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  1. Wfanning1


    You cannot use a standard usb cable for that connection. You need a sony digital adapter wmc-nwh10. This adapter with your usb cable will make the connection! There are 2 other ways one being diy which you will still need the wmc-nwh10 adapter for. I have a few pics posted on what you need to...
  2. Wfanning1

    Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please...

    For some reason i cant get multiple pics to attach to my apologies a couple of others[/IMG]
  3. Wfanning1

    Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please...

    Hi all! New to the party but was just finishing up a few cables and wanted some opinions on the setup? Personally, I love it by far my best tube station yet! Btw: the pro-ject media server even has an output tube buffer to my surprise they just started doing that to thier RS lineup! What isnt...
  4. Wfanning1

    FLC Technology FLC8 and FLC8s Impressions Thread

    Hi all, I got into the FLC8 long before they were ever even spoke of here! Since i make all mh own cables , i couldnt leave the stock cable alone. The first thing I learned is that its a 4 conductor cable which means you can very easily make the stock cable balanced merely by removing the 3.5...
  5. Wfanning1

    Sony PHA-3 balanced portable dac/amp

    Ok great! Thank you for clearing it all up for me! Call it a wrong side of the bed morning as i have already apologized to the board for my rant! The bottom line here was to merely give an opinion from a different view other than your own. Again my apologizes for the opinionated point of view!
  6. Wfanning1

    Sony PHA-3 balanced portable dac/amp

    My apologies to anyone if offended and will keep on topic of the board, my intent of my posts were only to help out somepne having a hard time with thier new purchase and to shed a different light on or a different thought if you will on cables and burn in. I am not trying to discourage anyone...
  7. Wfanning1

    Sony PHA-3 balanced portable dac/amp

    Funny you say that as it was MY pictures of cables that I personnally made that you had posted that helped you make yoyr own! I make all my own cables, all of them, but id be the first one to let anyone know whars good and whats not good! Shielding a usb cable is normal but once its shielded you...
  8. Wfanning1

    Sony PHA-3 balanced portable dac/amp

    Sorry as i have no clue what you mean by pushing it to get the best ? Its only as good as its specs and parts used to make it, i dont care how many hours of "burn-in" or cables used! its a great amp cause sony made it a great amp (other than dropping the ball on that stupid wmport cable) but i...
  9. Wfanning1

    Sony PHA-3 balanced portable dac/amp

    Please keep in mind when talkung abouf a digital signal vs. an analog signal that upgraded cables will NOT make drastic changes in any sound reproduction! I mean its already digital you cant make it more digital by any means! Just to make it a bur easier to understand, if you standard digital...
  10. Wfanning1

    Sony PHA-3 balanced portable dac/amp

    Hi kylan, ive owned all the hi res sony stuff including zx1, zx2, pha1,pha2 and pha3 the x5's and z7's also! I make all the necessary cables to run any device with the pha3. You made a good choice with the pha3 dont fret! Feel free to message me to help ya out if you woukd like!
  11. Wfanning1

    The all new Continental Dual Mono

    I use the andromeda with the cdm and little to no hiss, i own the jupiter s well and the jupiter is super sensative above the rest of the CA lineup
  12. Wfanning1

    AK 240 Stainless Steel Edition Thread

    As with all ak240's , a little play is completely normal and no reason to worry! Thanks
  13. Wfanning1

    Sony PHA-3 balanced portable dac/amp

    Good call! I myself have never had an issue moving my pha3 while on the charger or it comming disconnected? Doesnt sound like a global issue maybe a batch issue if anything?
  14. Wfanning1

    The all new Continental Dual Mono

    Anyone know where i can pickup a vannuys case for my cdm? Ive got the star cass and alo brown leather sleeve , either of which i am not fond of the star case is too bulky abd the alo sleeve just diesnt fit well on the csm and very loose! Thanks for any and all help!!
  15. Wfanning1

    The all new Continental Dual Mono

    A few other pics that didnt upload for sime reason? and another one more if want others or more detail please message me and i will be happy to help! Thanks again
  16. Wfanning1

    The all new Continental Dual Mono

    Hi ken, Heres an update to my original therory of using the ak300 series with the cdm. Pictures are included and or will follow! Let me start out by saying that it was quite the interesting weekend trying to make the cdm work with the ak3xx's! After updating my ak320 with the latest firmware...
  17. Wfanning1

    The all new Continental Dual Mono

    Hi kb, curious as a new firmware for the 300 series AK's has opened up the usb audio out however ive only been successful using my ak320 with the sony pha3 via usb! The ak will not "see" the cdm upon a micro to micro connection, this and the use of an otg cable may solve thaf issue and allow the...
  18. Wfanning1

    JVC SU-AX7 - new portable headphone amp/dac

    I have the amp amd and jave only used it a handful of times, o havwnt paired it with your asking but imo its a good amp for sure! Be sure to see mine in the classifieds soon!
  19. Wfanning1

    DIY Cable Gallery!!

    Here's a quickie I whipped up.... 28awg spc stranded. Dont really care for the blue color but i got a smokin deal on 500 feet of it! [/IMG][/IMG] the cable is a 8 wire box braid to 4 wire round braid on each side
  20. Wfanning1


    Has anyone tried The are actuallu a fiio distibutor in the US and carry all fiio products at normal cost! Ive bought many times from them abd have always had good service!
  21. Wfanning1


    Just for the sake of defense and standing behind my work, the last cable picture of the digital sony cable (below the lunashops one) is mine I posted the picture to not only show the internals of that cable but to also show why its needed and why you DONT want to buy the other cables that are...
  22. Wfanning1

    FLC Technology FLC8 and FLC8s Impressions Thread

    Its not balanced with a 3.5 plug, it just has all 4 conductors inside the cable, so making it a balanced cable is feesable without buying a new cable simply by cutting off the original 3.5 and installing your own 2.5/3.5 4 pole balanced plug! So for your questions, no you cannot just add an...
  23. Wfanning1

    FLC Technology FLC8 and FLC8s Impressions Thread

    Wel well played my good man! And completely agree as well!
  24. Wfanning1

    DIY Cable Gallery!!

    To add upon what was already said, i personally use a cordless drill to do the twisting for me but be sure to use a variable speed drill or you will find yourself over twisting and knotting up your wire! By using the drill, you can make the twist very symmetrical and if it gets twisted 50...