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  1. _Rand_

    Blue Jeans Cable LC-1 or 1505F?

    Quote: Originally Posted by penguindude Where do u live? Oakville, just around the corner from you. I'm actually sorta surprised it doesn't say that under my name, must have forgot to fill it in.
  2. _Rand_

    Blue Jeans Cable LC-1 or 1505F?

    I bought a couple cables from Blue-Jeans. Never payed customs. Can't remember how they were marked though, your mileage might vary. I have the LC-1 for my amp, the other is a digital audio cable (1505F I think) but since they are different types of cable (and in the same chain too ) I can't...
  3. _Rand_

    128kbps MP3's sound indistinguishbly transparent to me

    I actually have a 64kbps mp3 and a 256kbps mp3 of the same song on hand. The difference is amazing... entire instruments are practically missing, cymbals for example are turned into dull thuds. Its pretty funny really .
  4. _Rand_

    Awesome song

    Those are probably illegal. They are from an anime, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. More specifically the first soundtrack and one of the singles assuming Rise isn't the cut down version from the first sound track. I own 4/5 of the cds for the show actually, they are available...
  5. _Rand_

    X-fi XtremeMusic just installed - WOW

    Quote: Originally Posted by oqvist Xtremegamer is a cheaper and dumbed down version of the Xtrememusic... Im fairly certain that originally the Xtremegamer and Xtrememusic were practially identical, but now the Xtremegamer has been replaced with a extremely dumbed down version...
  6. _Rand_

    Head Fi: You make me spend too much money

    Quote: Originally Posted by MaloS You did not heed the 'welcome to head-fi' warning That is steep, 50 posts and you are already at over a grand of expences How do you plan on celebrating you 100th post? So far this year I have bought a Musiland MD-10, a Headsave and K701s...
  7. _Rand_

    X-fi XtremeMusic just installed - WOW

    I actually want to get rid of my X-fi Xtrememusic. For reasons entirely unrelated to audio quality though, I was always quite happy with that however, I'm quite disappointed with the amount of connectors that the xtrememusic gives me without buying additional parts. Creative Labs also has...
  8. _Rand_

    Help me decide what headphones to buy.

    Im looking to buy some new headphones, my HD580s are getting a bit long in the tooth (over 3 years old now) and I'm looking to try something new. I have been quite happy with my HD580s so HD650s are a natural upgrade path but I'm not convinced to get these just yet. Im also looking at...
  9. _Rand_

    Musiland MD-10

    Looks like I got lucky when I ordered my MD10. Got it from pacific valve back when its was $255, $287 and change with shipping IIRC. Im quite happy with it btw .
  10. _Rand_

    Musiland MD 10 just arrived

    I just hooked mine up about 10 minutes ago. Initial impressions are quite good, bass is noticeably improved over the output of my x-fi but otherwise its hard to say just yet, I wont have much time to play until later. I do like the little LCD and all the settings you can get though Ok...
  11. _Rand_

    Newbie help-> Headphone stands??

    This is mine, its hand built. Still needs another coat of paint though (as you can see in the picture .) Cheap too. About $30 worth of stuff including paint, brushes and other misc stuff but that will get you enough of that to make a hundred of them minus the wood.
  12. _Rand_

    Circuit error in Lite DAC-AH: Easy fix

    Thats just the thing, I can't get mine lower than about 3.85v. Not sure why unless I somehow damaged the pot. Almost forgot, I somehow managed to rip the LED wires off the board, where the hell were those soldered on? Its not a big deal really, but I would prefer that it work. EDIT...
  13. _Rand_

    Circuit error in Lite DAC-AH: Easy fix

    So... I sort of fixed the problem. Got the new capacitors today and the static is completely gone, however the volume level, but only on the right channel is VERY low. Like 1/5th the left channel. The left however, sounds more or less perfect. Any ideas where to start looking? Im...
  14. _Rand_

