Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread
Jan 20, 2013 at 3:10 AM Post #10,336 of 46,554
Nope! =) went with the black dragon and it's quite nice.  Wasn't really a cable believer until i tried it... diff isn't night and day... but definitely noticeable.  Would I pay full retail ($200+) for one? no... better to spend that money on source or amp... but I managed to grab a cheap second hand one so it was a nice tweak.
Jan 20, 2013 at 7:53 AM Post #10,338 of 46,554
^^ I picked up a silver dragon for me 650 about a year ago. Also, it was not a day and night difference but I really liked the difference that I heard. Great pairing with the 650. For those who find the 650 dark, the silver dragon will "brighten" them just a touch without any harshness. 
Heck, I didn't find them dark to begin with but I still liked the pairing. Then, as I often do...I saw some greener grass on the other side and sold the cable for something else. 
 The only thing that I didn't like about that cable was that it was not flexible at all. 
Jan 20, 2013 at 11:01 PM Post #10,339 of 46,554
Hey all, just catching up. I don't think I've checked in since Xmas, so I had 680 some-odd posts to read, so here's what I gathered to say.
Yes, I love the HD-650 out of my Darkvoice...all smiles while listening!

I had the original Darkvoice 337 (my tubes were Tung Sol 5998s and I don't remember the other set, it took two separate sets of tubes, drive/power tubes and ???, I don't know) and I hated my 650s with it, very dark from what I remember. I was only using a FiiO E7 as a DAC (with line out adapter) and it got a LOT better when I upgraded to my PS Audio DLIII DAC but I still disliked the sound. That plus the dual volume knobs drove me to selling it. I switched (one could say downgraded, DV337 at $600 something to this DAC/amp combo that's probably worth $2-300) to an Audio-gd Compass and soundstage opened up, veil was gone, nice treble, a LOT happier. Just my 2c, I know there's gotta be better amps out there, I'm eyeing the Lyr or Crack (pre built, I don't do DIY). I'm also eyeing DT880/HE400 after reading through this thread.
I have washed the pads on my HD650 a couple of times and they really woke up to life after that. This you can do whenever you want. Not sure if this is something that people usually do with theirs but it really worked for me. I still haven't replaced the pads after 6 years of use.
One other thing that needs replacement on mine (only for aesthetic reasons though) is the head band which I had to repaint with car paint after 4 years of use
because of paint flaking. The head band looks fine now but nowhere near the original

Did you just throw them in the washing machine? What was your cleaning method?
The HD650 has a closed in soundstage in comparison.
The HD650 is slower, and more laid back in it's presentation.
The HD650's mids are more intimate due to everything being a bit closer to you in the virtual space.

The K702 Annie really does sound like the HD650 with a bigger sense of space and more energy.

This is why I said, if someone who loves the HD650 wants more energy and soundstage, the K702 Anniversary is as close as I have heard.

They are both warm and smooth headphones.

Don't get me wrong, I still prefer the HD650's mids over any other, but the K702 comes close, just not as intimate and raw.

I'd buy the HD650 again just because the mids are so special.

I think I'd go crazy if I owned both. They are more similar than they are different.

The HD650 has that relaxing signature that is quite lovely at times. The K702 sn't as relaxing, so I still do see a reason to justify having both.

Wow, these sound like a nice side-grade to my 650s, it'd be sorta what I'm looking for if I ever bought DT880s or HE-400s. These it? Are they worth $450 over the <$300 for the regular K702s?
Ahh...yes, now I see. You need to wrap that long cable up some so that it stays off the floor. 

I did that, wrapped it around the base of my banana stand, and it's a decent fix. Still happens sometimes but I was mostly aggravated when I tripped on and subsequently yanked the cable, either on my head or on the stand. They did fall to the floor a few times too, but either way I'd hate to damage them. They seem OK, thanks to their nice build quality it looks like :)
Jan 20, 2013 at 11:09 PM Post #10,340 of 46,554
Also, anyone know a good mod to make the 650s into a closed can? If I ever wanna get a shorter cable and use them with an iPod and amp at school in the future it'd be nice. I'm aware of woodies at headphile, but something cheaper would be nice. I'd be worried about leaking sound, and also concerned about contamination too I guess.
This wouldn't be for sonic/sound signature reasons. I'm aware of the inherent characteristics of closed cans vs. open like boomier bass, maybe slightly smaller soundstage, the less airy feeling (I might like that actually); these might as well come from my lesser source anyway, right?
I was thinking maybe a pad to put in there, but that might not get the holes on the side as much (and not protect against contamination as much). Duct tape (inside or outside suggestions?) might be interesting, just to see what happens. Totally reversible with some wiping down of the grilles to remove the stickiness if I undid it.
Jan 20, 2013 at 11:12 PM Post #10,341 of 46,554
Also, anyone know a good mod to make the 650s into a closed can? If I ever wanna get a shorter cable and use them with an iPod and amp at school in the future it'd be nice. I'm aware of woodies at headphile, but something cheaper would be nice. I'd be worried about leaking sound, and also concerned about contamination too I guess.

