, with one end going to the Emu and the other to the headphone. I don't know if that's the correct way to do it. I also did tests using a Koss in-line volume control to add resistance or buffer...
  25. Reticuli2

    Cowon U5 or iPod Nano 5th Generation?

    I realize the 4th gen Nano has very slightly better sound specs than the 5th, but it isn't much cheaper than the 5th and lacks the pedometer and radio. So, I'm thinking the U5 or the 5th gen nano. The 8GB Nano costs twice as much and for a little more over even that I can get the 16GB one...