Philips Fidelio X2?!
Jul 29, 2014 at 12:21 AM Post #154 of 15,270
  Bill, don't forget the HD600 & DT880. Even of the new headphones, FSP, HP50, L2 etc, I've not heard anyone say they are better. The X2 could be be the one though.

The guys at Headfonia love the Fidelio L2 a lot!! Have you read that review? Or does it seem to hyped for you? 
I preferred the Fidelio L2 over a CLAS/RX MkIII B+ driven HD650 but I haven't heard the HD600 nor the DT880 so don't take my word for it. That being said, I don't think the rig brings the best out of the HD650 but I believe neither does it bring the best out of my L2. I've heard the FSP though but the more closed in soundstage wouldn't be an apt comparison to the open backs/semi-open backs. Also, I found the L2's too be warmer than the neutral Focal. The FSC was warmer than both though.
What I hear from the L2 is the reason I'm intrigued by how the X2 will turn out.
Jul 29, 2014 at 7:20 AM Post #156 of 15,270
The guys at Headfonia love the Fidelio L2 a lot!! Have you read that review? Or does it seem to hyped for you?
I preferred the Fidelio L2 over a CLAS/RX MkIII B+ driven HD650 but I haven't heard the HD600 nor the DT880 so don't take my word for it. That being said, I don't think the rig brings the best out of the HD650 but I believe neither does it bring the best out of my L2. I've heard the FSP though but the more closed in soundstage wouldn't be an apt comparison to the open backs/semi-open backs. Also, I found the L2's too be warmer than the neutral Focal. The FSC was warmer than both though.
What I hear from the L2 is the reason I'm intrigued by how the X2 will turn out.

The Headfonia review does seem hyped but there are some observations which you can take as plausible eg. being grainless compared to the DT880, HD600, having less bass than the HD650. I still don't know what he means when he talks about having the best driver. In what way is it the best driver and how does he deduce that? Either he is being cryptic or I am just a layman. Having said that, he probably doesn't have an agenda because he doesn't sell the L2 but he does sell some of the other cans that the L2 betters (according to him). I'm guessing Philips will send him the X2 soon on account of this review.
As to the HD600, DT880 comparisons I think you ideally need a desktop amp that will cover 16 to 600 ohms headphones. With the closed headphones you can still compare other things like the balance, PRAT, dynamic range and the realism of the timbre.
Jul 29, 2014 at 8:22 AM Post #157 of 15,270
  The Headfonia review does seem hyped but there are some observations which you can take as plausible eg. being grainless compared to the DT880, HD600, having less bass than the HD650. I still don't know what he means when he talks about having the best driver. In what way is it the best driver and how does he deduce that? Either he is being cryptic or I am just a layman. Having said that, he probably doesn't have an agenda because he doesn't sell the L2 but he does sell some of the other cans that the L2 betters (according to him). I'm guessing Philips will send him the X2 soon on account of this review.
As to the HD600, DT880 comparisons I think you ideally need a desktop amp that will cover 16 to 600 ohms headphones. With the closed headphones you can still compare other things like the balance, PRAT, dynamic range and the realism of the timbre.

I took the driver thing to be the smooth grainless yet not veiled sound, imaging, and other technicalities. That and that soundstage depth and center image is one of the best I've heard. Jude, the Headfonia guys, and Tyll got the L2s to review when they went over there to Philips Germany? (I forgot why and where in Europe). Jude and the Headfonia guys seem to love the L2 as a reference. Tyll spoke his positive but not ecstatic comments here though I'm still waiting for his review. 
Regarding what you said about comparing open back headphones to closed back headphones, I agree but just the nature of it being open or closed has huge impacts on a headphones' sound. 
Not related to the above, what are the countries the X2 are available in currently and @Baycode, when are you posting your review 

Jul 30, 2014 at 2:55 PM Post #158 of 15,270
L2 has a midrange a lot less even than the x1, having had both. The x1 midrange would be considered natural compared to the l2 and it has a peeky treble but a way more hi fi, grainless sound. The l2 def has a tighter and deeper low end but isn't nearly as punchy. L2 = bright and bass light, x1= warm and even balanced mids to highs if not slightly dark.

According to the things you write I can say that L2 and X1 has a perfect lovechild now...

Tension is growing! -.- Share more more more! :wink:
Jul 30, 2014 at 3:33 PM Post #159 of 15,270
Jul 30, 2014 at 6:51 PM Post #162 of 15,270
Thanks. You seem to do great reviews and have lot of experience but are You going to have any better/higher quality source components (DAC) incoming soon?
Just hoping that You wont do X2 review based on Galaxy S2, Ipod and other similar sources. Not saying that those are bad but still... this is head-fi and knowing myself how much proper DAC can change, even with using good amp, I would expect better sourcing. But even if Your using S2 as source, waiting eagerly Your review about X2 :wink:

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