The discovery thread!
Nov 29, 2013 at 2:06 PM Post #17,131 of 124,789
  I understand doctorjazz. I've been trying to avoid looking at what's for sale. I refuse to get caught up (unless the UE900 gets that special $100 price like the TF10s use to get - but I highly doubt it). I think the IM70 will hold me over, unless I find a good price for the new Zero Audio double-BA.

they are out November 30-th. considering it's already November 30 in japan, they are already out :D
price tag seems very promising. we could be having these for less than 150$ in near future
Nov 29, 2013 at 2:09 PM Post #17,132 of 124,789
they are out November 30-th. considering it's already November 30 in japan, they are already out :D
price tag seems very promising. we could be having these for less than 150$ in near future

Thanks for the information! 

Nov 29, 2013 at 2:23 PM Post #17,133 of 124,789
I wouldn't really call the ASG-2 analytical at all. It's a sig that's tilted towards mid bass/mids (lower mids), with some upper midrange suckout and sorta peaky treble that's got decent air to it; it's a warmer sig, but I wouldn't classify it as "dark". I think it's an engaging and detailed sound without being in your face about it (great for long listening sessions) It's got some fairly good genre bandwidth but will fare better with some genres than others. I like to listen to rock, electronic, vocal, and acoustic music with it but it handles all genres fairly well. As VWinter mentioned, there's a palpable weight behind the notes that really makes the ASG-2 shine with certain genres. I was listening to Dylan's Modern Times awhile back and the G-2 just nails that album better than any other phone I had in my collection. I recently had a listen to the FA4 and that's an exceptional phone too. I'd take that over the 334 any day

Edit- NVM I see that Chancellor Eke has already descended on this joint

^ Great impressions wannabe birdie. Nope these ASG 2 are not analytical sounding at all but they still give you lots of details and clarity. Like i said they are pretty damn fun and sweet sounding with great sense of 3Dness/ space. They are not dark ie: bass heavy sounding but is only slightly warm due to it's mid bass emphasis. Hence their sound signature is not thick, nor heavy but is somewhere in the middle that is just right therefore like you said they are perfect for long listening sessions due to it's non-fatiguing presentation. They have great atmosphere in their musical rendition.

Jesse is AMAZING!!! A true American patriot and one hell of a character.

Too bad they watered down the 2nd season sigh. 1st was revolutionary.
edit: Oh forgot to mention that you finally made it to the BIG LEAGUES wannabe birdie, just like your daddy sparrow.
Nov 29, 2013 at 5:08 PM Post #17,135 of 124,789
edit: Oh forgot to mention that you finally made it to the BIG LEAGUES wannabe birdie, just like your daddy sparrow. :wink:

Ha, I harbor no delusions of what gear is actually worth since a vast majority of it is hilariously overpriced, it's just that we've all been trained like Pavlovian mutts to respond well to shellin out princely sums for quote, unquote, "refinement" to our sound. Diminishing returns are indeed a very real thing and more apparent than they've ever been if you just know where to look. With that said, I do feel that the MH1 is a true anomaly, and with some EQing, definitely doles out a bullet list of audiophile approved buzzwords. It punches way, way above its price IMO.

To be clear, the K3K still bests it in some key areas, such as in timbre, perceived space, detailing, imaging, etc. and that's before we even arrive at the criminally, and woefully formed spastic linguini that the MH1 calls a cable. Sooo... Whether those aforementioned characteristics are worth shelling out the cashola indeed boils down to possibly how neurotic you are. I have also shared news of the MH1's prowess with the real deal Mcsteal birdman himself (since I, myself, am the officially sanctioned K3K shill appointed by his honorable avian form himself, so in a sense we got a Father/Son/Holy Spirit trinity thing going on), and he, being a huge fan of Apple's EarPods will certainly enjoy the MH1s as well or at least find them adequate as some form of nesting material

I have gone on record as sayin that the MH1 can duke it out with some seriously expensive gear over at another forum and basically urged all newcomers to cop a pair and never question just HOW good it gets further up the chain. Just don't, cause I personally feel that the MH1 is a unicorn in that respect. It's got no egregious flaws and delivers a balanced, and mostly tonally accurate sound while yielding a surprisingly generous sense of space to the recording.

