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Jan 4, 2012 at 5:02 AM Post #2,311 of 6,972
Stuck on the final boss of dark souls.

17 tries MFW
Jan 4, 2012 at 6:44 AM Post #2,312 of 6,972
17 tries? That's nothing: to make up for the fact I cannot afford many games, I play them all on difficulty settings that are too hard for me to make them last longer. I die a lot.
Directly OT:
Skyrim: Never was a big Bethesda RPG fan, but I liked Fallout 3 (although I couldn't stomach repeated playthroughs). More fun than Oblivion (not difficult, considering Oblivion consisted of identical forests full of copy-pasted dungeons) but not relevatory. Also, optimisation is godawful.
S.T.A.L.K.E.R (All three): Need to get used to not having an autosave. All running the "Complete" mods; only on Chernobyl at the moment, but it seems pretty fun, apart from the aforementioned forget-to-save-and-go-back-half-an-hour problem.
Mass Effect: Bought both in the Steam sales: currently playing through the first one. Shows considerable promise - I can't really comment further as I am still in the early stages of the title.
All of these, with the exception of Skyrim (was a gift) were bought in 75% off sales!
Jan 4, 2012 at 9:11 AM Post #2,313 of 6,972
Skyrim - 9/10
Never been the fan of previous series (Morrowind or Oblivion), on previous game Oblivion I only went to two gates then gets bored and never played again This is the first of this game I went through and now on level 33 and quite addicted to it. The other Bethesda game that I play is Fallout3 and New Vegas, liked both of them. I'm not the kind who likes the medieval scene with melee weapon, I'd prefer sniping from afar but Skyrim so far is the best of Elder Scrolls. Build my character for tanking both single handed and dual handed and shield as well as smithing (Daedric armor FTW), but then he fails in speechcraft

Minecraft 10/10
What could I say about this game? This is LEGO in games, I'd love playing LEGO as a child building things from my imagination and this is LEGO with infinite blocks and infinite possibilities. I'd play countless hours in creative mode making models of things I like for example Star Wars SuperStar Destroyer. Fun, fun and more fun! I'm having fun playing SkyBlock challenge as well but keeps falling down which is annoying as hell
BF3 - 5/10
Most of the 5 are the game graphics, but it could get annoying at times. Singleplayer are too scripted and trying to copy MW3. I don't like it, I rather play MW3 than this.
Jan 4, 2012 at 9:41 AM Post #2,314 of 6,972
1. One of my 2 complaints. The maps are too small. There's only 3 fairly large maps in the entire game. They're a ton better than Black Ops (which was unplayable because of horrible maps, IMO) but still fall short of MW 1 or MW 2.
2. I mostly play Kill Confirmed and Domination and the spawn system is an issue every now and then. It always has been in COD games no matter how big the maps were. You'll eventually spawn next to a teamate or you'll spawn seconds before you lose a point and get slaughtered. Doesn't bug me near as much in MW 3 though.
4. Really glad they're primary guns again, too. They nerfed the SPAS 12 which is a little dissapointing, but they nerfed the AA12 as well (thank god) so it's okay I suppose. The Striker is beatly on most maps if you're into shotguns. I've come to use SMGs for every map in MW 3 at this point.
5. The campaign never even comes into the equation for me. It's always just a tacked on thing since MW 1, IMO.
6. Finally have a friend to play this with but haven't tried it as of yet.

MW3. Only been playing a few days, but am familiar with previous COD games. At this point I give it 7/10: 
1.  Maps aren't big enough and I don't understand why as I think bigger maps are much more fun (though I do enjoy variation). Also there is a vote system so players always have the option to skip, but now they have no choice at all to play a large map as there really aren't any.
2.  I like the idea of kill streaks, but it sucks that you can still easily be killed by being spawned near team mates which is another reason why small maps stink. If killstreaks were reduced to MW1 levels then I would give game atleast an 8 as it would be a lot less annoying at times. This is why I mostly play search n' destroy online as its not as much a factor, but it sucks that I have to limit my game modes like this. 
3.  Maps are too small.
4.  I like how shotguns are now primary weapons again like in MW1. I loved playing a large maps and using shotgun in a rushing class and then relying on handgun for long range combat. However, I haven't tried any shotguns yet in multiplayer so can't say if it'll be the same experience. 
5.  I tried campaign for about 30min before giving up. Very linear and too much cinematics. Very linear is okay if thats the genre, but I remember more variation in previous COD games.
6.  Co-op survival mode is pretty cool. I wish it was more than 2 player though. 

