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  • Users: KT88
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  1. KT88

    Audio Measurement Pre-Amplifier

    I wanted to share my latest DIY project as it has to do with measurement of audio instruments and I though it could be of interest to other audio DIY hobbyists. I have also posted about it on the EEVblog forum which more electronics focused than audio, therefore, I'm not sure its the same...
  2. KT88

    Looking for a DAC ~800$ price range

    Hi All, I've been using my AMB gamma2 for a few years now, and finally decided I want to upgrade. I don't need it to have any other functions other than the DAC (I have a dedicated amplifier), but I don't really mind having an extra headphone out either. I've been out of the game for some time...
  3. KT88

    The "ultimate" modification for the AKG K340?

    Hello everyone,   I have this idea sitting in the back of my head for a long time, and didn't follow up mainly due to the lack of time as I'm preoccupied with other projects (some of which are related to stereo/headphones as well). Eventually I've decided to share it with this forum and see...
  4. KT88

    What's wrong with the capacitance multiplier - and how can it be improved

    ...~0.5V of droop over C4. For instance in this example with a 50Hz input (100Hz after rectification), and 10mA in the error-amp we'll need C=I/(2*Frequency*0.5)=I/Frequency=0.01/50=200uF. Obviously using a higher value of capacitance won't hurt. Here's the same simulation with these parts...
  5. KT88

    A simple voltage regulator for the DIY'ers

    <Edit> As wakibaki has suggested, I'll sum the main few points so it won't get lost in this long post. The goal of the post is to share a design of a simple voltage regulator I've designed, and go over a few of the steps along the way. The final design presented in this post is a simple discrete...
  6. KT88

    Triple-Fi 10 - Anyone tried taking them apart?

    Hi Guys,   A friend of mine wants to try building he's own IEM's. One of the options is taking apart a TF10 for the drivers (a used pair of these costs less than the drivers from Mouser).   The only question is if the drivers can be salvaged or are they held using epoxy or something of...
  7. KT88

    A good place to get parts for Hakko equipment?

    Hi Guys,   I've bought a used Hakko 470 yesterday. It wasn't in the best shape, but the price was very low (about 110$), and it was a local guy so no shipping/tax to worry about. The heater works, and the pump works. However, it needs a new nozzle, and preferably a new heater as well. While...
  8. KT88

    Need help repairing a Denon DRA-335R Amplifier

    Hi Guys,   I've picked this Denon amp today, and I'm trying to get it up and runing. I've tested it and all of the voltages in the PS look good. I've entered a 1KHz ssine wave into the amp, and with my Rigol scope was able to follow iit all the way to the output of the power BJT's. However...
  9. KT88

    A few questions about used scopes - updated

    Hello everyone, I've been into DIY for a while now, and I feel like I could use a scope for making measurements of some of the things I build, troubleshooting others, and also for the fun and learning experience. I'm an EE student, and have had a few encounters with scopes (Agilent 54621A...
  10. KT88

    Nothing that supports DDL for laptops?

    Hi Guys, I'm in need for a device that will connect to my laptop, and will be able to encode DDL to connect to my HT. I first looked at the Sondigo Callisto but its not available anymore (and I'm not sure if it supports Win7). I than almost purchased the Asus Xonar U1, but now I hear...
  11. KT88

    Asus Xonar U1 - anyone tried?

    Hi Guys, I need a nice sound card for my laptop, I dont really mind if its USB or something else as long as it fits the laptop. It must have Dolby Digital Live, and have a nice analog 2-ch output for my headphones. Are there any other options? Any comments on the U1?
  12. KT88

    Are all AD8610/20 on eBay fake?

