Rate the video games you're currently playing
Jan 1, 2012 at 3:11 PM Post #2,296 of 6,972
Skyward  Sword - Fundamentally more playable (and thus enjoyable) than Twilight Princess, but doesn't blow my mind in the slightest. Still seems archaic overall compared to other similar games available on the 360/PS3. Also, Link looks like a Japanese Michael Jackson.
Jan 1, 2012 at 8:14 PM Post #2,297 of 6,972
Finally finished AC: Revelations. It's okay; not enough improvements over the previous installations and a bit too difficult to earn money in this game to make it as rewarding as AC2 and AC: Brotherhood, where the cities were rebuilt through Ezio's efforts. Don't really think the ending is quite as shocking or well thought-out as 2 and Brotherhood, though it was a real treat to see Altair's plotline wrapped up.
I'd give AC:Revelations a 6.5/10. Completely confusing for anyone new to the series, but then anyone who's familiar with the series will probably find the same flaws I did.
Also just started Skyrim, about 12 hours in. I...won't be a very active forum member for a while.
Jan 1, 2012 at 9:09 PM Post #2,298 of 6,972
Skyrim:9 out of 10. great gameplay. open world is too open. feels to..just not bound. continuity problems, game enviroment has some graphics and bug problems. You don't feel that important
Deus Ex HR: 9.5 out of 10. if they made the campaign longer and had more missions. feels like u are there. no problems whatsoeverThis would get an Easy 10.
Deus Ex mising link: 7 out of 10. They just streteched this supposed to be short level out sooo much. you are weak so u have to sneak...omg..too much
Crysis 2: 8.9 out of 10. Storyline is good, not best but good. Characters are believable and u kinda actually feel like u are there. Graphics on DX11 and HD textures are amazing
BF3: 8 out of 10. This is just on campaign. Not that good. good graphics. everything else is generic
BFBC2: 8.9 out of 10:. what can i say. it's a great game
Witcher 2: 9 out of 10. everything just fits together well. no real problems. amazing graphics, especially since DX9. You feel important and like a somebody
Fear 3: 8.9 out of 10; great game adn story line. pretty generic blood fps shooter, but hey. nothing wrong with that
Just Cause 2: 8.9 out of 10. great open world enviroment. great engine and graphics
SR3: 7 out of 10. campaign is just not there at all
Jan 2, 2012 at 1:41 PM Post #2,299 of 6,972
LittleBigPlanet 2 - It's decent, but got real boring, real quick. On a technical level it's competent, and innovative at times. But at actual gameplay isn't that fun for a 2D platformer.
Also, the PS Move portion... sucks. It's not fun, the controls are a hassle, and some parts don't have any platforming at all. I struggle to continue playing.
Jan 2, 2012 at 2:07 PM Post #2,301 of 6,972
8 Ball Pool Multiplayer   -   9.5/10  http://www.miniclip.com/games/8-ball-pool-multiplayer/en/
This is easily my favorite flash game and it is highly addicting. Out of all of the pool games I have tried this is easily the best. 
I would highly recommend creating an account. By creating an account (which is free) you basically get to play in tournaments, track progress, collect awards, and win money which can be used to purchase different types of cues.
About the game itself: 
     This game is great. You are matched up against real people and not just some computer which makes it more realistic and also more fun since the incentive to impress and or beat a real person is there. The physics is very well done and the balls move and reflect very naturally. The balls also feel as if they have weight to them which I guess can be described as a satisfying feeling. 
This game is great to play when browsing forums like Head-Fi because when it is not your turn you can be reading a thread and then when it is time for a match to start or it is your turn you are alerted by a pleasant *ding-ding*.
The controls are very easy to use and feel great. Your mouse is used to control the direction and power as well as spin. Optionally you can also use the arrow keys to control spin. The spin feature adds another level of realism and dimension to an already great game. 
My one gripe with this game is the limited chat feature. You are only allowed too choose from preset chat options like, "Nice Shot" "Pure Skill" "Hehe" "Good Game"
Finally the game allows you to friend people and you can choose to play against people on your friends list. 
Add Me - Czargeant
Jan 3, 2012 at 12:30 AM Post #2,302 of 6,972
Still enjoying BF3 and Skyrim at the moment. 
BF3 = 7 (I've always loved BF, but there are some many texture issues and connection issues. Plus, if I get the game running I know I'll freeze at some point.)
Skyrim = 9 (So much to do! Just wish it was more...)
Jan 3, 2012 at 10:51 AM Post #2,303 of 6,972
MW 3 - 8/10 still seems like the right rating here. Needs some larger maps, but that's my only real complaint. 
Bastion - 9.5/10 I had bought this awhile back and just not gotten around to playing it. However I decided to start the other day...I didn't leave my chair for 8 hours. I played all the way through and started my 'new game +'. The story is a little weird, but the game is gorgeous and I love the narrator. Overall it's just a very pretty, feature packed game. It loses .5 simply because the new game + doesn't add much.
Picked up Dungeon Defenders on Steam sales. I loved it on my iPad and iPhone and am looking forward to the superior PC interface.
Jan 3, 2012 at 11:42 AM Post #2,304 of 6,972
Bastion - 9.5/10 I had bought this awhile back and just not gotten around to playing it. However I decided to start the other day...I didn't leave my chair for 8 hours. I played all the way through and started my 'new game +'. The story is a little weird, but the game is gorgeous and I love the narrator. Overall it's just a very pretty, feature packed game. It loses .5 simply because the new game + doesn't add much.

