Questyle QP1
Dec 9, 2015 at 1:53 PM Post #2,821 of 4,272
Have just spent the first few hours with my new QP1R and... ... much to my surprise & dismay, it might be going back.
First off, as pretty much everyone's been saying, this player looks fabulous & sounds superb - it pulls off the great trick of balancing lush, rich (slightly warm), powerful sound with great detail retrieval. It's easily, noticeably better than my iphone 6s and the 1st gen X5 (as it should be at the price).
Now for the 'but'... That scrollwheel. I'm really confused about the complaints about it being stiff. Mine is loose - very loose - but the contact is erratic resulting in similarly erratic onscreen scrolling. The X5 wheel always felt a bit sloppy mechanically, but compared to the QP1R's, married well & consistently to onscreen performance (to me - I know others weren't so happy). As it is, the wheel on the QP1R feels bad - really bad - & just doesn't seem like it belongs on a £700 piece of kit to me.
My bigger problem with the QP1R is the volume pot. I love the position of it pocket access-wise, but it's way, way too loose to be practical on the move - I can envisage constant, random volume changes with every brush on a pocket lining. I might be wrong, but at the risk of scuffing the casework, am not willing to test given I'm contemplating returning it. I was anticipating it being quite firm & resistant - requiring some very positive pressure to rotate (in similar fashion to that on my now departed E12 amp, which could sit happily in a jeans pocket without disturbance). Again, it feels almost toy-like on a premium product. It would be a huge improvement if there was some feature for a downward mechanical click on the pot to engage/disengage it's active status.
I'm really torn now as to whether I keep, or return it. It's clearly a class-leader sonically, but I can imagine the above becoming things that increasingly irritate me about it with every use - like that annoying squeak or knocking that you just can't trace in a new car... Either that, or I return it & am eternally disappointed with the sonics of a similarly-priced touchscreen operated player.
Very, very frustrating - especially since these things didn't strike me when I tried the player at CanJam.
Dec 9, 2015 at 2:06 PM Post #2,822 of 4,272
I can handle click or no click that doesn't matter it the volume pot itself like I said it frustrating when I turn up the volume will go down a couple clicks and then go up same when im turning it down the volume will go up ,wierd

Mine clicks, but, I notice a bit of a delayed reaction, sometimes.  It happens when I turned up too far, and then bring it down faster.  Maybe, it's something to do with the processor.
Dec 9, 2015 at 2:14 PM Post #2,823 of 4,272
I  carry it in my pocket all the time and have had no problem with the volume pot moving.  It's also somewhat protected by the frame on each side.
As for the wheel, you might be able to exchange the player, especially if you found it acceptable at the canjam.  I don't use the wheel, but it feels much better than my X5I.  Hope you get satisfaction; it's my endgame device.
Dec 9, 2015 at 3:23 PM Post #2,824 of 4,272
Have just spent the first few hours with my new QP1R and... ... much to my surprise & dismay, it might be going back.

First off, as pretty much everyone's been saying, this player looks fabulous & sounds superb - it pulls off the great trick of balancing lush, rich (slightly warm), powerful sound with great detail retrieval. It's easily, noticeably better than my iphone 6s and the 1st gen X5 (as it should be at the price).

Now for the 'but'... That scrollwheel. I'm really confused about the complaints about it being stiff. Mine is loose - very loose - but the contact is erratic resulting in similarly erratic onscreen scrolling. The X5 wheel always felt a bit sloppy mechanically, but compared to the QP1R's, married well & consistently to onscreen performance (to me - I know others weren't so happy). As it is, the wheel on the QP1R feels bad - really bad - & just seem like it belongs on a £700 piece of kit to me.

My bigger problem with the QP1R is the volume pot. I love the position of it pocket access-wise, but it's way, way too loose to be practical on the move - I can envisage constant, random volume changes with every brush on a pocket lining. I might be wrong, but at the risk of scuffing the casework, am not willing to test given I'm contemplating returning it. I was anticipating it being quite firm & resistant - requiring some very positive pressure to rotate (in similar fashion to that on my now departed E12 amp, which could sit happily in a jeans pocket without disturbance). Again, it feels almost toy-like on a premium product. It would be a huge improvement if there was some feature for a downward mechanical click on the pot to engage/disengage it's active status.

