The diary entries of a little girl nearing 30!
Jul 24, 2012 at 9:03 PM Post #10,531 of 15,119
The difference is the humidity.  Us Californians do not see the humidity of other parts of the world.  When it is hot here, the humidity is usually low, and when there is moisture in the air, the temperature is usually lower.
We don't have ferns growing out of every spot of pigeon poop on the side of buildings like they do...  

Jul 24, 2012 at 11:49 PM Post #10,536 of 15,119
Is she photosensitive? The gf of an acquaintance was, a few years ago, and tended to go out in public like you describe too -- it can make for a charming kind of personal fashion style, but it was also for her necessary as self-protection from sunlight.

She likes having pale, pale skin, and I admit that it suits her, but it's more to do with the goth angle.

Oh, my GES shipped today, I should be more happy about that, but I'm not.
Jul 25, 2012 at 12:18 AM Post #10,539 of 15,119
Jul 25, 2012 at 12:22 AM Post #10,540 of 15,119
I think i missed an important post on the thread. What's wrong with MaverickRonin? i thought he was just busy with something more important then head-fi i didn't know he was sick.
Jul 25, 2012 at 1:01 AM Post #10,542 of 15,119
No, it was something MF got from elsewhere, and I happened to read it too in elsewhere. Honestly, I hope he's just busy with life though, and not ill, even if it's almost trivial. 
And I need to stop showcasing what lurking can do LOL.

Don't worry I'm the king of lurkers. With the exception of this thread and a a small number of others I usually just lurk. Once in a blue moon I'll throw up a comment out of the blue like on the DX100 thread but usually I just lurk. I've been quietly lurking on threads like the K3003 thread, the TH900 thread, the CLAS thread and to many others to mention since their first post. I should approach Currawong and ask him to change my handle to something like TheWatcher or maybe have a little tag line under my current handle like MF does that says Always Watching Always Reading Always Lurking.
Currawong if you're reading this you think you could make it happen?
Jul 25, 2012 at 1:11 AM Post #10,544 of 15,119
Oh and credit where's credit due, thanks to maverickronin's post back in the day in the old diary thread regarding melamine foam to use inside the cups of T50RP, my Nami-chan sounds airy yet not harsh, but still giving great body down low. LOL if took in context of a real person or headphone, it sounds kinky either way.
Jul 25, 2012 at 1:27 AM Post #10,545 of 15,119
Who made that guitar?  I wish I could play an instrument - but I have no skills...  

I don't play much either since I didn't really dedicate myself, but it's NEVER too late!!! (my dad started playing in his forties almost...
Nah, just my headphone interest is waning a little after getting back into speaker rigs.
Blueridge. They're nice guitars.

And yep, a Blueridge... I was going to go with those laminated Taylors but decided to save up some $$ and maybe get a REALLY nice one in the future! :p

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