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  1. MeltedChalk

    Introduce me to new music?

    Thanks for the tips, checking it all out now. Still open to suggestions
  2. MeltedChalk

    Introduce me to new music?

    looking for some new music, all my old stuff(that I love) is getting rather old. I enjoy the majority of ELO, most of MJ's stuff, U2, Floyd, Doors, The Who but I'm looking mainly for upbeat music. More along the lines of ELO, MJ, The Who kind of thing. I'd go listen to some new bands for...
  3. MeltedChalk

    The Final Selection!!!

    I received my hotaudio usb dac today. Fast shipping, great prices, greater products and wonderful tech support. Thought there was something wrong with my dac, sent them a few e-mails, and it's working amazing now. Works great with my hd-595s' as well, I would definitely go with them.
  4. MeltedChalk

    P3 hiss, low volume. Fault of interconnect?

    Just a little update, it's working wonderfully now. I ended up e-mail support(believe it or not, he mentioned my thread here. Shows you how into the community is). 4 or 5 e-mails later they had my DAC up a running at peak performance. Great product, great support...
  5. MeltedChalk

    P3 hiss, low volume. Fault of interconnect?

    Quote: Originally Posted by HiFlight It is doubtful that the cheap interconnect could yield the symtoms that you describe. I would suggest running an MP3 player, CD or such thru the same cheap cable into your P3. I would guess that the problem lies in the components above the cheap...
  6. MeltedChalk

    P3 hiss, low volume. Fault of interconnect?

    Just got a hotaudio bit perfect dac in today, and have been running my p3 off it with one problem. There's this annoying hiss that's foolishly annoying when I turn up the volume at all. The volume also wont go up to high with the dac volume maxed, foobar volume maxed and the amp volume maxed...
  7. MeltedChalk

    Cowon s9 Album art?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Waveblade Media Monkey imo is the best thing to get everything perfect, tagging, album art,etc. If what I'm doing don't work out so well I'll switch over, thanks for the hint. I've got the tags thing working, but I've got one problem. When I...
  8. MeltedChalk

    Cowon s9 Album art?

    Quote: Originally Posted by elliot42 I found Album Art Downloader did a decent job. I also like using MusicBrainz Picard for tagging and there's a plugin for cover art as well, although the images aren't always that great. Thanks, downloading it now. Quote...
  9. MeltedChalk

    Cowon s9 Album art?

    Thanks, one more question if I can. Is there any kind of free program for finding album art for multiple albums? The few albums I'm after downloading off torrent sites always seem to have the album art displayed, yet the albums I buy never do. There must be something out there. Thanks again.
  10. MeltedChalk

    Cowon s9 Album art?

    Wondering if and how you can get album art into the cowon s9. I've searched and found nothing, but I know it's got to be possible due to the new firmware update. Anyone have an idea of how? Thanks.
  11. MeltedChalk

    So what's the word on the new Ultrasone HFI-780????

    Quote: Originally Posted by slick1ru2 You check ebay? You can get some steals from the Far East, save enough that with shipping its less then retail. I've been trying ebay 5x a day for the past few days praying for something to come up. Also been e-mail every second company that...
  12. MeltedChalk

    Recommend me closed, <$200 cans.

    Still looking. I would have thrown 200 at the ultrasones' but I can't find a reliable source with them at <$200. I also took a good look at the d2000(no isolation), D770s'(overall just bad reviews/opposite sound signature that I'm looking for), K271s(neutral reviews and bad signature). I've also...
  13. MeltedChalk

    So what's the word on the new Ultrasone HFI-780????

    Does anyone know any cheap places to buy these that ships to Canada(aside from Amazon)? Forgive me if anything has already been mentioned, but I can be bothered to go through 144 pages. Thanks.
  14. MeltedChalk

    Recommend me closed, <$200 cans.

    Thanks for all the helpful advice! I'm after reading a lot of reviews and as of right now the HFI-780s' are looking better than everything else with the DT-770s' in second. The portability and how it doesn't "need" an amp seems to have me sold. Still open for suggestions though. Thanks again!
  15. MeltedChalk

    Recommend me closed, <$200 cans.

    Quote: Originally Posted by yourstruly This might be a little over your budget, but here in the states Grado sr225's are $200 and I'd say they match your music preference very well. Not sure about Radiohead, but when I listened to Mars' Volta Frances the Mute when I auditioned them it...
  16. MeltedChalk

    Recommend me closed, <$200 cans.

    Thanks for the recommendation. The only problem is I cannot find them anywhere online for<$200. Or anywhere near 200 that ships to canada. Any hints to where I might find a reliable seller with a decent price?
  17. MeltedChalk

    Attn Canadians - Turbines sales!

    Thanks a bunch OP. Brought mine back with a receipt and they refunded my $80!. So I've got 6 new cds and and 20 dollar gift card in my pocket.
  18. MeltedChalk

    Recommend me closed, <$200 cans.

    Looking for a new set of cans. Requirements are.. -<$200 hopefully -Closed Would definitely prefer something with a "Beat's by Dre" kind of signature. The only 2 decent cans I've been able to listen to are my hd595's and beats by dre(and turbines). And contrary to popular belief I enjoy...
  19. MeltedChalk

    Decent DAC in Canada.

    Thanks a bunch, will definitely check them out.
  20. MeltedChalk

    Decent DAC in Canada.

    I'm assuming this is what I'm looking for at least. As of right now I'm either running my Hd595's off my cowon s9 or off my pc. I bought a ibasso p3 some time ago and find no use for it. Connected to both my pc and s9 I don't notice much difference in sq, then I read that a DAC would almost be...
  21. MeltedChalk

    What are those songs that you can listen to over and over ?

    Tool - The pot The Who - In Tune love it
  22. MeltedChalk

    Your 5 newest CDs (or LPs)

    Beetles - A hard days night Radiohead - ok computer Radiohead - kid A Beetles - With the beetles Tool - 10 000 days
  23. MeltedChalk

    i-basso P3 + cowon s9 = bass distortion/crackle.

    Whenever amping my s9 with the volume on the dap max out it produces this odd crackle when the bass goes deep. Yet when I lower the volume on the dap and boost the volume on the amp the crackle is reduced. I've always assumed(from reading on head-fi) that the best way to amp a dap is to turn the...
  24. MeltedChalk

    A quick heads up for any Canadian Head-fi'ers

    Quote: Originally Posted by ten7ryder Hi, I just picked up a set of Monster Turbines using the 10% off sale. At first, the sales guy rang it up without the 10% off, so I asked him. Then he told me headphones are not included in the sale so I told him "but it says so in the website" so...
  25. MeltedChalk

    A quick heads up for any Canadian Head-fi'ers

    I've been waiting for 2 week for my local Futureshop to get Turbines in. No luck so far.. Thanks for the heads up though. I get another excuse to go down and hassle the employees.