Reticuli2 posted the thread Any good headphone amps with both a 1:1 gain mode option *and* a polarity inversion option? in Headphone Amps (full-size).Any good headphone amps with both a 1:1 gain mode option *and* a polarity inversion option? If not, any balanced headphone amp...
Reticuli2 posted a comment on classifieds listing Sony IER-M9.How much do these usually go for if they're filterless?
Reticuli2 replied to the thread Help!!! alternative closed headphones that sound like the fantastic Beyer DT1350.It's a tough order finding something that sounds as good in a closed circumaural headphone, as the supra aural on-ear DT1350 is one of...
Reticuli2 replied to the thread The Koss ESP950 thread (ESP owners, please contribute! :).Does it occur even when the source is turned off but the E/90 is still on? That happened to mine I had way back that Tyll first...
Reticuli2 reacted to GirgleMirt's post in the thread Anything better @ $499 than Koss ESP/95X for high fidelity? with Like.Just to try to answer my own question, looking in the rank the headphones you own thread; (I won't link all individual post, just quick...
Reticuli2 replied to the thread Stax SR-X9000.Has an impulse response test and CSD waterfall plot ever been done on the Stax 9000x? I see just a frequency response sweep circulating.
Reticuli2 replied to the thread Using a headphone amp as a preamp ok?.I notice this with both the teeny tiny in-line Fiio & O2 headphone amps I have if I place them while in zero-gain buffer mode between a...