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    • jseaber
      jseaber reacted to stanrozenfeld's post in the thread JDS Labs Atom 2 with Like Like.
      I had a chance to compare Atom DAC 2 and Atom Amp 2 separately with far more expensive units from various other manufacturers. As far as...
    • jseaber
      jseaber reacted to spydrwebb44's post in the thread Hi, I'm JDS with Like Like.
      Super old thread, I know... but had to stop in to thank you for what's sure to be a great improvement on the original Atom stack, my...
    • jseaber
      jseaber reacted to Pirastro's comment on item JDS Labs Element III with Like Like.
      I received my Element III a few days ago, and I'm incredibly happy with it! It replaces a Marantz HD-DAC1 and surpasses it on all...
    • jseaber
      jseaber reacted to Jaytiss's comment on item JDS Labs Element III with Like Like.
      I got the MK 2 today. I really like it. Feels great and sounds great. It was easy to set up, it powers my hard-to-drive headphones...
    • jseaber
      jseaber replied to the thread JDSlabs Element III impressions.
      Yes, that's all correct!
    • jseaber
      jseaber replied to the thread JDSlabs Element III impressions.
      @HeyWaj10 The parametric bass and treble controls currently allow custom frequency and gain adjustment. There is no support for notch...
    • jseaber
      jseaber reacted to LXMc's post in the thread JDSlabs Element III impressions with Like Like.
      As I currently listen to my Auteur Classic on my Element III, I think it's really cool that you guys and ZMF have this connection...
    • jseaber
      jseaber replied to the thread JDSlabs Element III impressions.
      Thanks, Oscar. I've been MIA from Head-Fi for too long! Head-Fi is still a great resource for new releases and impressions, and we're...
    • jseaber
      Excited to join you guys, thanks for the mention!
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