I'm really torn now as to whether I keep, or return it. It's clearly a class-leader sonically, but I can imagine the above becoming things that increasingly irritate me about it with every use - like that annoying squeak or knocking that you just can't trace in a new car... Either that, or I return it & am eternally disappointed with the sonics of a similarly-priced touchscreen operated player.

Very, very frustrating - especially since these things didn't strike me when I tried the player at CanJam.
hi . The first batch that came out were milled a lil loose. When turning the scroll wheel. Look close. It may accually not be spinng. Because of the slick metal surface. Try using two fingers . One on each side of the wheel. Or i put a small rubber bump on it to rest finger on. Questyle provides great customer service. I have an first release with the same issues. But i havent exchanged it becase i dont want to be without it even for a day! SQ. That good!
Dec 9, 2015 at 3:57 PM Post #2,825 of 4,272
After 3 days: loving every moment with it (except the fact that most micro USB cable cannot be used to charge the player):confused:

Before this, been using AK Jr and iPhone 6+ with Oppo HA-2. For those who is looking to enjoy their music, and can accept the fact there is no perfect DAP, this will be an awesome buy. ☺
Dec 9, 2015 at 4:24 PM Post #2,826 of 4,272
  Have just spent the first few hours with my new QP1R and... ... much to my surprise & dismay, it might be going back.
First off, as pretty much everyone's been saying, this player looks fabulous & sounds superb - it pulls off the great trick of balancing lush, rich (slightly warm), powerful sound with great detail retrieval. It's easily, noticeably better than my iphone 6s and the 1st gen X5 (as it should be at the price).
Now for the 'but'... That scrollwheel. I'm really confused about the complaints about it being stiff. Mine is loose - very loose - but the contact is erratic resulting in similarly erratic onscreen scrolling. The X5 wheel always felt a bit sloppy mechanically, but compared to the QP1R's, married well & consistently to onscreen performance (to me - I know others weren't so happy). As it is, the wheel on the QP1R feels bad - really bad - & just seem like it belongs on a £700 piece of kit to me.
My bigger problem with the QP1R is the volume pot. I love the position of it pocket access-wise, but it's way, way too loose to be practical on the move - I can envisage constant, random volume changes with every brush on a pocket lining. I might be wrong, but at the risk of scuffing the casework, am not willing to test given I'm contemplating returning it. I was anticipating it being quite firm & resistant - requiring some very positive pressure to rotate (in similar fashion to that on my now departed E12 amp, which could sit happily in a jeans pocket without disturbance). Again, it feels almost toy-like on a premium product. It would be a huge improvement if there was some feature for a downward mechanical click on the pot to engage/disengage it's active status.
I'm really torn now as to whether I keep, or return it. It's clearly a class-leader sonically, but I can imagine the above becoming things that increasingly irritate me about it with every use - like that annoying squeak or knocking that you just can't trace in a new car... Either that, or I return it & am eternally disappointed with the sonics of a similarly-priced touchscreen operated player.
Very, very frustrating - especially since these things didn't strike me when I tried the player at CanJam.

Sounds like a color issue. 

Dec 9, 2015 at 5:07 PM Post #2,830 of 4,272
This is complete torture reading all these reviews on this beauty- i am waiting my delivery from Germany to the uk 2 days have passed and the anticipation is unbearable. i have sold my ak240ss and so need to de-thread from that forum. Its so good to hear such positive feedback from this device and the fact that if there is a problem Questyle are very responsive.
Dec 9, 2015 at 5:13 PM Post #2,831 of 4,272
Hmmm...? What?
Sorry, I have been distracted...Just enjoying the 432GB on board of hi rez on the QP1r.....#Dual200GBSDCXCARDS!

Dec 9, 2015 at 5:17 PM Post #2,833 of 4,272
Dec 9, 2015 at 5:36 PM Post #2,835 of 4,272

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