Who wants Grado HP-1ks brought back?
May 9, 2003 at 1:35 AM Post #16 of 61
Definitely BRING THEM BACK!! It would be nice if John Grado, who I believe hand made the HP-1000s, would start listening to what other people think and not just listen to what he thinks. Those HP-1000s are absolutely incredible headphones. I don't think anything short of some R10s or Stax can touch them, and each of those cost WAY more than the HP's do.
May 9, 2003 at 1:40 AM Post #17 of 61
I wonder if all the issues are with whether they are truly his product. I have a pair of HP-2s and when I called about sending them in to be checked out, I was referred to his uncle, if memory serves me. If he had control of the decision, why wouldn't Grado coordinate this rather than routing it to someone else.
May 9, 2003 at 1:50 AM Post #18 of 61
They are crazy not to bring them back. Honestly, I really love my W1000. The HP-1 or HP-2 are about the only headphones I will consider upgrading to. They would make a lot of money off of all of us if they were to bring them back, w/the flat pads. They should also put some effort into designing new pads that increase the sound quality; but first and foremost, they should bring back the HP-1000 and flat pads.
May 9, 2003 at 2:33 AM Post #19 of 61

Originally posted by ServinginEcuador
It would be nice if John Grado, who I believe hand made the HP-1000s,

Maybe he's got too many repressed memories about sitting in his uncle's sweat shop making headphones...
May 9, 2003 at 2:35 AM Post #20 of 61

Originally posted by JMT
Hell, I'd be happy with the flat pads coming back.

Hey. that's a horrible, horrible, idea..

To bring back the HP-1000, though.. that's a great idea.
May 9, 2003 at 2:36 AM Post #21 of 61
Seriously, there are actually seven people who have voted no? Besides Grinch, who else would vote no?
(jk Grinch
May 9, 2003 at 3:50 AM Post #23 of 61
I'm sure if they really tried they could, but they might not want to mess with the heritage that the orginal Grado Founder made. Perhaps they'll introduce it as a special anniversary edition
May 9, 2003 at 4:05 AM Post #24 of 61
I think I read that Grado thinks the RS 1 with bowls has a much better soundstage than HP-1000 with flats. Perhaps he has oddly shaped outer ears, or bizarrely deformed ear canals?
May 9, 2003 at 4:13 AM Post #25 of 61
he won't ever make them again. i wouldn't be suprised if it's cemented in his head that they suck. he's probably only heard them on the hpa-1 and ra-1 (maybe a melos.. but i'm not even sure of that) and this could explain his feelings on the subject. plus when he took over the company, they were on the verge of bankrupcy and his leadership saved the company and the redesigned line of headphones surely helped in that respect.

although, i still think the hp-1000 bitchslaps their current reference rs-1 and i haven't heard of anybody (who's heard both, properly amped) prefer the rs-1 over it when sound is concerned. the rs-1's are definitely more comfortable due to how light they are, but the hp-1000's are just better, damnit.

i really think this poll is in despair, considering they won't even put up the funds to spend the money buying flat pads.. i still can't believe they'll only make them in batches of ten thousand.

i've heard of people paying $1,000 for mint nib hp-1 headphones. i wouldn't be suprised that if they did come back, they'd sell for that. maybe if we're lucky they'd be like $800. so even if 1,000 members of this forum DID vote for the hp-1000's to return, there's no way in sin that many would actually buy them.

it sucks, but that is life. oh well..
May 9, 2003 at 4:20 AM Post #26 of 61

Originally posted by grinch
i haven't heard of anybody (who's heard both, properly amped) prefer the rs-1 over it when sound is concerned. the rs-1's are definitely more comfortable due to how light they are, but the hp-1000's are just better, damnit.

You have very selective memory then.

May 9, 2003 at 4:30 AM Post #27 of 61

Originally posted by ServinginEcuador
I don't think anything short of some R10s or Stax can touch them, and each of those cost WAY more than the HP's do.


Originally posted by grinch
i've heard of people paying $1,000 for mint nib hp-1 headphones. i wouldn't be suprised that if they did come back, they'd sell for that. maybe if we're lucky they'd be like $800.

And therein lies a point. You CAN get Staxs for around $800 or less, and almost certainly below $1000. Also, while I've read many an impression on how the HP-1ks are the most neutral headphones around, I've seen very little people obtain a pair of HP-1000s and STOP. On the other hand, I have seen many people obtain Staxs and completely halt their headphone spending. So in reality, are the HP-1000s really that great, or are we just fooling ourselves with its rarity and build? It's as though the HP-1000s have turned into just something to have for collectibility and bragging rights rather than as a true music conveyor.
May 9, 2003 at 4:42 AM Post #28 of 61

i haven't heard of anybody (who's heard both, properly amped) prefer the rs-1 over it when sound is concerned.

There are many people who prefer the RS-1s to the HP-1s, (though for some it's qualified by taking musical genre into account). For example:

"A Great Set A' Cans"

Alexander Derevin

Renaud Dreyer



(I didn't plan the upside-down pyramid effect, but there it is!)

This guy thinks the SR-60s rival and might in fact beat the HP-1:

"A Musician Compares Headphones to the Real Thing"
May 9, 2003 at 5:31 AM Post #29 of 61

Originally posted by shivohum
There are many people who prefer the RS-1s to the HP-1s, (though for some it's qualified by taking musical genre into account). For example:

"A Great Set A' Cans"

Alexander Derevin

Renaud Dreyer



(I didn't plan the upside-down pyramid effect, but there it is!)

This guy thinks the SR-60s rival and might in fact beat the HP-1:

"A Musician Compares Headphones to the Real Thing"

different people have different preferences , but man - what are these people smoking?

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