The diary entries of a little girl in her 30s! ~ Part 2
Feb 16, 2013 at 12:39 AM Post #6,061 of 21,763
Taken From The Audio Journal Of A DigitalFreak
Sound Byte: The HD25 mods
I've been meaning to post some pics concerning my old knockabout Senn's but I kept forgetting. I decided to retake some new pics tonight with my updated rigs DAC/cabling so as to keep my posts up to date. Roughly about half a year ago I commissioned a friend to open these cans up and perform some mods in hopes of wringing more performance out of them.
Anywho, below is my modded Sennheiser HD25-ii-ii Adidas. I had my buddy Armaegis open them up for me and mod out the bass boom and overly metallic treble. End result, less of a prominent U shaped emphasis and a step closer to a more linear sounding presentation. Bass is now controlled and detailed and the lower mids are no longer obscured by the booming mid bass hump the HD25 is known for. Don't worry, even with the bass boom removed this can still has enough bass that's good enough for these HD25's to keep it's good sounding all arounder title alive. The big plus for me is although the highs are still spiked they no longer sound overly metallic making a lot of my music more tolerable to listen to. I dare say Armaegis was able to take away enough of the energy in the upper registers to kill off the hard roughness and smooth it out enough to make it sound a tad more natural.
Paired off with Eva and Raven feeding her her analog signal the HD25 takes another nice satisfying step forward in performance. I'm guessing the mods better DAC and Eva's better amp section with it's 209 opamp have all combined in taking away some of the lushness the HD25 is known for because I'm noting a little more clarity in the midrange. Even with the midrange cleaned up I'm happy to report that the HD25's earthy satisfying visceral crunch of electric guitars is still very much present. I consider the HD25 a nice can for rock and really didn't want to lose that satisfying earthy visceral crunch so I was pretty happy it survived the modding process and gear pairing. Overall I'm quite happy with this headphone and how well it responded to the mods and gear pairing. It's far from an audiophile can but God what a fun sounding kick ass rocker can. Excuse me, I have some metal to bang my head to on these cans. Arch Enemy anyone?


Feb 16, 2013 at 12:59 AM Post #6,063 of 21,763
you trying to show off your rig digi? ):<

Guilty as charged. But seriously, it's more about the HD25 and I really like how everything combined to give my HD25 a little more bite. I'm sorry I'm being such a new toy syndrome clown involving my mobile rig.
Feb 16, 2013 at 1:08 AM Post #6,064 of 21,763
I didn't even notice the diamonds on the watch. But I guess that's another story IRL. Gonna go Rolex/Cartier, or will you replace the Breitling w/ another? :0

I don't have a Breitling and would like to get one, just not one like that. I'm going to the local dealer tomorrow and they're going to hook me up with a trade (-10% for their trouble, of course). They have this one, in green, I like it.

Feb 16, 2013 at 1:14 AM Post #6,065 of 21,763
Here is my watch. I prefer simple but elegant.

Feb 16, 2013 at 1:25 AM Post #6,066 of 21,763
Max, since you've bought up Certina put a metal wrist band on this one and it would be a winner in my book. I never did find my macho man watch way back when when I was looking around. I gave up and settled on a cheapo Cavelli. Dumb move on my part.

Feb 16, 2013 at 1:29 AM Post #6,067 of 21,763
Too busy for me. I like a clean dial. No numbers if possible and black, and certainly no chronographs and the like.
Feb 16, 2013 at 1:42 AM Post #6,068 of 21,763
I like mine boardering between beefy and minimalist with just a very small touch of bling. The wristband has to be as minimalist as possible though and no rubber or leather metal only.

Arch Enemies song Through The Eyes Of A Raven on the HD25 is completely kicking my arse right now

Feb 16, 2013 at 1:50 AM Post #6,069 of 21,763
In other news, the SF Meet is now less than 36 hours away!  Here's who/what will be at the meet:  Apparently, there are going to be a bunch of Stax and a Baby Orpheus there.  Not to mention the best attraction (cool people).
If any of y'all are interested and feel like making the trip, don't forget to stop by the thread for details (and I'll see you there)! 

Feb 16, 2013 at 1:54 AM Post #6,070 of 21,763
Wish I could be there. Sadly I'm 23 hours away by road :frowning2:
Feb 16, 2013 at 1:56 AM Post #6,071 of 21,763
In other news, the SF Meet is now less than 36 hours away!  Here's who/what will be at the meet:  Apparently, there are going to be a bunch of Stax and a Baby Orpheus there.  Not to mention the best attraction (cool people).
If any of y'all are interested and feel like making the trip, don't forget to stop by the thread for details (and I'll see you there)! 

I'm expecting a lot of cool pics from you Warren. Don't post any of you dancing on a table wearing speedos a pair of HE500's and smileys painted on your knees. We have enough of those already floating around of Tyll.
Feb 16, 2013 at 2:09 AM Post #6,074 of 21,763
Too busy for me. I like a clean dial. No numbers if possible and black, and certainly no chronographs and the like.

I need a driving watch, and the color is appealing.
Feb 16, 2013 at 2:09 AM Post #6,075 of 21,763
Wish I could be there. Sadly I'm 23 hours away by road

Yeah, that is quite a trip!  I'm only 5 hours away so I'm taking advantage of it.
I'm expecting a lot of cool pics from you Warren. Don't post any of you dancing on a table wearing speedos a pair of HE500's and smileys painted on your knees. We have enough of those already floating around of Tyll.

Don't know how cool they'll be, but I'll try.  I have a crap ass camera though, so no promises on image quality. 


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