You just don't come in expecting that sort of performance from a measly $20. That's cheaper than dinner at ****** Red Lobster after all. So with that said, I did have to sorta have a laugh when a few new owners chimed in sayin, "well, they're decent for $20 buds I guess." I'd really hate to know what these guys would think of the sheer performance boost garnered from hackin off a few limbs for a 1P2, K3K or UERM lol.

My friend Soundfreaq probably put it best when he shared the following:

"I've got $25,000 of the best audio gear in the world here and I'm sitting here listening to a cheap ass $20 phone with a ****ty cable out of my phone and totally obsessed with them. And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there. I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-air. In west Philadelphia born and raised On the playground where I spent most of my days. Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool. And all shooting some b-ball outside of the schoolWhen a couple of guys, they were up to no good. Started making trouble in my neighbourhood. I got in one little fight and my mom got scared. And said "You're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel-air"

I whistled for a cab and when it came near the License plate said "fresh" and had a dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare. But I thought nah, forget it, yo homes to Bel-air! I pulled up to a house about seven or eight And I yelled to the cabby "Yo, homes smell you later!" Looked at my kingdom I was finally there. To sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-air. Audiophile tight bass warm microdetail immaculate air hot cold premium silver/gold core wire DX50 1.2.5 FW
Nov 29, 2013 at 7:16 PM Post #17,136 of 124,789
I have gone on record as sayin that the MH1 can duke it out with some seriously expensive gear over at another forum and basically urged all newcomers to cop a pair and never question just HOW good it gets further up the chain. Just don't, cause I personally feel that the MH1 is a unicorn in that respect. It's got no egregious flaws and delivers a balanced, and mostly tonally accurate sound while yielding a surprisingly generous sense of space to the recording.

You just don't come in expecting that sort of performance from a measly $20. That's cheaper than dinner at ****** Red Lobster after all. So with that said, I did have to sorta have a laugh when a few new owners chimed in sayin, "well, they're decent for $20 buds I guess." I'd really hate to know what these guys would think of the sheer performance boost garnered from hackin off a few limbs for a 1P2, K3K or UERM lol.

My friend Soundfreaq probably put it best when he shared the following:

"I've got $25,000 of the best audio gear in the world here and I'm sitting here listening to a cheap ass $20 phone with a ****ty cable out of my phone and totally obsessed with them. 

If there's one thing I'm really impressed about the MH1: It's ability to scale with your equipment. The better the source file (flac), dap, and amp, the MH1 just performs worthy of your time and attention!

Plus... it blends really well with my wife's jigsaw puzzle! 

Nov 29, 2013 at 7:21 PM Post #17,137 of 124,789
With those clear Ortofon tips these ASG2s sounded more "refined" to me due to better instrument separation/ layering hence a more airy/ 3D sonic presentation when compared to the M200s. The M200s with the stock tips their bass end can be a bit obtrusive to the clarity/ details of the overall sound. That was why i felt that shorter wide bore aftermarket tips sounded better than the stock tip as depicted in the previous pics i have posted, AND that was the reason why i quoted marc0 cuz i think he seems to be hearing these M200s the same way i am hearing them. Despite that we both get a good fit/ seal with the stock M200 tips, he along with myself both felt the need to tip roll/ use other tips in order to get a deeper insertion for better clarity/ details.

I am sure he will fill us in regarding what he thinks. :popcorn:

Ok! So after rolling through a variety of tips with the KEF M200, I still ended up with the Dunu DN-1000 medium stock tips. There are three things that make them work well for me:

  • Deep insertion despite the "massive" nozzle.
  • Wide bore opening doesn't restrict the sound.
  • The propeller-like support on the sleeves of the Dunu tips help in keeping a tight seal.

I agree with Sf that with the wrong kind of tips the bass on the M200 becomes overwhelming to the point where it puts the rest of the frequencies in the back. The bass quality is still really great but I like to hear more intimacy from the mids and air from the treble. Altogether, the right tips will result into a well balanced sound signature from the KEF M200. So my advise is: "keep those tips rolling until you find the RIGHT pair!"