    Circuit error in Lite DAC-AH: Easy fix

    I get 301 ohm on pins 6 and 8 on all the TDA1543s so that seems fine. I hope this whole problem wasn't caused by me breaking the damn pot . If it was I'm gonna have all sorts of mods on the way . Pretty much everything but a opamp upgrade actually. Plus a solder sucker. You ever tried to...
  15. _Rand_

    Circuit error in Lite DAC-AH: Easy fix

    I get 18.3k between pins 5 and 7 when the meter is set to 200k. Thats pretty far off 340 ohm. Do keep in mind there is nothing at C6 or C8 at the moment, and while I was taking those out I put 150ohm resistors at R35 and R36. A little off the 163 ohm ideal, but I had 150 ohm resistors handy...
  16. _Rand_

    Circuit error in Lite DAC-AH: Easy fix

    The part you listed seems to be discontinued. I found this though: 3296W-102-ND from the picture it looks VERY similar. Might even be the same part actually but branded with a different name. The stock one appears to say BAOSH 3296. Thats not in stock though. 3299-201-ND is however and...
  17. _Rand_

    Circuit error in Lite DAC-AH: Easy fix

    I get 2.15v between pins 4 and 7, is are those the ones I'm supposed to be measuring? Also I can't see any places where traces are shorted, everything looks like it should be connected as is, following what traces I can see anyways. Playing around with my continuity tester it appears one...
  18. _Rand_

    Circuit error in Lite DAC-AH: Easy fix

    So I have enough capacitors on the way to replace C5,6,7,8,12,13,14,15 with .1uf 63v Polypropylene Film caps. Assuming getting those in doesn't work, where should I look next? A messed up TDA1543? Im pretty determined to get this working again, as well as (re)learning some electronics stuff...
  19. _Rand_

    Circuit error in Lite DAC-AH: Easy fix

    Quote: Originally Posted by Kim Hardee Just remove the damaged caps. They are just local power supply decoupling caps to reduce power supply noise. If the noise you were hearing goes away then you'll know for sure that the caps are bad. It would still be a good idea to replace them but...
  20. _Rand_

    Circuit error in Lite DAC-AH: Easy fix

    Stupid question, are there any capacitor values that would "work" that I might be able to pull off an old soundcard or something? Nothing permanent, just something that would work well enough to make sure I haven't done any real serious damage. Or work until I get a proper replacement even...
  21. _Rand_

    Circuit error in Lite DAC-AH: Easy fix

    Adjusting the trim pot doesn't seem to do anything actually no matter how much I turn it, Just how much do you have to turn the damn thing? Plus I removed the resistors while trying to figure out what the the hell I did. The problem is the same whether the stock resistors or with the...
  22. _Rand_

    Circuit error in Lite DAC-AH: Easy fix

    So... I did this mod and seem to have screwed something up somehow. The audio volume is much lower now and there is a ton of static. Im not sure what obviously, but I seem to have damaged c6,right below R35 (towards the power switch) It looks like I melted the corner of it somewhat. Can...
  23. _Rand_

    Circuit error in Lite DAC-AH: Easy fix

    I don't have an optical connection unfortunately. At least not without spending $50 on a breakout box thingy for my X-fi. Ill just have to deal with my weird as hell 1/8" mono - RCA cable . Besides, I paid $20 for the thing. I get no hiss/squeal as long as the coax is connected or only...
  24. _Rand_

    Circuit error in Lite DAC-AH: Easy fix

    Quote: This really makes me wonder what happens when you use the optical input? Does it still make the whining sound when usiing that input? Its actually getting odder. I get a whine when switched to optical and nothing is plugged into optical, but only if something is plugged into...
  25. _Rand_

    Circuit error in Lite DAC-AH: Easy fix

    Quote: Also, when using the DAC-AH HA, if I turn the volume on my preamp all the way up (or most of the way up), there is a very audible whine in the left channel. At first I got very worried and thought the driver in my K1000 was dead, but when I hooked it back up to the analog out on the...