    Hi Guys, I need a pair of AD8610/20 for my Pimeta, and since I'm not from the states I'm looking for a store with good shipping price as well. I've looked on eBay and found a pair for 21$ shipped, which seems a bit too low (especially since the same seller sells 10 packs for less the 60$)...
  13. KT88

    Anyone knows this type of insulation pads for TO220

    Hi Guys, I'm about to finish my Sigma11 (everything ready, including the case) just need to make sure the heat-sinks aren't live so they wont short to the case. I went to a local store and all they had was these pads: I was wondering if anyone has ever used these. I haven't seen these...
  14. KT88

    USB/FW/ExpressCard Sound Card for DDLive/DTS Connect

    Hi Guys, I've purchased a new laptop to replace my desktop (as I'm a student I want to be able to take my pc with me). This means I now cant use my Asus D2, and need something new. Since my HT-receiver has now HDMI ports, and I dont want to spend a lot of money upgrading it (prices in...
  15. KT88

    DC power connector for 24V?

    Hi guys, I'm about to finish the sigma11, and will soon build the Pimeta amp, both will sit inside Hammond case (1455 series). Each one will have its own case. I want to place a DC power connector on the chasis, but since its all metal, I need an insulated connector (that's panel mount). I...
  16. KT88

    Choosing a power connector + switch for the Sigma 11

    Hi Guys, So I've got all of the parts (just waiting for the MOSFET's), and I've started planing the case (it'll be the 1455N2201, since the transformer is the Antek Inc which is 3.0” Diameter x 1.5” High). I've ordered a power connector + switch a few weeks ago, and was planing where I'll put...
  17. KT88

    Need help choosing a rotary switch from Mauser's website

    Hi Guys, I'm building a Pimeta + GrubDAC combo, and I want to be able to choose between the DAC and the RCA input. I want a rotary switch with 2-3 inputs (I dont really care if there's more, just have no need for it, I'll leave the disconnected). I tried looking at mouser's website, and the...
  18. KT88

    A few questions regarding magnifier lamps

    I think I'll get me one of these, as the recent few projects involved quite a bit of SMD work (and a few more projects are on the way), and the small loupe I have at the moment is just not enough. I've started checking out the selection in some local stores, and I see there are quite a few...
  19. KT88

    My 3rd cMoy - Well, actually it about cheap cases :)

    Hi Guys, Last week I've built 2 more cMoy's. I dont really have a use for them, just had some spare time, and wanted to build something, so as always a couple of pics: (I know the V- isn't connected on the right picture, dont worry, its been fixed already, and of course cleaned the flux)...
  20. KT88

    Where would you suggest ordering the Fluke 289/FVF?

    Hi Guys, My uncle from the states is coming for a visit and I want to use the opportunity and order the Fluke 289/FVF. I was wondering which retailer is considered the best? At the moment looks like Tequipment.NET the lowest prices for test equipment are the best since they aren't...
  21. KT88

    DV336 heat issues?

    Hi Guys, I have a DV336se at the moment (isn't mine, I have it for modding). I've made a couple of mods to it (1uF capacitors in the PS, added 0.22uFx2 capacitors at the output, and a 220uF cathode bypass capacitor). It has worked for 6 hours straight after mods, and while it works and sounds...
  22. KT88

    Cheapest headphone you really love

    Hi Guys, After owning a few high-end cans like the K1000, HE60, and a few other interesting phones. And after disliking all of the current AKG/Senn/Beyer line and most of the other cans I've tried, I've finally found a headphone I like for a reasonable price which is the AD900. I was...
  23. KT88

    AD900 - A subbjective story with a detailed review

    Hi Guys, Been a long time since I've opened up a thread here. Anyway, let start off with a little introduction. Over the last few years since joining HF I've had the opportunity to own and to audition many headphones. As time went by I found myself unable to listen to all these...
  24. KT88

    Upgrading my DMM, need some help choosing

    Hi Guys, After going through a bunch of DMM's (the current going for about 60$ or so) I've decided I now have the need for a better unit which will be accurate, reliable, and will meet my needs in the next few years. I dont minding paying more, just need something that will justify it (just...
  25. KT88

    Some help understanding a circuit from "The Art Of Electronics"

    ...current at no output is 3.75A (30V across Re, meaning 112.5W is wasted on it). However, how do I find the power dissipated by Q2, is it just the voltage drop(15V)*current(3.75A)=56.25W? And last, the 100mA current source, how do I approach it, what part of it goes to Q1 and Q2? Thanks.