Nov 29, 2013 at 7:24 PM Post #17,138 of 124,789
^ Yeppp there seems to be good amount of texture/ weights to the notes, but i would have to give the gr07 BEs a leg up on lushness and texture overall. These ASG 2s are close though. :)

Already got a good sense of how they generally sound, but will tip roll a bit and mess around with those bass ports for funzies. hoho :veryevil:

A bit late for the pace here but, man, I'd like to get the GR07 again just for nostalgia if nothing more. Maybe I'll bit with the $99 Classics.
Nov 29, 2013 at 8:14 PM Post #17,139 of 124,789
  So I have decided to send the HPH-200 back. I must say, as Dsnuts and DannyBai have contended, it is a very capable little headphone for the price, but I just don't hear it doing anything better than my X1 or M500. And It's not really blowing away my Onkyo. I will state, however, if anyone doesn't have the first two headphones I mentioned, and want something very good sounding on the cheap, I would recoomend the HPH-200. Do I recommend it over the Onkyo? Well, yes, because it's cheaper, but both are comparable in sound quality to my ears (althought they don't sound alike). Counting the WS99, I have too many headphones right now (never was a big headphone collector because of space). I think I'm good on headphones, although I might add the L2 and new ThinkSound ot my collection. But I really need to quit the headphone gathering, unless something for under $300 comes along and just totally blows away the X1. The X1 (with my silver-plated cable) is just really doing it for me (and then the M500).

What are X1's advantages/disadvantages compared to HPH-200? (please disregard the price difference).
Nov 29, 2013 at 8:56 PM Post #17,140 of 124,789
Ha, I harbor no delusions of what gear is actually worth since a vast majority of it is hilariously overpriced, it's just that we've all been trained like Pavlovian mutts to respond well to shellin out princely sums for quote, unquote, "refinement" to our sound. Diminishing returns are indeed a very real thing and more apparent than they've ever been if you just know where to look. With that said, I do feel that the MH1 is a true anomaly, and with some EQing, definitely doles out a bullet list of audiophile approved buzzwords. It punches way, way above its price IMO.

To be clear, the K3K still bests it in some key areas, such as in timbre, perceived space, detailing, imaging, etc. and that's before we even arrive at the criminally, and woefully formed spastic linguini that the MH1 calls a cable. Sooo... Whether those aforementioned characteristics are worth shelling out the cashola indeed boils down to possibly how neurotic you are. I have also shared news of the MH1's prowess with the real deal Mcsteal birdman himself (since I, myself, am the officially sanctioned K3K shill appointed by his honorable avian form himself, so in a sense we got a Father/Son/Holy Spirit trinity thing going on), and he, being a huge fan of Apple's EarPods will certainly enjoy the MH1s as well or at least find them adequate as some form of nesting material

I have gone on record as sayin that the MH1 can duke it out with some seriously expensive gear over at another forum and basically urged all newcomers to cop a pair and never question just HOW good it gets further up the chain. Just don't, cause I personally feel that the MH1 is a unicorn in that respect. It's got no egregious flaws and delivers a balanced, and mostly tonally accurate sound while yielding a surprisingly generous sense of space to the recording.

You just don't come in expecting that sort of performance from a measly $20. That's cheaper than dinner at ****** Red Lobster after all. So with that said, I did have to sorta have a laugh when a few new owners chimed in sayin, "well, they're decent for $20 buds I guess." I'd really hate to know what these guys would think of the sheer performance boost garnered from hackin off a few limbs for a 1P2, K3K or UERM lol.

