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      droenald reacted to frkasper's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      Howdy all, I just wanted to make a short follow-up on the enginEAR ARE-164r. For some context: :point_down: I give up. I don't like...
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      droenald replied to the thread Earbuds Round-Up.
      It has turned out over the last months, that I am taking 2 or 3 earbuds to work with me. I'll mostly start with what is plugged in on...
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      droenald replied to the thread DIY Earbuds.
      I would like to congratulate you for your choice of username @notamethlab. This must be one of the most funny things I have seen on the...
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      droenald reacted to h8uthemost's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      Very nice read. :)
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      droenald reacted to ttorbic's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      Ooooh nice! I've been waiting for more detailed impressions on DM7Ti so thanks in advance ;) Only 1 person on here has that...
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      droenald reacted to dykzei's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      So as nobody bothered to get DM7Ti and try if it works over ear wearing style like most IEM - I pulled the trigger on that and expecting...
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      droenald reacted to SbassX's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      This was a great read and pretty insightful!
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      droenald replied to the thread Earbuds Round-Up.
      Congrats on your purchase! I hope for you they are not too similar sounding to the DBX or DB1. I don't think so. But I like the treble...
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      droenald reacted to barato's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      Simple Fiio FF1 Mod Metal Filter Removal: Seems some people aren't overjoyed with the FF1 performance, I have similar feelings. The...
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      droenald reacted to Tarnum's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      I was lucky having it with only 20$ as one of first buyers. Some comparison with LBBS which I had before: bass of Kaza is fuller, bigger...
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      droenald reacted to dykzei's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      ...but don't expect "detailed" impressions from me haha, because I don't write up in great manner, I think it's a talent only some grow...
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      droenald replied to the thread Earbuds Round-Up.
      Thank you! Please be aware, that all this is extremely subjective and only reflects my preferences. It might come off as if GAS3 or...
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      droenald reacted to sofastreamer's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      hi hi, i am not totally sure yet, if id call them a straight upgrade from the p2. tonaly, timbre and overall tuning are on a very high...
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      droenald reacted to ttorbic's post in the thread Earbuds Round-Up with Like Like.
      Awesome write up, thanks for sharing! This matches my impressions of GAS3!
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      droenald replied to the thread Earbuds Round-Up.
      Comparison between Yincrow RW3000, Venture Electronics Small Metal Gold, Temperament DBX and Rikubuds Grand Alter Saber 3: Disclaimer: I...
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