Recent content by moosefet
  1. moosefet

    Millett "Starving Student" hybrid amp

    I posted a 12SR7 build I did of this in here a couple years ago (this post) and I just built another one for a friend who wanted one. This time I etched the front with control labels. The silly lizard poking his tongue out is a bit of an inside joke and he's also a big tumbleweed fan who have a...
  2. moosefet

    Bypass potentiometer on Bravo audio V2

    yes thats normal, fully turned clockwise will put a pot at its max resistance. fully counter clockwise will give you 0, basically open circuit.    Unless its wired backwards of course.
  3. moosefet

    Bypass potentiometer on Bravo audio V2

    do you have a multimeter? set the knob to where you'd like it and measure the resistance across it, thats the value resistor you need.
  4. moosefet

    I made my own headphones!

    this is the biggest thing DIY is about for me, not saving money but getting exactly what you want because nobody else makes it yet.
  5. moosefet

    Millett "Starving Student" hybrid amp

    A friend of mine who had also built one of these had a heap of 12SR7s that he decided to ship all the way from NY (I live in Australia) to me for my birthday.     So far I had only built guitar amplifiers and guitar pedals so this was my first hi-fi project. So easy though!   First step...
  6. moosefet

    Rate the video games you're currently playing

    xcom 2 is the shiiiiiiiiit     I r8 it 8/8 gr8 m8
  7. moosefet

    Your top 5 albums of 2016

  8. moosefet

    New Portal and Half Life Movie

    Those games play with such a linear, clear and flowing narrative I really don't see any point in making movies out of them.
  9. moosefet

    Which headphones do you use for PC gaming?

    I just use ath-m50 for everything B)
  10. moosefet

    Are you a console or PC gamer?

    my dad was a programmer so I grew up playing on a PC and have always found console games to be lacking a certain depth that I get out of PC games. There are some console games I do enjoy a lot but I'm never totally satisfied as I can be with some PC games.
  11. moosefet

    Where are all of the builders?

    I've been building tube guitar amps and pedals for years and have only just started getting into doing simple hi-fi stuff starting with headphone amps. Sad to hear this forum's DIY section is apparently diminishing.
  12. moosefet

    Tin of FETs Altoids sized headphone amplifier (not a CMoy variation!)

    I've never been able to find altoids tins in australia and they look so great for little projects like this
  13. moosefet


    these all look great.   A few times I've seen these white styrofoam mannequin heads at a local shop and liked the idea of getting one and painting it up to look like a zombie or something and using as a headphone stand.
  14. moosefet

    Best glue for earpad repair

    shoe glue of some sort would definitely be what I would use.