My friend Soundfreaq probably put it best when he shared the following:

"I've got $25,000 of the best audio gear in the world here and I'm sitting here listening to a cheap ass $20 phone with a ****ty cable out of my phone and totally obsessed with them. And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there. I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-air. In west Philadelphia born and raised On the playground where I spent most of my days. Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool. And all shooting some b-ball outside of the schoolWhen a couple of guys, they were up to no good. Started making trouble in my neighbourhood. I got in one little fight and my mom got scared. And said "You're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel-air"

I whistled for a cab and when it came near the License plate said "fresh" and had a dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare. But I thought nah, forget it, yo homes to Bel-air! I pulled up to a house about seven or eight And I yelled to the cabby "Yo, homes smell you later!" Looked at my kingdom I was finally there. To sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-air. Audiophile tight bass warm microdetail immaculate air hot cold premium silver/gold core wire DX50 1.2.5 FW

^ LMAO WOW very well written essay btw. BRAVO BRAVO!!!

Lovin' that Fresh Prince analogy??? But seems to be just quoting dat nursery wrap though but i get where ya'll eliti$$$$$$t are going with it.

... guess these MH1Cs was your ticket off of that luxury Titanic that was heading for you know what.

Dat foresight and perspective is indeed invaluable in this crazy hobby so good advice there for noobs like me that are just getting their feet wet.
These ASG 2 sure made me realized something as well. I am just more thankful for what i own now cuz of it. haha
Fitting really......
If there's one thing I'm really impressed about the MH1: It's ability to scale with your equipment. The better the source file (flac), dap, and amp, the MH1 just performs worthy of your time and attention!

Plus... it blends really well with my wife's jigsaw puzzle! 

Man those MH1Cs with those green tips are so hipster looking, NICE!!! Oh and your wifeys is nice as well, jigsaw puzzle that is.

Ok! So after rolling through a variety of tips with the KEF M200, I still ended up with the Dunu DN-1000 medium stock tips. There are three things that make them work well for me:
  1. Deep insertion despite the "massive" nozzle.
  2. Wide bore opening doesn't restrict the sound.
  3. The propeller-like support on the sleeves of the Dunu tips help in keeping a tight seal.  

I agree with Sf that with the wrong kind of tips the bass on the M200 becomes overwhelming to the point where it puts the rest of the frequencies in the back. The bass quality is still really great but I like to hear more intimacy from the mids and air from the treble. Altogether, the right tips will result into a well balanced sound signature from the KEF M200. So my advise is: "keep those tips rolling until you find the RIGHT pair!"


That is EXACTLY what i am talking about, cuz the seller that sold me these M200s forgot to include the medium and small stock tips but had included some random aftermarket ones that i mistook as the originals. The picture below is a set of the medium ones he included as well as some Mee M9 ones. As the result of this mix up, my initial impressions of these M200 with these short aftermarket tips was that they are pretty damn balanced sounding with great clarity/ transparency similar to BA iems along with a pretty fast yet big bass response.  But when i finally got my hands on the original stock tips, even thought i was able to get a proper seal/ fit the bass end had a bit too much warmth than i had expected, not only that but the bass response was slower when compared to the shorter aftermarket tips.  The increased in bass quantity as the result of the taller stock tips got in the way of the clarity/ transparency as well as layering of these M200s for me hence i prefer them shorter wide bore aftermarket tip as marc0 stated above as well.
... mystery aftermarket tips that the seller included which enhanced the overall clarity of these M200s due to it being almost sitting dead flat on the top surface of the M200 nozzle. The less the tips extend beyond the nozzle the better the quality of the overall clarity in sound and bass, though bass quantity decreases as the result.
... original stock tips as you can see it is A LOT taller with more space between the top surface of the nozzle to the top surface of the tips. The result is more bass quantity, but this makes the bass end appear slower with less clarity.
... Mee M9/ or Samsung iem tips that extends in between the other to tips above. These tips are a perfect balance of the really flat sitting tips and the really tall stock ones. Pretty similar to the Dunu DN-1000 tips setup marc0 has on his M200s so these are able to give you deeper insertion hence increases clarity without losing out on too much of that bass end.
A bit late for the pace here but, man, I'd like to get the GR07 again just for nostalgia if nothing more. Maybe I'll bit with the $99 Classics.

