Recent content by Heidegger
  1. Heidegger

    Reply to review by 'heidegger' on item 'Sennheiser HD 280 Headphones'

    I've had the 280 for years and years. They are definitely uncomfortable. The clamping force is way too strong. As for the sound, I generally agree with you except that they sound much better from a distance. I actually open them up and use them as mini-speakers, and they sound quite impressive...
  2. Heidegger

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    Well, here's more evidence why we shouldn't always take old scientific assumptions as eternal verities:  Exciting chatter in the physics world today - Neutrinos travelling faster than the speed of light? Hmmm...
  3. Heidegger

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    Quote: It depends what aspect of hearing you're comparing. Human hearing can be very precise, for example in our ability to locate the source of a sound when waves reach one of our ears before the other. This is one factor to keep in mind when judging SACD. I think Ethan said that null...
  4. Heidegger

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    Quote: Not really. You should spend your money on the equipment that sounds best to you, assuming you can afford it.  
  5. Heidegger

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

      Quote: Do you realize how much you're sweeping under the rug with that post? But Prog Rock Man is right, this train of thought is off topic. I'll give it a rest.  
  6. Heidegger

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

      Quote: Fine, but listening to music isn't about being objective.  
  7. Heidegger

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    Who said anything about believing wild guesses? Regarding audio matters, you don't need to believe anything I or anybody else tells you. My point is: listen for yourself. To which you say, I don't need to listen because the science already tells me ahead of time what I will hear. That's what I...
  8. Heidegger

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    When seeking to acquire a good headphone system, how much science does the average consumer need to take into account? In my opinion, very little to none. Instead of obssessing over the latest ABX results, try as many headphones/amp/source combinations as you can afford and stick with the one...
  9. Heidegger

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    Quote: You admitted yourself some pages back that science isn't perfect, that it has its limitations.  
  10. Heidegger

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    You're so wrong. We're not chemical and electrical machines. We're not machines at all. Try again. It's amazing to me that we would equate ourselves with the things we build (machines). We're so much more than that.   Quote:
  11. Heidegger

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    Quote: I'm all for real improvements, but imaginary ones are real if they sound THIS good.  
  12. Heidegger

    I think I'm in too deep.

    Quote: Wow, you dreamed headphones. Congrats, you are VERY DEEP into this hobby (and I mean that; that is, if you actually dreamed about it). I own the Sennheiser HD650 (actually, I own various pairs, including Sennheiser 280pro, but the HD650 is by far the best headphone I have). Allow...
  13. Heidegger

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

      Quote: The thing about the subjective domain, it doesn't exist independently of an outside world. And the thing about the placebo effect, expectation bias, and listening with your eyes -- when it is happening to you, you believe the improvement is real. That's precisely what makes the...
  14. Heidegger

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

      Quote: That is exactly how I feel.   Think of it this way: You dine at a restaurant with somebody you like. You're having a good time with this person, and the meal tastes great. A week later you return to the same restaurant and sit at the very same table and order the very same...
  15. Heidegger

    Testing audiophile claims and myths

    Let the record show that nobody has raised their hand. Experience counts for something indeed it does.