T-PEOS H-200 - new triple hybrid IEM - Impressions thread
Jun 25, 2013 at 5:35 PM Post #1,396 of 2,595
Many people have said it, few have kept to it...

You're probably right, but I think there's a selection process whereby the people who stick around and continue upgrading form an availability heuristic.  Most of the people who read head-fi don't actually post.  A lot of them probably dip in to do their research and leave.  I know I've done that.  
Jun 25, 2013 at 5:44 PM Post #1,398 of 2,595
Jun 25, 2013 at 6:30 PM Post #1,399 of 2,595
You're probably right, but I think there's a selection process whereby the people who stick around and continue upgrading form an availability heuristic.  Most of the people who read head-fi don't actually post.  A lot of them probably dip in to do their research and leave.  I know I've done that.  

Had resisted registering for a long time... 
Jun 25, 2013 at 6:33 PM Post #1,400 of 2,595
Many people have said it, few have kept to it...

I never said it once. I did though say it about 100 times though. That didn't work either. I won't bother saying it again lol!
Jun 25, 2013 at 6:50 PM Post #1,401 of 2,595
I could learn a lot from your chill attitude.

I wonder how many people that come here and become involved in the community are able to set a definite end to their purchasing path like you are.  I think I've done a fairly good job of it, but my sense is that upgrading and discussing products becomes a hobby unto itself.  You definitely need clarity of purpose. 

1. They always come back. You really need to get yourself banned as an out lol.

2. Does not having a specific sonic goal of "nothing will be better for me than this." automatically imply a lack of clarity of purpose?

Maybe some people just like to hang around and try out gear. What good is a hobby if you want it to end so that you can get out of here lol.
Jun 25, 2013 at 7:08 PM Post #1,402 of 2,595
Maybe some people just like to hang around and try out gear. What good is a hobby if you want it to end so that you can get out of here lol.

Well said! As long as you know your limitations, you'll be alright. Too much of anything is always bad...
Jun 25, 2013 at 8:19 PM Post #1,403 of 2,595
I could learn a lot from your chill attitude.

I wonder how many people that come here and become involved in the community are able to set a definite end to their purchasing path like you are.  I think I've done a fairly good job of it, but my sense is that upgrading and discussing products becomes a hobby unto itself.  You definitely need clarity of purpose. 

Let me be strait up with you Roy. I consider myself a confused and rather disillusioned individual. I don't know that I could teach anybody much of anything, I am humbled if I can.

To the best of my ability, I try to remain emotionally neutral and relaxed. I am human and so my resolve still requires a foundational support. If this is not already part of a strong genetic predisposition, my environment nurtures the direction of my growth to a greater extent. How much of what I call me is my own doing? Do I even have a hand on the wheel or am I simply experiencing my actions from the back seat?

"Decisions, intentions, efforts, goals, willpower, ect., are causal states of the brain, leading to specific behaviors, and behaviors lead to outcomes in the world. Human choice, therefore, is as important as fanciers of free will believe. But the next choice you make will come out of the darkness of prior causes that you, the conscious witness of your experience, did not bring into being"
-Sam Harris from his book Free Will

I can certainly see times in my life where the direction I would take was balanced on-top of a thin string, at the mercy of the wind.

I have been left to my own wits for much of my life. I rather feel this has pushed me to the worse side of the spectrum of possibilities given my genes.

I have gone from extremely shy to extremely confident, currently somewhere in the middle. I never truly feel I know what I'm talking about. I have moments you would think I'm completely insane: I walk back and forth arguing with myself out loud. Mood swings are present if not well hidden. I bottle up anger at times to the point of wanting to punch someone to oblivion. I don't like the way the wall looks at me...

No, I have my problems.

"You definitely need clarity of purpose."

A wile back, I became obsessed with reading books and watching videos on topics people around me could care less about. Attempts at conversations on these topics would lead to responses like; that's all BS, stop trying to act smart, you're boring. One of the people I discovered in this marathon was Peter Singer. Watching his talks and reading his books has influenced me to make compromises, remove stress, and rearrange my priorities.

I gave up gaming a wile back to redirect those funds towards other goals. My disappointment with games, however, made this that much easier. It's still very tempting when I watch something like this however;

LVLCapgaming(loved battlefield)


MGSV(looks amazing- that music:heart_eyes:)

I pay attention to my weakness and strengths. I left that hobby but asked myself what is the minimum I would need to enjoy myself yet still be able to restrict my spending. I surely find health important for both my physical and emotional stability, exercise it is then. Exercise can be a chore at times tho, how about adding something more relaxing also? Music, Bam! Let me take note of expenditures, so on...

