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  1. D

    ZMF BOKEH - Closed Back (Semi-Portable)

    I tried this when I first got them, but it was a bit too much for me. I've left them over a few nights with some music and noise on now, and things are returning to normal. Perhaps it's an LCP driver thing—that it stiffens back up a bit if not used for a prolonged period. I'm just guessing; I...
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    ZMF BOKEH - Closed Back (Semi-Portable)

    If you have just started your journey with Bokeh, I suggest giving them more time. I was a bit underwhelmed, too, the first time I listened to them. The sound opened and came into focus gradually over time, ending up sounding glorious (to me).
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    ZMF BOKEH - Closed Back (Semi-Portable)

    I was skeptical, too, in the past. Yet, with Bokeh, the sonic qualities evolved over time in ways that I cannot attribute just to the brain adjustment. Also, it's not like I listened to anything else in between to get used to something else; I just took a break from listening.
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    ZMF BOKEH - Closed Back (Semi-Portable)

    Hello! Has anyone else experienced this? I used Bokeh a lot, and after the burn-in, they sounded excellent. I then had a week or two break from listening. When I listen to them now after the break, they sound somehow muffled, the treble is kind of wishy-washy, the bass is somewhat muddy. They...
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    ZMF BOKEH - Closed Back (Semi-Portable)

    Hello! Which e-tailers will Bokeh be available from in EU (if not already)? (I.e., which are known to be the usual dealers with good stock?) Thanks!
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    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    I also initially experienced a pressure point at the very top of my head (my hair is very short), and overall, some discomfort here and there as I'm used to much lighter headphones. I could not wear them for more than an hour straight. A week later, I can't wait to put them on and listen to some...
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    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    Hey, @Salted Peanut, firtsly, I'm not experienced enough or perhaps don't even have a good enough hearing to claim any of this is real. However, I thought I heard a bit more authoritative/defined lows/lower mids (drum thump?) and tamer mids/upper-mids when running through the amp. But, if the...
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    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    You know, @yrstruly , while it sounded somewhat congested, a bit upper-mid focused, and somewhat lacking in overall depth and layering, I cannot say I didn't enjoy it. I understand the notion of these headphones being unforgiving of poor production, yet it didn't require a lot of effort to focus...
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    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    I'll give it a whirl on E3 tomorrow :)
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    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    I've been getting to know my E3-s for almost a week now. I'm learning to enjoy them more and more and more and more every day. I'm running them on Mojo 2 > Atom Amp 2 > E3. I hope this is powerful enough now as I'm too inexperienced with hi-end to draw comparisons or understand whether something...
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    ZMF BOKEH - Closed Back (Semi-Portable)

    Hello! Can anyone compare Bokeh to Sony MDR-A1M2?
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    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    Hello! Does anyone have experience or informed opinion on how E3 would compare to ZMF Bokeh? Both being closed-back and recent releases and all.
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    Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread]

    Thanks, everyone, who weighed in on the above topic! I've settled on JDS Labs Atom Amp 2 to pair with Mojo 2 for peace of mind.
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    Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread]

    Thanks! Definitely not looking to drive them at 100dB+. Also, per my understanding (of both Mojo 2 and E3 specs), Mojo 2 should drive E3 fine. Yet, claims like "it needs 1.5W to drive them properly" still throw me off. (Anyway, thanks to everyone who replied!)
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    Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread]

    Hello! Would it be a good idea to pair Mojo 2 with JDS Labs El Amp II+ for more power-hungry (planar magnetic) headphones? :thinking: I like my Mojo 2 very much and would ideally not replace it, but I am looking to upgrade from Sony MDR-A1M2 (or complement with) Dan Clark Audio E3. There are...
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    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    What kind of dB will 1.5W get you? :wink: Also, are we saying that the volume we get from E3 with 1.5W of power is the E3's "full potential"?
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    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    Thanks, everyone! I meant, in general, "E3 needs at least 1.5W to reach it's full potential." seemed to me such a categorical statement that I was wondering if there is some credible (whatever that means but for the lack of a better word for now) information on this from the manufacturer or from...
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    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    Hello! Can you please explain what the 1.5W suggestion is based on? You mentioned current, i.e., amperage, expressed in amperes and watt is a unit of power, right? I am just trying to understand whether what I have can drive E3 to its full potential or not.
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    Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread]

    Hello! How did you determine the battery is dead? Just in case, from the manual: Following full depletion of the batteries, the charge status LED will flash red for ten seconds. If coupled with the device shutting down, a recharge is required. If following a period of inactivity the device...
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    Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread]

    It's entirely possible it has been charging the times I've touched it, as I do disconnect and move it around sometimes, and when it's on, it's not easy to spot if the indicator is purple. Same cable works fine on a Windows machine, so must be the Mac M1 issue.
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    Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread]

    Before switching to Mojo 2 I used Oppo HA-2 SE, and had no such problems. It did not have USB-C either, though. On the topic of getting warm, mine does get pretty warm, too, especially in desktop mode, but not scary hot.
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    Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread]

    Thank you! I will likely do that then. It's a shame, just got mine less than a month ago. Haven't even tried connecting to my iPhone yet. If anyone has any thoughts on my other questions, I would very much appreciate if you shared them.
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    Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread]

    Hello people! I'm getting the random white noise issue from MacBook (M1). As far as I can tell, there is no specific solution. Apple's own 3m Thunderbolt cable turns to white noise in 10 seconds. Some random short USB-C cable seems to work just fine... Anyway, I wanted to ask for thoughts on...