The only complaint I have with Bastion is that it's a little short, but the thing with the narrator is a truly amazing mechanic. In my opinion the best game of last year.
Jan 3, 2012 at 12:08 PM Post #2,305 of 6,972
Yeah but you always want great games to be longer. 7 hours is a good length for a download only title.
Bastion - 9.5/10 I had bought this awhile back and just not gotten around to playing it. However I decided to start the other day...I didn't leave my chair for 8 hours. I played all the way through and started my 'new game +'. The story is a little weird, but the game is gorgeous and I love the narrator. Overall it's just a very pretty, feature packed game. It loses .5 simply because the new game + doesn't add much.

The only complaint I have with Bastion is that it's a little short, but the thing with the narrator is a truly amazing mechanic. In my opinion the best game of last year.

Jan 3, 2012 at 1:13 PM Post #2,306 of 6,972
well just got done beating gears of war 3. i haven't touched my xbox for like a year till i played this. i don't know when stuff comes out or pay attention really with games much nowadays but my brother got it for christmas when i realized it been out lol so i borrowed it. man it was a bad ass game.it was awesome and anya and sam were looking smexy in their beat up war suits and stuff lol. just depressed now i beat it,the last gears, and when you lose that one good friend in the game of that certain person was pretty sad(not gonna mention any names. don't want to spoil it for people didn't play it).
Jan 3, 2012 at 6:33 PM Post #2,308 of 6,972
Only game I'm playing now is Star Wars: The Old Republic, nothing else will get time.

The best 2 things about the game:

Missions: Each class has its own class-based storyline which follows your character throughout the game. All missions have voice acting and choice-based dialogue that occasionally impacts your descent/ascent through the sides of the force. Very KOTOR which makes it worth playing if anything. :D

Companions/Crafting: Throughout the story you gain companions (combat pets) who have their own outlooks and agendas which adds a lot of flavor to the game. Companions can be tasked to gather resources for crafting/money while you play the game. Once you get additional companions you can have one companion as a combat pet and all the other companions tasked on missions to collect resources/ craft items while you and your preferred combat pet work on missions. It's really satisfying let me tell you.

And that's only the single-player aspect. Haven't done PvP and only grouped up once for a tough solo quest.

My rating as a single-player MMO: See first sentence of post.

Jan 3, 2012 at 11:38 PM Post #2,309 of 6,972
Got a chance to play Assault Horizon...On Ace difficulty. Gotta love my friend's reaction on the last level when I pulled it off first shot...Going old school instead of using DFM (dogfight mode) is so much better against a Pasternak copycat. A tad easier than taking on the CFA's missile spam. Sadly, no railgun this time.
Gameplay: They didn't kid. It's fast paced and very destructive. A tad unrealistic with all the kulbits and cobra maneuvers though... 8/10? Reminds me slightly of Zero again with all the dogfights. At least 6 required some control of High-G turning as well. Control is still needed for any Sukhoi though.
Story: Not bad, not great. Better than AC6, worse than Zero/4/5 by far. I won't spoil it for anyone that's interested though.
Online: didn't get a chance yet. Looks and sounds good though, since DFM is pretty well implemented by the looks of it.
Any other thoughts?
This line caught me off guard though. "Yo buddy. Still alive?"
Reaction: PIXY?!
Jan 4, 2012 at 2:10 AM Post #2,310 of 6,972
MW3. Only been playing a few days, but am familiar with previous COD games. At this point I give it 7/10: 
1.  Maps aren't big enough and I don't understand why as I think bigger maps are much more fun (though I do enjoy variation). Also there is a vote system so players always have the option to skip, but now they have no choice at all to play a large map as there really aren't any.
2.  I like the idea of kill streaks, but it sucks that you can still easily be killed by being spawned near team mates which is another reason why small maps stink. If killstreaks were reduced to MW1 levels then I would give game atleast an 8 as it would be a lot less annoying at times. This is why I mostly play search n' destroy online as its not as much a factor, but it sucks that I have to limit my game modes like this. 
3.  Maps are too small.
4.  I like how shotguns are now primary weapons again like in MW1. I loved playing a large maps and using shotgun in a rushing class and then relying on handgun for long range combat. However, I haven't tried any shotguns yet in multiplayer so can't say if it'll be the same experience. 
5.  I tried campaign for about 30min before giving up. Very linear and too much cinematics. Very linear is okay if thats the genre, but I remember more variation in previous COD games.
6.  Co-op survival mode is pretty cool. I wish it was more than 2 player though. 
Skyrim. Also only been playing a few days and am around lvl17, and have had previous experience with ES games with fond memories of Morrowind:
1.  On PS3 there are some serious frame rate issues. The game is unplayable at times, and it has already crashed on me once. It is a major issue on PS3, and its something that seems to have been known to Bethesda before release since they did not give reviewers a copy of the games on PS3 unlike the other versions. I was so looking forward to this game too.
2.  Besides some bugs the game is what I expected which happens to be awesome.
3.  I hate how I find myself getting stuck in between tall rocks when I try and take shortcuts down from tall objects like mountains and buildings. I have to reload and lose everything up to that point. I've been a lot more cautious about it now, but it still happens from time to time. 
4.  Why is a bear = dragon in terms of difficulty to kill. Dragon fights should be epic in comparison, but I get much more anxious when I randomly stumble across a random bear than when I am prepped to fight a dragon.

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