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  1. thisissomebs

    Ath 50 vs sennheiser momentum on ear

      Just get the Momentums over-ear.
  2. thisissomebs

    Ath 50 vs sennheiser momentum on ear

      It's personal preference really haha. I think the over-ears are definitely a lot more comfortable, and if I'm not mistaken sound better because they cover your whole ear.   What do you want these headphones for?   Pure listening pleasure or are you more of the producer/engineer type?
  3. thisissomebs

    Did I break my ATH-M50's already?

      Hey try this out, it's rare to find EDM fans here lol.  
  4. thisissomebs

    Ath 50 vs sennheiser momentum on ear

    The Momentum's definitely sound better.
  5. thisissomebs

    Did I break my ATH-M50's already?

      Try listening to this,     Quietly. I get it if you're listening to soft rock or jazz, or classical but club music and rock I think should always be played loud.
  6. thisissomebs

    Did I break my ATH-M50's already?

      I can't tell if you're being serious lol but I always blast my music, if it's quiet and I don't get joy from it lol.
  7. thisissomebs

    Did I break my ATH-M50's already?

      My ears have been hurting on the inside is that bad lol. And yeah it was the EQ settings, it's flat and it sounds perfect again.
  8. thisissomebs

    Did I break my ATH-M50's already?

    No no I wish though. Hold up maybe it's the equalizer settings? I have them on bass boost is that bad?
  9. thisissomebs

    Did I break my ATH-M50's already?

    Hmm, it's not there but the sound is so much worse :(. It's quiet and dull.
  10. thisissomebs

    Did I break my ATH-M50's already?

    Amped through a Magni/Modi combo, literally I've had them for about a week and I've gotta be honest I have been playing them pretty loud. But still, what the ****.   In every song I listen too on YouTube now, all I hear is a slight crackling sound in my headphones. In. Every. Song.   What...
  11. thisissomebs

    How many pairs of Headphones did you purchase before you found "The one"?

      I took 10mg of Estazolam with some Smirnoff that got rid of my anxiety pretty well (lol) except I ended up sleeping for a day and a half instead of staying up all night. All I remember is leaving McDonald's and coming home. It's a wonder how I took that much and stayed up for a little lmao...
  12. thisissomebs

    How many pairs of Headphones did you purchase before you found "The one"?

      I hate to be doctor Google but have you looked in to things besides Western medicine?   Take this test it might help you out, it did for me.   Before you say anything these studies are rooted in Buddhism, which has way more...
  13. thisissomebs

    How many pairs of Headphones did you purchase before you found "The one"?

      I'm more of a night person so when I do stay up, I always end up making it to about 9 AM before I get oh so tired. Then I fight it. Insomnia must suck though, I get very stressed when I don't sleep, I end up getting red rashes all over the top of my hands that make me look like some type of...
  14. thisissomebs

    $2K on Portable DAP, DAC/AMP, CIEM & Cable. Recommendations please?

      That's wild. A 4000km road trip. Wow. Not in a bad way that's just a lot of driving mate. The most I've ever driven was from Jersey to NC and that took a toll on me, I enjoy traveling and sight seeing so it's no biggie though.   Anyway have you looked in to Schiit audio?
  15. thisissomebs

    ATH-M50's don't sound that much better than white apple earbuds?

    Woah woah woah is there a such thing as this for Windows Phones? The Beats amp on it sucks major. Also is there something like Poweramp for regular computer use? I know of THX Studio but I can't get it to work for my computer even though I have an MSI motherboard.
  16. thisissomebs

    So are there any car audio fans on here?

    To the 2 guys above me, I wish I knew half of what you are talking about haha. Me and my friends think putting 2 subs in the trunk, having an amp and some new speakers is like the best thing in the world. Well, I'm here to learn though.
  17. thisissomebs

    How many pairs of Headphones did you purchase before you found "The one"?

      Studies show that a lack of sleep increases your emotional response to stressors by 60%. Lucky.
  18. thisissomebs

    How many pairs of Headphones did you purchase before you found "The one"?

    I have a red pair of ATH-M50's and I am still impressed by them. $129 and I feel like a king. I'm pretty sure you guys are listening to music in the wrong way or something. I mean come on, if I had a pair of HD800's I wouldn't leave my room or sleep for days.
  19. thisissomebs

    $2K on Portable DAP, DAC/AMP, CIEM & Cable. Recommendations please?

    So you sold your car in exchange for a high end DAC and AMP?   Pretty good trade off if you ask me, I've heard with a few commands the Schiit Gungnir can fly when coupled with the Mjolnir.   In all seriousness though those two are good choices.
  20. thisissomebs

    Less than $300 Over the Ear for my Teenage Son (who wants Beats!)

    Beats are like a fashion statement more than anything. I'm 19 so I could relate. It's hard to break dumb habits. Let's see, teenage son with a little over $300 to spend. Your options are many.   At first I would say the ATH-M50's but those things are huge and only run you $120, which = $$$...
  21. thisissomebs

    The hate on beats, why?

      My dude forget looks lol. At the end of the day no one is really going to be walking around with clam shells around their ears AKA a huge pair of cans, you just look silly. Even looking at myself in the mirror with ATH-M50's I couldn't imagine myself walking around with them lol. That's what...
  22. thisissomebs

    ATH-M50's don't sound that much better than white apple earbuds?

      I think that's all in your head haha. To me it sounds like you're over thinking the whole thing. Also what are the names of the dealers from Amazon you bought from? I got mine last week from Instrumentpro.   Also are you amping them?
  23. thisissomebs

    The hate on beats, why?

      "I think the Beats still are better, I mean the HD800's are ugly! How could I ever impress my ignorant friends?"
  24. thisissomebs

    So are there any car audio fans on here?

    To respond sort of to everybody here,   I probably did post a poor example of what audiophile means to a lot people, including myself. However I really do appreciate loudness, not like the wannabe ghetto boys you see in the video, I just LOVE loud music. I'm 19 so you can't really expect me to...
  25. thisissomebs

    So are there any car audio fans on here?

    Even the most expensive and top of the line headphones such as the Sennheiser HD800 coupled with a powerful DAC and amp will never be able to compare to what it feels like to have a few subs, high ends speakers and tweeters, properly installed with its own amp in your car.   I've heard a few...