This wouldn't be for sonic/sound signature reasons. I'm aware of the inherent characteristics of closed cans vs. open like boomier bass, maybe slightly smaller soundstage, the less airy feeling (I might like that actually); these might as well come from my lesser source anyway, right?

I was thinking maybe a pad to put in there, but that might not get the holes on the side as much (and not protect against contamination as much). Duct tape (inside or outside suggestions?) might be interesting, just to see what happens. Totally reversible with some wiping down of the grilles to remove the stickiness if I undid it.

Don't do it bro!!! :p
Jan 20, 2013 at 11:24 PM Post #10,343 of 46,554
Don't do it bro!!! :p

The duct tape or closed mod in general? If the former, why exactly?
The HD650s were tuned to be open, and they already sound absolutely incredible. If you need closed for on the go, why don't you get a foldable closed pair of headphones? They'll sound better (while closed), be less breakable, isolate more, and be much more portable and practical for your use. If they don't need to fold, look at the Amperiors. :)
Jan 20, 2013 at 11:26 PM Post #10,344 of 46,554
The HD650s were tuned to be open, and they already sound absolutely incredible. If you need closed for on the go, why don't you get a foldable closed pair of headphones? They'll sound better (while closed), be less breakable, isolate more, and be much more portable and practical for your use. If they don't need to fold, look at the Amperiors.

Folding would be VERY nice for me. Not being foldable would almost be a deal breaker if I were looking for a set specifically for mobile.
It'd be really for the sake of not having to buy another pair of cans for a while, and I could keep my nice 650 sound (pretty much) :)
Jan 20, 2013 at 11:31 PM Post #10,345 of 46,554
The HD650s were tuned to be open, and they already sound absolutely incredible. If you need closed for on the go, why don't you get a foldable closed pair of headphones? They'll sound better (while closed), be less breakable, isolate more, and be much more portable and practical for your use. If they don't need to fold, look at the Amperiors. :)

Folding would be VERY nice for me. Not being foldable would almost be a deal breaker if I were looking for a set specifically for mobile.

It'd be really for the sake of not having to buy another pair of cans for a while, and I could keep my nice 650 sound (pretty much) :)
Listen the your HD650s with a pillow over each cup, awd that's how it will sound, to a degree. It seems to have a less trebel, and kind of congested... For a great portable that folds, I'd get the JVC HA-S500s, I use them just as much as my HD650s, and they certainly live up to the hype, after burn in that is.
Jan 20, 2013 at 11:45 PM Post #10,346 of 46,554
Please don't go make these closed cans...

Or just go get some decent IEMs.  Best solution for portable IMHO.  You get passive isolation to block out noises from the environment for maximum music enjoyment, they're easier to drive than HD 650s... and you won't be doing something that (to me) is analogous to taking a Ferrari and trying to add hydraulics or a towing trolley to it just cause it's convenient for moving your gear.

Jan 20, 2013 at 11:51 PM Post #10,347 of 46,554
Listen the your HD650s with a pillow over each cup, awd that's how it will sound, to a degree. It seems to have a less trebel, and kind of congested... For a great portable that folds, I'd get the JVC HA-S500s, I use them just as much as my HD650s, and they certainly live up to the hype, after burn in that is.

Nice, I'll keep an eye there. I was thinking Koss PortaPros (or Beyer DT1350s but man I don't have that kind of money right now) but reading that first post in the appreciation thread seemed like a good review. Worth a try for $50 (when I have that). I'm happy with my Klipsch Image S4's at the moment but sometime I wanna try full cans over IEMs. Thanks!
These are them, right?
Jan 20, 2013 at 11:58 PM Post #10,348 of 46,554
Also, anyone know a good mod to make the 650s into a closed can?

Just get a HD419 and throw your HD650 drivers in it. I'm sure it'll sound awesome.
Jan 21, 2013 at 12:37 AM Post #10,349 of 46,554
Jan 21, 2013 at 1:02 AM Post #10,350 of 46,554
wje, is headphile the only place to get these woodies, or are there other possibly cheaper places?
Oh I should ask: would i wear out the cans switching between the woodies and regular grilles by taking them on and off? Hmm..maybe I should just go with those JVC portables...

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