Rate the video games you're currently playing
Dec 5, 2011 at 10:10 AM Post #2,266 of 6,977

MGS 4 is old...It can get away with having an archaic cover system. The story is excellent and the biggest reason to play the game.
3 friends and I got it at midnight and preceded to play through all 21 hours of it in one sitting. One playing the other 3 watching it like a movie.
Metal Gear Solid 4 -  Cover system is archaic and near useless, sneaking consists of crawling everywhere. But the story does seem interesting, so I'm gonna endure and hope for some hot cybernetic girl on girl action.

MGS 4 is one of the very few games I have actually finished. First time playing I shelved if after the long opening cinematics; after coming back I couldn't put it down until the end, simply unforgettable.

Dec 5, 2011 at 3:15 PM Post #2,268 of 6,977

What in the flying duohce is going on in that video above ??

It's the M.O.A.B. (Massive Ordinance Air Blast).  A killstreak available once you get 25kills w/o hardline & with gun/knife/grenade kills only.  I was able to get 2 in a row somehow.  Someone said it's some sort of glitch and I was just lucky enough to get it lol.
Dec 5, 2011 at 10:16 PM Post #2,269 of 6,977
I was referring to the amount of death and insanity happening at a very high rate of speed, MADNESS.
Dec 5, 2011 at 10:29 PM Post #2,270 of 6,977
Playing modern warfare 3 (with friends on one team) 10/10 Fun!  Also Rock Smith is pretty enjoyable.  I don't know much about playing the guitar but playing with my grand fathers Gibson guitar but I'll give it a 8/10 only because I am still learning how to play and my fingers hurt from pressing on the cords...lol  
Dec 7, 2011 at 12:12 AM Post #2,272 of 6,977

I got Fallout New Vegas for the PS3 on a Black Friday sale for $8 bucks.
I have read that the game had some glitches and yes it does.
The game froze on me once and I have to restart the PS3 and play the game from my last save point.
Besides that one freeze, it has been running ok. I played Fallout 3 and I thought the game was incredibly addictive, so is Fallout New Vegas.
It's worth getting if you liked Fallout 3.
I don't think the game is worth $60 bucks, because of the glitches.
If you can find it for $20 bucks or so, then it is worth giving it a try.

I couldnt really get into Fallout New Vegas. Too many bugs ruining the experiance since buying it on release day. I do intend to go back to it in the near future to see how it plays with the recent patches. It has alot of potential but seems to suffer from feature creep especially with all the different ammo types.
Fallout 3 i love to the max. I've been playing every day since it came out and only stopped when Skyrim was released which has been the only game i am playing now since november 11 2011.
Hoping Kingdoms Of Amalur and Borderlands 2 are just as fun and addictive.
Dec 7, 2011 at 10:02 AM Post #2,273 of 6,977
Killzone 3 with Move/Sharpshooter - Standard FPS, but a bit more challenging than normal (which is good). I'm getting used to using the sharpshooter peripheral, and it does add to the experience. (I hate FPS with controllers). Sadly, mine has a large crack on the plastic cover over the barrel, but it's purely cosmetic, and I'm too lazy to return it.
Dec 7, 2011 at 10:38 AM Post #2,274 of 6,977
Playing modern warfare 3 (with friends on one team) 10/10 Fun!  Also Rock Smith is pretty enjoyable.  I don't know much about playing the guitar but playing with my grand fathers Gibson guitar but I'll give it a 8/10 only because I am still learning how to play and my fingers hurt from pressing on the cords...lol  

Don't worry, you'll develop calluses. Stick with though it's worth it :)

Dec 7, 2011 at 10:58 AM Post #2,275 of 6,977
Currently playing Skyrim. I would give it 8/10. I love the look of the game, and the fact that it's completely open-ended. I do have issues with inventory management and the system for assigning hotkeys to spells and potions, however. Both seem unnecessarily complicated.
Dec 7, 2011 at 1:13 PM Post #2,277 of 6,977
Haha ya I got calluses from lifting weights in my palms but not the finger tips....lol ouch...but ya its fun!  You playing it or play guitar I assume.  

Don't worry, you'll develop calluses. Stick with though it's worth it

Dec 7, 2011 at 11:26 PM Post #2,278 of 6,977
I can't wait for the CK in January, so modders can de-consolize the game. -_-

And make the NPCs not stupid I hope. They can push us when we're trying to aim but we can't push them out of doorways?!?
Dec 8, 2011 at 12:16 AM Post #2,279 of 6,977
Playing Serious Sam 3 BFE . All I can say is it's fcuking SERIOUS.
My micro review of the game;
First off, I'd give it a 7.5 or 8/10, just because its so insane and crazy. Like someone said (this "could" have been the future of shooters).
The amount of shooting you do in that game is STAGGERING.
First, the level design, it's just ok. Not bad but not great either. There are a lot of wide open areas to wage war in but they just all seem a little bit on the drab side, uninteresting. It's all the same in a way, concrete and desert. I remember being impressed by the expansive and wide open levels when I played the first Serious Sam back in the day, the level design was awesome back then, but now in 2011 we ( well, I ) need something different... (a futuristic far cry style comes to mind).
Secondly, the sound. I play the game with my RS1i or DT990's. While the soundtrack is suitable, the sound effects specifically from Sam's weapons are lacking. (I guess i'm spoiled when it comes to sound, especially with BF3's impressive sfx). There's no depth or bass (punch) to any of the weapons. I think this is a very critical point for the game, because the game is solely based and focused on "shooting", that's all you do. So to run around with pitiful sounding weaponry can feel unsatisfying and can result in boredom (no matter how many aliens you kill).
Thirdly, the gameplay itself. It's seriously insane. That's all im gonna say.
Dec 8, 2011 at 1:02 AM Post #2,280 of 6,977
Sounds like...A Serious Sam game.
I want it.
Playing Serious Sam 3 BFE . All I can say is it's fcuking SERIOUS.
My micro review of the game;
First off, I'd give it a 7.5 or 8/10, just because its so insane and crazy. Like someone said (this "could" have been the future of shooters).
The amount of shooting you do in that game is STAGGERING.
First, the level design, it's just ok. Not bad but not great either. There are a lot of wide open areas to wage war in but they just all seem a little bit on the drab side, uninteresting. It's all the same in a way, concrete and desert. I remember being impressed by the expansive and wide open levels when I played the first Serious Sam back in the day, the level design was awesome back then, but now in 2011 we ( well, I ) need something different... (a futuristic far cry style comes to mind).
Secondly, the sound. I play the game with my RS1i or DT990's. While the soundtrack is suitable, the sound effects specifically from Sam's weapons are lacking. (I guess i'm spoiled when it comes to sound, especially with BF3's impressive sfx). There's no depth or bass (punch) to any of the weapons. I think this is a very critical point for the game, because the game is solely based and focused on "shooting", that's all you do. So to run around with pitiful sounding weaponry can feel unsatisfying and can result in boredom (no matter how many aliens you kill).
Thirdly, the gameplay itself. It's seriously insane. That's all im gonna say.


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