Jan 4, 2012 at 11:59 AM Post #2,315 of 6,972

Got curious yesterday and tried this.  Spent WAY TOO MUCH TIME playing.
The 9-ball game is fun, and more fluid (probably because it's an offline game), but trying to sink the 9-ball so many times in 5 minutes does not feel as rewarding as running a living person off the table.  Not that I'm very good, but it happened yesterday.
Waiting for 9-ball multiplayer.
Jan 4, 2012 at 2:30 PM Post #2,316 of 6,972

MW3. Only been playing a few days, but am familiar with previous COD games. At this point I give it 7/10: 
1.  Maps aren't big enough and I don't understand why as I think bigger maps are much more fun (though I do enjoy variation). Also there is a vote system so players always have the option to skip, but now they have no choice at all to play a large map as there really aren't any.
2.  I like the idea of kill streaks, but it sucks that you can still easily be killed by being spawned near team mates which is another reason why small maps stink. If killstreaks were reduced to MW1 levels then I would give game atleast an 8 as it would be a lot less annoying at times. This is why I mostly play search n' destroy online as its not as much a factor, but it sucks that I have to limit my game modes like this. 
3.  Maps are too small.
4.  I like how shotguns are now primary weapons again like in MW1. I loved playing a large maps and using shotgun in a rushing class and then relying on handgun for long range combat. However, I haven't tried any shotguns yet in multiplayer so can't say if it'll be the same experience. 
5.  I tried campaign for about 30min before giving up. Very linear and too much cinematics. Very linear is okay if thats the genre, but I remember more variation in previous COD games.
6.  Co-op survival mode is pretty cool. I wish it was more than 2 player though. 

Bigger maps would just mean more camping and hide and seek which is no fun. I actually like the way they designed these maps. Its the best for gameplay so far. But let's face it, MW3 has become Madden... change a few things and sell it as a full game. Fun to play but a bit outdated compared to BF3 which is slowly taking market share and will probably take over soon in the coming releases. 
That being said, its a fun map pack for MW2 and I give it a 7/10 also. 
Jan 4, 2012 at 3:38 PM Post #2,317 of 6,972
VVVVVV: 6/10. Don't see what all the fuss is about. Just played it today, finished with a game time of 59 minutes (it tells you at the end) and 10/20 orbs. Not going to bother with the other 10 orbs. Gameplay is alright, but very basic.
Jan 6, 2012 at 2:35 PM Post #2,318 of 6,972

1. One of my 2 complaints. The maps are too small. There's only 3 fairly large maps in the entire game. They're a ton better than Black Ops (which was unplayable because of horrible maps, IMO) but still fall short of MW 1 or MW 2.
2. I mostly play Kill Confirmed and Domination and the spawn system is an issue every now and then. It always has been in COD games no matter how big the maps were. You'll eventually spawn next to a teamate or you'll spawn seconds before you lose a point and get slaughtered. Doesn't bug me near as much in MW 3 though.
4. Really glad they're primary guns again, too. They nerfed the SPAS 12 which is a little dissapointing, but they nerfed the AA12 as well (thank god) so it's okay I suppose. The Striker is beatly on most maps if you're into shotguns. I've come to use SMGs for every map in MW 3 at this point.
5. The campaign never even comes into the equation for me. It's always just a tacked on thing since MW 1, IMO.
6. Finally have a friend to play this with but haven't tried it as of yet.

1.  I now realize that there are a couple fairly large maps (thank goodness), but nothing really with large open expanses or great vantage points that make for interesting sniper maps. I skipped Black Ops but have played the others since COD4. At first I didn't like World at War, because it felt unpolished compared to MW1, but the large maps and modest killstreaks make it IMO more fun than MW3. 
4.  Still not have tried a shotgun or SMG class. I am not familiar enough yet with the maps to use a running type class. Plus I am too busy LOVING the Stalker Pro perk. I know though that once I start playing on Hardcore or get competitive with SnD then I will have to start using the silent perk or whatever it is called instead. I just have not leveled up enough to unlock all the perks yet because I am playing Skyrim at the same time. 
5.  I will play single player because I am a completist due to only buying very few games these years. Basically any FPS I buy I will try to beat single player on most difficult.
6.  Its basically the zombie survival mode from the other COD games, except they are not zombies. I am already bored of it but will likely play on occasion as a break from multiplayer. 
Bigger maps would just mean more camping and hide and seek which is no fun. I actually like the way they designed these maps. Its the best for gameplay so far. But let's face it, MW3 has become Madden... change a few things and sell it as a full game. Fun to play but a bit outdated compared to BF3 which is slowly taking market share and will probably take over soon in the coming releases. 
That being said, its a fun map pack for MW2 and I give it a 7/10 also. 

