The discovery thread!
Oct 26, 2013 at 8:53 PM Post #15,902 of 124,790
  God, imagine if the punch was even more tight - I think I'd leave.
Expect a Moxpad vs newMono comparison if the former comes back....

It would probably own the sub 200 buck market then. I think I'm going to splurge and pick up a couple more to play with, just in case Hardon buys em out :)
Oct 26, 2013 at 9:06 PM Post #15,904 of 124,790
  Which new monos, the 9927? There's no reason anyone shouldn't own a pair for $7, even as a throw around pair. Such a good value.

LAMO vague @ss CANNED mofs be so damn vague. It's these buggers......
Told ya' these were never posted here befo'. QUICK someone start an Appreciation Thread!!!
Oct 26, 2013 at 9:18 PM Post #15,905 of 124,790
  Which new monos, the 9927? There's no reason anyone shouldn't own a pair for $7, even as a throw around pair. Such a good value.

See the egg crates post above. These are far and away a better IEM than the 9927.
Oct 26, 2013 at 9:20 PM Post #15,906 of 124,790
  Told ya' these were never posted here befo'. QUICK someone start an Appreciation Thread!!!

  These? -
They look nice. I might grab a pair - might as well since I ordered one of those new Monoprices which are supposed to be amazing or something. Also I might be without my mainstay IEMs for a while.
Any cheaper but reputable places?

  These? -
They look nice. I might grab a pair - might as well since I ordered one of those new Monoprices which are supposed to be amazing or something. Also I might be without my mainstay IEMs for a while.
Any cheaper but reputable places?

Link please :)

  Link please :)

Well, it's only new to me :p Everyone else probably knows about it already.
It's just the 9396. It's on snail mail so I won't be getting it soon. I probably should have gotten this one as well.

  ^ Just like those 8320s.

Sure. But have you tried the 9396's yet

  Sure. But have you tried the 9396's yet

^ Too poor to upgrade.

When are my 25 cent shipped skullcandies coming in btw.


Oct 26, 2013 at 9:41 PM Post #15,909 of 124,790
  Don't worry - obviously you deserved it more than pieceoschiitcardboard. Nature is simply unfair....

The Martin logan thread says Newegg or somebody has the ML's on for 80 bucks for the next 6 hours. If that's any consolation

Oct 26, 2013 at 10:08 PM Post #15,911 of 124,790
Nonsensical quotes.............................

LMAO you mofos be mentioning those monoprices by their product # BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA They are all 900 somethings noobs, how the hell am i suppose to fit so much info into this cardboard of mine???

you got those for $30? Lucky dog, I got the cancellation email instead


  Don't worry - obviously you deserved it more than pieceoschiitcardboard. Nature is simply unfair....

Haters gonna' hate......

Oct 26, 2013 at 11:43 PM Post #15,913 of 124,790
Oct 26, 2013 at 11:47 PM Post #15,914 of 124,790
OK, got a request to compare the Sony XBA-3 and the UE Triple Fi 10 (T.R.A.N.C.E., I believe), so here goes...
I was actually a bit surprised at my own impressions as I was listening. It's a bit difficult to go comparing 2 iems that you like (actually, not all that difficult, jumped out at me first listen, but I was surprised).
Anyway, start with fit-Sony (to me, this area varies person to person  quite a bit), never had any trouble with them, easy shape, fit nicely, good isolation (but not up there with Etymotic), can keep them in for a while without discomfort.
The TF 10's were the first oddly shaped iem I dealt with, and for the longest time I couldn't get a good fit, couldn't get comfortable with them, couldn't get a good seal. Now there are even more oddly shaped iems out there, many much more unwieldly, with chambers, stops, square bases, you name it, and the TF10's no longer feel so clumsy or difficult to use. I actually have had these sitting most of the time unused because of comfort issues, but seem to gotten a pretty good fit with UE large silicon tips, and have used them a bit more recently. Still, less isolation (in my ears) than the Sony's. I'd say I've pulled the Sonys out much more than the UEs when just reaching for something to play.
Now, the sound. I like them both, but the UE is one of those jump-out-at-you headsets. I found it did larger soundstage, quiter space between instruments, better detail, and great rhythm/coherence (that WORD). Highs are well defined, with good cymbal sound, not tizzy (to me), and just exciting to listen to. The Sony's, which I like, don't have as wide a stage, seem more dense than the open UE, as a result, detail, which is there, is harder to make have to listen to pick things out, rather than them just being there. The Sony has a bit more midrange presence/bloom, with vocals slightly more front and center (but the UE's don't bury them, they're easy to hear). Bass presentation is pretty similar, both having good, full bass with good bounce and presence. (as an aside, the Sony's are a bit less sensitive, and need the volume turned up a bit more, but not enough that it should strain the player or need to be all the way to 5 O Clock). I'd say the UE has more "wow" than the Sony, best way to describe it.
So, if the price is similar, I'd say, go TF10.
Oct 26, 2013 at 11:52 PM Post #15,915 of 124,790
  I have had the S500 and S400 for a long time, but unfortunately I can't compare it to the S600.
I did put on some HM5 pads just now. If I EQ in a serious cut in the bass and mid-bass I can get an acceptable sound. Without EQ it sounds like I'm listening to music from a party on the other side of a brick wall. All thump and muffle.

That stinks. I was certain JVC was gonna tune these better. Though one thing I remember about carbon drivers. They do have big bass that benefit from a beat down. Will see when I get mines.

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