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  1. Want To Buy  Schiit USB Gen 5 (Gungnir)

    50.00 EUR
    Ships to
    1. Europe
    Looking for Schiit USB Gen 5 for Gungnir specifically. If you have upgraded to Unison USB and have a Gen 5 Board collecting dust, I'll take it!
  2. Delayeed

    Schiit Gungnir DAC

    Bought mine new 1-2 months ago and it has 3 feet
  3. Delayeed

    Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers Selling Philips E188CC SQs for 55€ one of the tubes is noisy, but still works fine. Anyway it's a bargain. Looks GREAT I bought them for ~150€
  4. Delayeed

    Schiit Mjolnir 2 Listening Impressions

    aaaand cheaper
  5. Delayeed

    Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers Just bought these for my MJ2 (using adapter), to my limited knowledge they seem good. Could somebody verify?
  6. Delayeed

    Schiit Yggdrasil Impressions thread

    I'm not sure, depends on how long it's been off. If you turn it on/off everyday and let it warm up 1 hour I would imagine it being okay.
  7. Delayeed

    Schiit Yggdrasil Impressions thread

    R2R DACs (or in this case String/Ladder hybrid DACs) need to be at a stable warm temperature to operate at their best. It's not a small difference either.
  8. Delayeed

    Headphones vs Speakers -- an Inconvenient Truth

    Agreed. My 305s also destroy every headphone I've heard in all but low level detail (Ether C is miles ahead), other than that yeah. Imaging: Not as 2D and wide as headphones, BUT way -way- more accurate. Dynamics also, oh man headphones do not even come close to dynamics that any speaker will...
  9. Delayeed

    AEON, MrSpeakers' New Closed Back Planar Magnetic Headphone

    Maybe you could tell us... ;)
  10. Delayeed

    AEON, MrSpeakers' New Closed Back Planar Magnetic Headphone

    I just find the clamping pressure to be more than I would like. For example HD600/650 doesn't really clamp at all once broken in. They don't have almost any caliper pressure, because they are made a certain width. The Ethers on the other hand clamp quite hard until the pads touch. Was asking...
  11. Delayeed

    AEON, MrSpeakers' New Closed Back Planar Magnetic Headphone

    I mean is there a way to make the headphone not as tight around your head.
  12. Delayeed

    AEON, MrSpeakers' New Closed Back Planar Magnetic Headphone

    Is there anyway to loosen the clamp on MrSpeakers Ether/Aeon headphones?
  13. Delayeed

    Schiit Yggdrasil Impressions thread

    Schiit PYST or Monoprice. If that simply does NOT make a big enough dent in your wallet and you HAVE to spend more at least avoid audioquest at all costs, nothing but false claims and bull marketing (as 99.99% of cablemakers) also avoid any cable that has silver. Maybe some Bluejeans cables...
  14. Delayeed

    Schiit Mjolnir 2 Listening Impressions

    Circlotron* LMAO. Didn't know it could run in both A and AB, that's interesting but I'm pretty sure the MOSFETs are always in use since the pre-amp tubes only do voltage amplification. Also: The stock tubes suck.
  15. Delayeed

    In search of Open-Back, Studio/Monitoring, (Low impedance?) Headphones!

    Wow that is a GREAT price for them! Very happy for you :)
  16. Delayeed

    Win a SUSVARA

    i dont even want one lmao
  17. Delayeed

    DT880 very tight on my head, any advice how to lessen it?

    That may or may not work... it's very sturdy and thick so I doubt stretching it like that will make a big difference. I've just stretched the metal arms that connect to the cups and with quite a bit of force too. The shape stays and you can always bend back, but I understand why one wouldn't...
  18. Delayeed

    DT880 very tight on my head, any advice how to lessen it?

    bend the metal carefully with hands, done so with the DT770 no problem
  19. Delayeed

    AEON, MrSpeakers' New Closed Back Planar Magnetic Headphone

    Yep. The customer service and general sluggishness and lack of communication made me order from ForzaAudioWorks. Took just 2 weeks for them to ship it and I got no complaints. The prices of their lower range cables are also very sane considering the build quality and flexibility.
  20. Delayeed

    In search of Open-Back, Studio/Monitoring, (Low impedance?) Headphones!

    Yeah it's more of a sidegrade... Usually you can get very good condition HD600s for around 200$ on eBay so that would be your best bet.
  21. Delayeed

    In search of Open-Back, Studio/Monitoring, (Low impedance?) Headphones!

    I would recommend HD558s. HD598 has grainy and sibilant treble problems which you don't want. I also think the HD558 is a better headphone all around: Pretty much neutral from what I can remember, maybe slightly warm but not rolled off or muffled sounding at all. Can get them quite cheap too...