^ Yeppp the gr07 are really the benchmark for what you get in terms of performance to cost ratio. They sure have set a realistic standard for me personally in gauging how much i am willing/ expected to pay for "better" sounding gears and what qualities i am looking for in the higher end stuff.
Good choice to wait for those gr07 Classics meng, too cheap and good to pass up. Wonder if they slightly retuned them or is just sticking to the gr07 MKII sound. Let us know when you finally get them.
Nov 29, 2013 at 9:13 PM Post #17,141 of 124,789
Wow, them m200's are complicated beasts! Thank you guys for commenting about the tips and for providing the pics. Very helpful!
Nov 29, 2013 at 9:21 PM Post #17,142 of 124,789
That is EXACTLY what i am talking about, cuz the seller that sold me these M200s forgot to include the medium and small stock tips but had included some random aftermarket ones that i mistook as the originals. The picture below is a set of the medium ones he included as well as some Mee M9 ones. As the result of this mix up, my initial impressions of these M200 with these short aftermarket tips was that they are pretty damn balanced sounding with great clarity/ transparency similar to BA iems along with a pretty fast yet big bass response.  But when i finally got my hands on the original stock tips, even thought i was able to get a proper seal/ fit the bass end had a bit too much warmth than i had expected, not only that but the bass response was slower when compared to the shorter aftermarket tips.  The increased in bass quantity as the result of the taller stock tips got in the way of the clarity/ transparency as well as layering of these M200s for me hence i prefer them shorter wide bore aftermarket tip as marc0 stated above as well.
... mystery aftermarket tips that the seller included which enhanced the overall clarity of these M200s due to it being almost sitting dead flat on the top surface of the M200 nozzle. The less the tips extend beyond the nozzle the better the quality of the overall clarity in sound and bass, though bass quantity decreases as the result.
... original stock tips as you can see it is A LOT taller with more space between the top surface of the nozzle to the top surface of the tips. The result is more bass quantity, but this makes the bass end appear slower with less clarity.
... Mee M9/ or Samsung iem tips that extends in between the other to tips above. These tips are a perfect balance of the really flat sitting tips and the really tall stock ones. Pretty similar to the Dunu DN-1000 tips setup marc0 has on his M200s so these are able to give you deeper insertion hence increases clarity without losing out on too much of that bass end.


Hmmm... I might as well order and try those M9 tips as well. All I've got are the M9 double flange tips!

Nov 29, 2013 at 9:36 PM Post #17,143 of 124,789
Wow, them m200's are complicated beasts! Thank you guys for commenting about the tips and for providing the pics. Very helpful!

Not really, it's just that you can tune these to your liking with simple tip changes. I see it as a good thing tbh. Just throwing stuff out there that i have experienced nothing more nothing less. :)

Hmmm... I might as well order and try those M9 tips as well. All I've got are the M9 double flange tips!

Welp i extended the height of those M9 tips with a tiny thin lil' rubber ring that i cut out from other tips. This makes tips of the M9 slightly taller which give me a bigger bass response. WAYNE can take some pics for ya' once he gets them cuz i left those M9 tips with the rubber rings on my his M200s when i shipped them. : P
See you can shorten and extend the height of the tips by just adding more rubber rings for the sound that would best match your personal preferences. Nothing fancy really and it's simple as it can be. Just cut up the stems of tips you don't need, insert into the nozzle of these M200s then apply the tips you like best. EZ!!!  
Nov 29, 2013 at 9:40 PM Post #17,144 of 124,789
Welp i extended the height of those M9 tips with a tiny thin lil' rubber ring that i cut out from other tips. This makes tips of the M9 slightly taller which give me a bigger bass response. WAYNE can take some pics for ya' once he gets them cuz i left those M9 tips with the rubber rings on my his M200s when i shipped them. : P
See you can shorten and extend the height of the tips by just adding more rubber rings for the sound that would best match your personal preferences. Nothing fancy really and it's simple as it can be. Just cut up the stems of tips you don't need, insert into the nozzle of these M200s then apply the tips you like best. EZ!!!  

Exactly how the DN-1000 works! I have heaps of o-rings I've accumulated through the mods I've done to my H200; so now I have a few more uses for them.
Cheers mate!

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