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  1. M

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Here are my very belated impressions on NiceHCK YDX All impressions had throught TempoTec V6 3,5mm, High Gain, Volume between 20 and 23 out of 100 volume steps. All using Faaeal Full Foams, except by YDX that was using Trig Rain Donut Foams, and A-Bells, which was using Trig Rain Full Foams...
  2. M

    Earbuds Round-Up

    As we are talking about cables, how do you measure cable impedance?
  3. M

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Apologies for response delay, postponing stuff is a vice. Hmm, nice thinking, an angled connector must solve it. I think i'm going for NiceHCK SnowAg as i've been eyeing this for some time now, and the curve near the connector is also very agressive Thank you for measuring, and the link! I'll...
  4. M

    Earbuds Round-Up

    I have DX6 in my collection for about a year now, and honestly, is one of my lowest ranking buds. Dark, midcentric, rolled incredibly early on both ends, muddy, bad fit (too large), and lacking techinicalities (closed in soundstage, poor resolution, avarage separation). Imaging is good, has more...
  5. M

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Good to know, that makes me feel less guilty. Totally agree I have already tried a lot of ways of improving its fit, i dare even to say that i tried most stuff. Switching R and L sides does not improve fitment; Silicone rings or are too big and/or unconfortable; Plastic earclips, hmmm, i have...
  6. M

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Now that i am re-reading your previous post, i see that you were being pretty clear, so i am the one that have to apologize for not paying enough attention the first time. Hope you're recovering well. No worries, i kind of missed yours too, sorry I am sorry for replying after so much time...
  7. M

    Earbuds Round-Up

    i would like to give my two cents about Yincrow RW-2000, at least in this soundstage regard. I have made a post in the past about being hyped for getting them, as they were featured in Woody's earbud timeline under the Earbud's for StageHeads, though i never have updated about what i thought of...
  8. M

    DIY Earbuds

    Do you think any of the two shells boost any frequencies more than the other? There's any way to deal with these reverberations? It in fact helped, thank you!
  9. M

    DIY Earbuds

    Hello Thread! If you guys allow me, i'll shower you with questions: I saw a driver on aliexpress, which I didn't see commented on here, it claims to be made of molybdenum. Has anyone tried this one yet? Has anyone tried both huayunxin shells (Wind Chime and...
  10. M

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Regarding the topic of using 3,5mm in 4,4mm via adapter, i have Tempotec Sonata E44, which comes with a 4,4mm male to 3,5mm female adapter, and is the only way to use it with 3,5mm transducers, as the 4,4mm is the main out. I think they would not provide a adapter that wasn't safe to use given...
  11. M

    Earbuds Round-Up

    I have just built my 3 first earbuds I would like to thank for all the information, people put in this thread regarding the DIY topic, and also special thanks for mt877 and Jeejack for the guides they provided, really helpful stuff. Also special thanks also to Fooltoque, who did not helped me...
  12. M

    Earbuds Round-Up

    To you, what an upgrade to the EMA must have? Better technicalities? Are you looking for any specific sound signature? I think, Lun Sheng Aeolian Bells share a lot of similarities to de EMA, but are better in most aspects, resolution, soundstage height, width (but falls short in depth)...
  13. M

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Has anyone tried these? They seem to do what the silicone rings do, but being foam, it probably is much more confortable and effective. Those silicone rings never did the trick for me. I probably should give it a try myself, but this...
  14. M

    Earbuds Round-Up

    RW2000 and Monk A1 coming home (if i'm lucky) sometime next week. Especially anxious to compare RW2000 against DB1E in soundstage. The first was listed in 'Flathead Timeline' by our retired WoodyLuvr, under the category 'Earbuds for StageHeads', and DB1E has the largest soundstage i have ever...
  15. M

    Earbuds Round-Up

    NiceHCK seems to have a new bud It has a detachable cable and its shell size has been reduced according to them It seems the connector is proprietary, but i have 2% experience with 2pin, so my eyes can be decieving me.
  16. M

    Venture Electronics Thread

    Anyone knows if Monk A1 and Monk Studio will release together? Really hope that there isn't a huge gap between both releases. Thanks in advance
  17. M

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Thank you for your impressions! I had already pulled the trigger on these buds by the time i did read you post, but it's always nice to see more opinions! Hopefully, they'll be soon at my hands so i can share my thoughts about them And talking about recent acquisitions, i just got a Temperament...
  18. M

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Well, at least to my ears, they are not the same Fiio Bass Foams take some of the treble and upper mids, and increase bass fullness and extension. Hiegi Full Foams on the other hand lets some treble, but mainly upper mids pass, also dipping the rest of the midrange, and giving bass more...
  19. M

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Congratulations on your new shiny and thank you very much for your impressions!
  20. M

    Earbuds Round-Up

    One or two day away? They're close! Can't wait to know what you think of them Yeah, i also think that delegating the DD to the low frequencies will show good results. Or at least that's the hope You're right, yet i fear this, its Smabat after all. In fact i actually kind of like a little gain...
  21. M

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Would you care to give us some more impressions about them? How are the mids and highs? The Smabat signature 2k-3k peak is present? The tuning is fatiguing? Technicalities are good? I'm sorry if I'm being too suffocating, i am really curious, have been searching for impressions on these for a...
  22. M

    Earbuds Round-Up

    I rarely use my V6 to stream music, but when i do, its wi-fi performs well. I have only streamed spotify until now and don't know how it turns out with deezer or tidal FLACs. But i can give it a try when i get home
  23. M

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Yesterday I was roaming through Shopee when I found a new earbud by Lun Sheng called Aeolian Bells, it is a dual driver (1DD 1PZT), what's a pretty rare combination of drivers in earbud world, and thus has caught my attention...