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  1. dude120

    T+A Solitaire P planar magnetostatic

    Anyone have experience with RMAing a SOL P? My left driver is failing on mine (right channel is substantially louder than the left). Was just curious if their customer support is easy to work with. On a separate note, how is the texture of the subbass on the Immanis? That was one of the...
  2. dude120

    SoCal Meet June 29th 2024

    Would be interested in going as well
  3. dude120

    Feedback by 'dude120' on listing 'ZMF Atrium Closed (AC) LTD Camphor Burl'

    Headphones were in great condition. Easy to work with and highly recommended!
  4. dude120

    ZMF Caldera Closed

    Definitely would be interested in hearing your thoughts on the WA23 as well. My setup is fairly similar (or at least will be) - have a Envy with WE's and and have an Aegis on order. I'm interested in grabbing a WA23 as I've demoed it a few times at Canjam/Audio shops briefly and enjoyed it. But...
  5. dude120

    Feliks Audio ENVY

    Envy, of course
  6. dude120

    ZMF Aegis Official Thread

    Same here! Not that I need any more headphone amps, but I'm genuinely looking forward to hearing it with all the rave reviews it and its DIY counterpart are getting. :beerchug:
  7. dude120

    ZMF Aegis Official Thread

    How tall is the Aegis? I'm about to pull the trigger on one, but I'm curious as to whether or not it'll fit on the shelves in my AV rack
  8. dude120

    Woo's New Flagship WA33

    Have both and can't imagine letting go of either. They sort of fill different niches for me in terms of what theyre good at/bring to the table and which are best with different sets headphones. I think I'd say I prefer the Envy slightly more overall, (something just fantastic about 300B's...
  9. dude120

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    I got you: :beerchug: Taken from here (the other immanis thread): Still not sure if I'd prefer this or the Valkyria. I do really like the sr1a/ca1a though
  10. dude120

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Just listened through the new Justice Album Anyone else listen to it? If so, what'd ya think? sounds phenomenal on the 1266 :jecklinsmile:
  11. dude120

    The JPS Labs: Abyss AB-1266 Impressions Thread

    Hahaha. See my line of thinking is that could be another headphone...or at least part way to one. The price of that cable could put me part of the way towards a valkyria Eh I'll prolly cave eventually
  12. dude120

    The JPS Labs: Abyss AB-1266 Impressions Thread

    It kills me that a 10 foot SC cable is like 3000 dollars though. It is no doubt nicer than stock, but As much as I've spent stupid amounts of money on this hobby I have trouble parting with 3k for a cable.
  13. dude120

    Feliks Audio ENVY

    Agreed, the Envy doesnt get as hot as my OTL amp or the WA33, but I still wouldn't stack it. It still gets pretty damn warm and generates a TON of heat. I'd tend to think the wood tends to act as an insulator so its less obviously than an amp where it has a unibody metal chassis (like mentioned...
  14. dude120

    Mod House Audio Tungsten - Planar Magnetic Headphones - Impressions and Discussion

    I realize this is seemingly the solution to everything on this forum, but I can't recommend enough a 300B amp for the tungsten. The bass and subbass are really really nice with it. (Prolly won't make one magically enjoy it if they don't already, but it is a genuinely enjoyable experience) I've...
  15. dude120

    Woo's New Flagship WA33

    It's definitely in the cards at some point this year. I heard the WEs on an envy in the ZMF room at canjam last year. Was phenomenal. Suffice it to say I had an envy on my desk a month later. :ksc75smile: Do you have any recommendations for the driver tubes as well or did you leave yours stock...
  16. dude120

    Feedback by 'dude120' on listing 'Sold: Yamaha YH-5000SE'

    Headphones arrived quickly and in great condition. Second time buying from Bonddam. Easy to work with and highly recommended !
  17. dude120

    Woo's New Flagship WA33

    Have both. Ive spent a lot more time with the Envy than the wa33EE. I...honestly think I prefer the Envy somewhat (there's something amazing about the texturing that 300B brings especially to bass notes). I have not upgraded tubes on either. That said, I really like the wa33 and it really...
  18. dude120

    Feliks Audio ENVY

    This is entirely anecdotal, but WE's seemed to pair really well with the atriums to the point where I preferred them to the Caldera on the Envy
  19. dude120

    Mod House Audio Tungsten - Planar Magnetic Headphones - Impressions and Discussion

    Yeah, ordered it directly through email. I couldve gotten it quicker had I gone for single sided, but I did double sided magnets, 2 extra wood panels, and a extra long viking weave cable. Honestly, I was frustrated at it, but Ryan was real decent to deal with and the headphones are something...
  20. dude120

    Mod House Audio Tungsten - Planar Magnetic Headphones - Impressions and Discussion

    Ordered mine direct on July 4th and got it right before christmas. Its gonna take what it takes, he's hand assembling em. but its a good set of headphones for what its worth. Absolutely shines on 300B, then again what doesnt? Like some other people here, I assuaged the pain of waiting by...
  21. dude120

    RAAL 1995 headphones, Magna and Immanis

    I seem to recall you mentioning demoing the HE1 for a bit previously, do you have any comparisons of the immanis to the HE1? (i know this is not always easy to do from memory)
  22. dude120

    Summit-Fi Random Thoughts

    Assuming its tonality is good, wouldn't that make it (hypothetically) better in almost every conceivable way than the HE1?
  23. dude120

    ETA Ada: Grado's competitor

    Anyone know ehich one of these was at canjam socal? (By the mimic audio table) I tried one of these and several of the sjy headphones and was pleasantly surprised at how good they sounded.
  24. dude120

    Raal Ribbon Headphones - SRH1A

    based off his post, tried with my chain: Holo May (xlr) -> Envy (high gain) -> xlr to the ti1b (32ohm Hi z input) -> CA1A. Sounds really good. bass response is quite good. Sounds full and highly textured. Havent tried the SR1A/B yet with this and its been well over year since I've heard the...
  25. dude120

    The JPS Labs: Abyss AB-1266 Impressions Thread

    I cant say ive had enough experience with truly totl gear, but the 300B envy w/ WE Tubes at the ZMF room @ canjam was pretty jaw dropping with the atrium of all headphones. Likewise, the red october with 300b's floored me with a Rognir. Ymmv, like anything else in this hobby based on your...