Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up
Oct 26, 2016 at 6:21 PM Post #13,651 of 154,216
  Forgot to mention that this would require adding an extra input for the only purpose of pass through.   Wasn't thinking all the inputs or a normal input.
Trust me, I am not thinking/insinuating that this is a change to be made before launch of these amazing looking pre-amps.  I was thinking maybe a gen 2 revision sort of thing, if it makes sense you you guys,  You know your business better than I do. 
I think that you have winners with what was shown at RMAF.  You'll sell many at the prices given and the products as is. 

One option for anyone looking into HT-Bypass and really wants a Schiit product, is a (relatively) cheap, high quality, 2in-1out XLR selector.

Here is an example from GoldPoint, who in many audiophile circles, is considered to be high quality:

Also previously mentioned is who make passive preamps with multiple selectors.

There is also the DIY route with the ability to have a remote as well. Like

These are just some ideas on how to accomplish a HT-Bypass and have some Schiit in your stereo.
Oct 26, 2016 at 6:32 PM Post #13,652 of 154,216
  One option for anyone looking into HT-Bypass and really wants a Schiit product, is a (relatively) cheap, high quality, 2in-1out XLR selector.

Here is an example from GoldPoint, who in many audiophile circles, is considered to be high quality:

Also previously mentioned is who make passive preamps with multiple selectors.

There is also the DIY route with the ability to have a remote as well. Like

These are just some ideas on how to accomplish a HT-Bypass and have some Schiit in your stereo.

Some have mentioned it before but if you are not using Balanced a SYS will do the same for much less. Those options are as expensive as a Saga, if not more. Which goes to show how much you really are getting with these pre amps.
Oct 26, 2016 at 6:37 PM Post #13,653 of 154,216
  Some have mentioned it before but if you are not using Balanced a SYS will do the same for much less. Those options are as expensive as a Saga, if not more. Which goes to show how much you really are getting with these pre amps.

Yes. But it does give some the option.

Just as Jason said. You might have to wait... Potentially a long time before you will have a Schiit product with HT-Bypass; And those that want Schiit and HT-Bypass have options like aforementioned.
For those that don't need balanced, there are far more options in the marketplace. Even $30 options from Amazon:
Oct 26, 2016 at 6:41 PM Post #13,654 of 154,216
Why You Can’t Always Get What You Want, is a given, at least by me.
So I figure out a way to 'make it so' as any died in the wool DIY'r would.
Of course this voids the warranty, and of course if I break something I must pay to get it fixed (if I can't do so myself).
And yes sometimes my experiments go sideways and things get worse.
This is all part of the process of learning and figuring what I truly want in the first place.
But modifying a piece of gear is what DIY'ng is aimed at, and of course taking responsibility for both the good and bad results is par for the course.
And there are ALWAYS ways of solving functional issues that 'need' to be resolved, it's usually just a matter of time and $$$.
Even the power switch on the back can be dealt with by using a remote on/off switch, easy-peasy.
But then I have different requirements for the gear and the end results I achieve than many, so my solutions may not be applicable to others, but that won't stop me from forging ahead and getting what I want.
Oct 26, 2016 at 6:51 PM Post #13,655 of 154,216
Fun chapter to read as always, Jason!
My list of things that I want but may not get is pretty short - Valhalla 3.
Oh, and maybe a higher end OTL sitting somewhere between the MJ2 and the Rag's price points. Potentially. Maybe. Then I'd have something to save my money toward like a responsible adult which is very rare for me.
Oct 26, 2016 at 7:00 PM Post #13,656 of 154,216
Matte nail polish works really well for 'dimming' bright LEDs. You can also change the color of the white LEDs! Just don't tell the ladies at the local beauty supply store what you plan to use the nail polish for. I got a really weird look when I told the lady why I specifically needed matte black nail polish. (It was to cover some blinking bright LEDs on a monoprice HDMI switch - the matte black makes them much less bright, but I don't think she understood.)

To make things less awkward, just pickup a few other feminine hygiene products while you're at it. They won't think twice about the nail polish.
Oct 26, 2016 at 7:02 PM Post #13,657 of 154,216
To make things less awkward, just pickup a few other feminine hygiene products while you're at it. They won't think twice about the nail polish.

Haha, just get some Magnum condoms, some Vaseline and some duct tape 

Oct 26, 2016 at 8:05 PM Post #13,659 of 154,216
Fun chapter to read as always, Jason!

My list of things that I want but may not get is pretty short - Valhalla 3.

Oh, and maybe a higher end OTL sitting somewhere between the MJ2 and the Rag's price points. Potentially. Maybe. Then I'd have something to save my money toward like a responsible adult which is very rare for me.

Yes, a balanced OTL amp!
Oct 26, 2016 at 9:00 PM Post #13,661 of 154,216
  What do you do While waiting for the release of the Freya and Saga pre amps? You shop for tubes of course. This may be a mistake. Those RCA's Mike likes are up there.

I have religiously followed a lot of Mike's suggestions when it comes to tubes and I have yet to be disappointed, I'm sure you'll end up with something you'll like!
Yes, a balanced OTL amp!

I'm not even too fussed about it being balanced to be honest but it would be very cool of course, I still regret not getting one of Donald's DNS Sonett 2 though, didn't have the money at the time. I just think a beefier OTL could cosy up to a spot in Schiit's lineup, it could be like the Valhalla's big brother akin to how the Vali is kinda like a mini Lyr you know - not saying those two are overly identical of course, I don't own either of them, I mostly mean how they're both hybrids and pair well with similar headphones and all that.
Oct 26, 2016 at 10:47 PM Post #13,664 of 154,216
  Do all four of the tubes on Freya have to be the same?

It's not mandatory, according to what Jason said in another forum (the bolded part):
 On the 6SN7s:

1. The preamps will ship with Russian NOS equivalents (6N8S). We've found these better than the affordable new-production tubes from Sovtek, EH, and JJ, though the EH can be pretty decent. Shipping with good (as opposed to affordable) new-production tubes would raise cost significantly.
2. You'll want matched sections on Saga, and you'll want matched pairs at least on the front tubes on Freya. Front tubes are voltage gain, rear tubes are output buffers on Freya. Matching is less important on output buffers, but in general it's a good idea.
3. We have not done extensive testing on super-rare, super-expensive, unobtainium/alien technology tubes, so we can't provide, I mean, recommendations on these. Mike will loudly and happily proclaim he loves RCA 5692s in all 6SN7 applications.
4. There will be octal LISST eventually, if you're so inclined. Be patient. We're busy getting the preamps ready. First things first.


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