This is no guarantee of success however and I still fail at times.

I'm now lost so I will stop here... (T_T). Hope some of that was useful/relevant.
Jun 25, 2013 at 8:45 PM Post #1,404 of 2,595
Let me be strait up with you Roy. I consider myself a confused and rather disillusioned individual. I don't know that I could teach anybody much of anything, I am humbled if I can.

Well Unity, in my dealings with you outside of the public forum, I must admit that your character has impressed me quite a bit... you may even have taught me a few things. So there!
You do have a whacky way of communicating in your posts, but that only adds to your charm lol.

Jun 25, 2013 at 8:57 PM Post #1,405 of 2,595
Quick question Unity, do you have the Japanese keyboard enabled on your iPhone? :D
Jun 25, 2013 at 9:43 PM Post #1,408 of 2,595
Thank you Wayne.

Yes vwinter, I have both enabled.

I'm still in awe of the whole section of typed faces as part of the keyboard.
Jun 25, 2013 at 10:13 PM Post #1,409 of 2,595
Well Unity, in my dealings with you outside of the public forum, I must admit that your character has impressed me quite a bit... you may even have taught me a few things. So there!
You do have a whacky way of communicating in your posts, but that only adds to your charm lol.

Unity is a gentleman and a scholar.
Jun 25, 2013 at 10:16 PM Post #1,410 of 2,595
Let me be strait up with you Roy. I consider myself a confused and rather disillusioned individual. I don't know that I could teach anybody much of anything, I am humbled if I can.

To the best of my ability, I try to remain emotionally neutral and relaxed. I am human and so my resolve still requires a foundational support. If this is not already part of a strong genetic predisposition, my environment nurtures the direction of my growth to a greater extent. How much of what I call me is my own doing? Do I even have a hand on the wheel or am I simply experiencing my actions from the back seat?

"Decisions, intentions, efforts, goals, willpower, ect., are causal states of the brain, leading to specific behaviors, and behaviors lead to outcomes in the world. Human choice, therefore, is as important as fanciers of free will believe. But the next choice you make will come out of the darkness of prior causes that you, the conscious witness of your experience, did not bring into being"
-Sam Harris from his book Free Will

I can certainly see times in my life where the direction I would take was balanced on-top of a thin string, at the mercy of the wind.

I have been left to my own wits for much of my life. I rather feel this has pushed me to the worse side of the spectrum of possibilities given my genes.

I have gone from extremely shy to extremely confident, currently somewhere in the middle. I never truly feel I know what I'm talking about. I have moments you would think I'm completely insane: I walk back and forth arguing with myself out loud. Mood swings are present if not well hidden. I bottle up anger at times to the point of wanting to punch someone to oblivion. I don't like the way the wall looks at me...

No, I have my problems.

"You definitely need clarity of purpose."

A wile back, I became obsessed with reading books and watching videos on topics people around me could care less about. Attempts at conversations on these topics would lead to responses like; that's all BS, stop trying to act smart, you're boring. One of the people I discovered in this marathon was Peter Singer. Watching his talks and reading his books has influenced me to make compromises, remove stress, and rearrange my priorities.

I gave up gaming a wile back to redirect those funds towards other goals. My disappointment with games, however, made this that much easier. It's still very tempting when I watch something like this however;

LVLCapgaming(loved battlefield)


MGSV(looks amazing- that music:heart_eyes:)

I pay attention to my weakness and strengths. I left that hobby but asked myself what is the minimum I would need to enjoy myself yet still be able to restrict my spending. I surely find health important for both my physical and emotional stability, exercise it is then. Exercise can be a chore at times tho, how about adding something more relaxing also? Music, Bam! Let me take note of expenditures, so on...

This is no guarantee of success however and I still fail at times.

I'm now lost so I will stop here... (T_T). Hope some of that was useful/relevant.

I appreciate the effort you put into your post.  I'm a skeptic, so my attitude towards knowledge is similar to what I sense you describing as your own view.  Your willingness to look at your own beliefs self-critically is a quality that is conducive to personal growth, painful as that inevitably is.  
I'm a fan of Sam Harris, although I disagree with much of his political views.  I haven't heard much about Peter Singer, but I'll take a look into his work. 
I'd recommend a book called "The Black Swan" by Nassim Taleb just based on what I gather from your attitude towards knowledge. 
I'm curious about your comment about your disposition as a genetic trait, as I tend to see myself on the high-strung end of the spectrum due to genetics.  You should poke your head into the "sound science" section of the forum if you haven't already. 

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