Agree that this does feel like an expansion to MW2 rather than a new game. 
I've never had an issue with camping. Its another style of play - just a slower one. It sucks if someone is camping the corner of a room, but I find that they are noobs who cant compete with experienced players and are tired of dying constantly. Also for pros who like camping an area of the map - I don't see the problem. I've never had a problem with not being able to take them down if I wanted. The bigger issue is the killstreak reward system that allows them the power to kill you because of your teammates' incompetence. 
Jan 6, 2012 at 8:36 PM Post #2,319 of 6,972
Halo Reach 10/10
Halo reminded me why I like FPS, no one can take out another team by themselves no matter how much that team sucked, the vehicles are not ridiculously over powered, you can't get kills with camping, no matter how big the maps are you don't have spend hours running because of the short cuts, there are no ultimate one shot kill weapons etc.
Jan 7, 2012 at 1:04 AM Post #2,320 of 6,972
I'm A Nerd
Pokemon FireRed: 8.9/10
Jan 7, 2012 at 9:59 AM Post #2,321 of 6,972
Halo Reach was a fantastic game. I haven't played the re-imagine of the first game yet, but Halo has always been a lot of fun for me (with the exception of 3). The community sucks, but the games are really fun to play. Kind of like COD.
Halo Reach 10/10
Halo reminded me why I like FPS, no one can take out another team by themselves no matter how much that team sucked, the vehicles are not ridiculously over powered, you can't get kills with camping, no matter how big the maps are you don't have spend hours running because of the short cuts, there are no ultimate one shot kill weapons etc.

Jan 7, 2012 at 10:11 AM Post #2,322 of 6,972

Halo Reach was a fantastic game. I haven't played the re-imagine of the first game yet, but Halo has always been a lot of fun for me (with the exception of 3). The community sucks, but the games are really fun to play. Kind of like COD.

I actually picked up the 10th anniversary remake today. I finished the whole campaign in one sitting (6 hours), everything feels like the exact same but sharper. AFAIK the only difference in gameplay is the two invisible flood combat forms that replaced the invisible Elites on the last mission (The maw). There is an option to switch to the original graphics so its indistinguishable from the first game. Haven't tried multiplayer yet because I should take a break. Hopefully the multiplayer will feel like the original.
Jan 7, 2012 at 12:04 PM Post #2,323 of 6,972
Picked up FFXIII and initially didn't like it but now am @ the end.  An 8/10 for me.  The first 23 hours felt like Mass Effect in respect to how linear the gameplay can be though moreso.  After that is when you finally experience an "open" world to play & "hunt" in.  I'll be starting spring semester before the FXIII-2 gets out so I'll pick that up in the summer when it's hopefully cheaper lol =P
Jan 7, 2012 at 12:19 PM Post #2,324 of 6,972

I'm A Nerd
Pokemon FireRed: 8.9/10

Use something ridiculous to catch it. I managed to catch Groudon in a Premier ball, Kyogre in a Great Ball, and Rayquaza in a Luxury Ball. Every time I ran out of Ultra balls, I just went "why the heck not". Result. It seems that the more ridiculous you go, the better chance you have...to a degree. Reminds me, Emerald was awesome fun. I even have a pikachu named after myself.
Jan 7, 2012 at 3:05 PM Post #2,325 of 6,972

Use something ridiculous to catch it. I managed to catch Groudon in a Premier ball, Kyogre in a Great Ball, and Rayquaza in a Luxury Ball. Every time I ran out of Ultra balls, I just went "why the heck not". Result. It seems that the more ridiculous you go, the better chance you have...to a degree. Reminds me, Emerald was awesome fun. I even have a pikachu named after myself.

I've caught every single legendary (except for the ones that can only be obtained through an event) with an Ultra Ball, Master Ball, etc. I am trying to re-catch every one of them with only a Poke Ball, and i'll have to say, even though I don't have a lot left, it's a very heard task. The best method is to use False Swipe, then freeze, paralyze, or sleep.

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