Recent content by RyanH
  1. RyanH

    Darkvoice/La Figaro 336c or the 332c, 332s

    Sorry to necro but thought it better than to start a new thread. Can someone explain the difference between the Darkvoice 336SE and La Figaro 336C as those are the only 2 versions I can find. The Darkvoice 336i was an older model? I plan on pairing one of these amps with my DT880 600ohm
  2. RyanH

    The Beyerdynamic DT880 Discussion thread

    May I ask where I can find a good deal on these headphones? Cheapest I can find new is ~$350. I live in the US
  3. RyanH

    Denon D2000/D5000, MD2000/MD5000 Thread!

    Can someone recommend me a good amp for my D2000 with my Xonar Essence STX soundcard as the source? My budget is roughly $100-$200 I'm looking to tighten up the bass and the present the mids more if that's at all possible. I keep hearing the E11 and O2 as suggestions but are those a noticeable...
  4. RyanH

    The best for electronic music

    Quote: Originally Posted by catscratch Potentially brilliantly, but you do need good stats in a good system. The HE90 is the best chillout/downtempo headphone on the face of the earth. The O2 (Mk1) is almost as good (smaller soundstage but much more focused imaging) with chillout and a...
  5. RyanH

    Help me discover creative electronic music

    4 pages of recommendations and not one mention of juno reactor what is the world coming to! If you prefer a more organic sound with other natural elements integrated I would recommend you give juno a listen. His sound has changed alot since his first work though. For a HAL from space oddyssey...
  6. RyanH

    The best for electronic music

    Would just like your opinions on how well stats do with electronica. OP said his budget is >1k so that would leave alot of great stat cans available SR404,303, lambda, etc. How does the speed and detail compare to the likes of the SA5000, DT880, D2000, AD2000 and other highly recommended...