Oriolus Hybrid IEM
Feb 10, 2021 at 12:53 AM Post #1,846 of 1,871
I have the original Oriolus and was looking at getting the Finschi for more casual use and for movies with my tablet, do they leak sound? I just got told by my partner my Fiio FD1 leak quite a lot.
They don't leak sound.
Feb 16, 2021 at 4:00 PM Post #1,848 of 1,871
New oriolus iem, Oriolus Traillii JP
Coming soon...

Spec: 8ba + 4est
Price: approximately 700k yen

Photos taken by me.


I hope you are happy with the Traillii - as I bought one too recently ! Now is this (price) crazy as some people in this thread write ? I would say YES ! BUT WHAT A FUN CRAZYNESS - this marvel sounds otherworldly great. If one has not listened to it - one does not know what perfection in sound reproduction is. It is simple as that.
Until I got "mad" and bought this IEM for this ridiculous price - i was a rather normal person and was happy with an A&K Ti8K-MK2 which is in the 1000 Euro range - already considered as high-end really. And that IEM is indeed pretty good, and i thought until now - as good as it gets - until i got Traillii - I don't know what Mr. Lao Rao (the Chinese who developped this Oriolus IEM) did here and how he managed to get 12 drivers to be in such harmony and perfection - but it shows a skill of many many years of experience in this field and a good ear to be able to push the limits beyond any known boundary.

My tip - forget about the wallet and your bank account - if you can BUY THIS IEM - is it worth it ? Well you listen and then you know.

B.t.w. a TIP for Trailli users: I removed the standard Oriolus Earbuds and replaced them with SPINFIT CP155 which boosts bass by more than 10% and brings out more clarity and 3D sound stage. The improvement was noticeable and now the fun is at the peak.
I listened to Hifi Systems (with floorstanding loudspeakers) where the whole system would cost in excess of 50.000 USD and above - and to be honest - they fall short of the sound stage and details of reproduction that can be heard with this Traillii IEM.
I am very sorry for anybody who can not afford this extremely expensive item - it's obviously unfair and not ment to be available to everybody, and i would also argue -not needed. There are music genres where i would say that my A&K is already more than sufficient. I listen predominantely to classical music and Jazz and in such genres such razor sharp sound stages matter and adds the kick of pleasure. When i listen to some Heavy Metal music or pop music - my A&K does a great job by itself. No need in such case for Traillii. For every taste a suitable IEM.

So back to the original question - do you enjoy the Trailli that you bought almost a year ago ?

Feb 27, 2021 at 12:48 PM Post #1,849 of 1,871
Feb 27, 2021 at 1:55 PM Post #1,850 of 1,871

If you haven’t seen it, this post is worth a read (courtesy of @jadenh) for Oriolus fans out there! The story behind Oriolus.
yes we know that already - was published quite some time ago - and shows that the Chinese engineers are excellent craftsmen - once again....Most if not ALL iPhones are produced in China anyway - but my new Huawei GT 2 pro watch is just a stunner also - we owe Chinese people/businesses alot of good products at affordable price - whether we like to accept and recognize it or not. They also produce crap - but that's life - everybody has problems, right ?
Feb 27, 2021 at 4:08 PM Post #1,851 of 1,871
@equalspeace do you use low or high gain with the Walkman?
Feb 27, 2021 at 4:43 PM Post #1,853 of 1,871

Been using them high gain. But my Mk2 is a newer version i think w the carbon pattern on it. It seems to hiss less than the previous Mk2 iems i’ve had, which i’d def not use on high gain
I used to use my MDR-Z1R with my 1A so just kept it on high gain. When using with desktops the extra power seems to make my Oriolus really shine so I figured it may have the same effect although I am lazy to compare with low and have not really noticed any negative effects with high.
Mar 23, 2021 at 5:59 AM Post #1,854 of 1,871
I'm considering getting the IER-Z1R but the fit issues concern me as I can't try before buying - I'll have to import to my country. My ears are not big but the original Oriolus fit like a glove, how much bigger are the Z1R? I understand the shape is different and the weight is a lot more. I wish I could get a 3D print.
Mar 23, 2021 at 6:59 AM Post #1,855 of 1,871
I'm considering getting the IER-Z1R but the fit issues concern me as I can't try before buying - I'll have to import to my country. My ears are not big but the original Oriolus fit like a glove, how much bigger are the Z1R? I understand the shape is different and the weight is a lot more. I wish I could get a 3D print.

I had Oriolus Mk2...both Mk2 and Z1R fit me fine
Mar 23, 2021 at 3:27 PM Post #1,856 of 1,871
I'm considering getting the IER-Z1R but the fit issues concern me as I can't try before buying - I'll have to import to my country. My ears are not big but the original Oriolus fit like a glove, how much bigger are the Z1R? I understand the shape is different and the weight is a lot more. I wish I could get a 3D print.

I have both Mk2 and Z1R. Although I'm pretty comfortable with both, IMHO, they fit very differently. Mk2's body is actually thicker with a wider and shorter nozzle. Z1R has a more tapered shape with a tapered nozzle for a deep insertion fit. In fact, I use Yamaha's long double flange tip for Mk2 to get a firm fit and a smaller Final E tip for Z1R. Z1R is not that big. I believe it is the location of the bulk (body) relative to the nozzle/ear canal that causes the problem for most. I will see if I can capture this in a photo later.
Apr 8, 2021 at 11:24 AM Post #1,857 of 1,871
Bought the lauded MEST and VE8 this year and here are some of my initial thoughts regarding Oriolus mk2/reborn:

- Just having owned the Oriolus kept me from spending on other iems for a good long while... that's a good thing (especially for the kidneys and wallet)!

-MEST are technically superior, but I can't help it but say that the Oriolus are a better All- Rounder for sure, like definitely the overall better generalist iem. The Mids tuning really glue the gap between the lows and highs, unlike the MEST. Tuning is so important for the overall enjoyment/experience.

- The VE8 is recently added, so it's too early to say if it's a direct upgrade, but they have a lot more in common than the other iem. Again, another great all rounder. Oriolus may have the more elaborate subbass. As I have expected, both have solid mid- forward signature. Oriolus Mk2 proposes a better shimmer in the upper highs: I can hear up to 17kHz no problem. The VE8 has a more intimate jazzy candle lit feel to them. Unlike the MEST, these two are vocal champions! The VE8 though has less upclose vocal presence (but are pretty immersive, detailed and seductive nonetheless! )
Again, end game All-Rounders. You sit back and enjoy your collection with a satisfied smile.

TL;DR - Oriolus is still going strong. Tuning is a strong force with decent technicalities. For the price, they hold up.

If there were only more comparisons with the Monarch/Clairvoyance twins, that'd be a match up I'm interested in reading.

Still solid for sub 1k entry to TOTL these stand IMHO.
Last edited:
Jul 15, 2021 at 12:57 PM Post #1,858 of 1,871
Oriolus Reborn first day impressions.

Earliest of early impressions after just a few test tracks were that this is another work of characteristic Oriolus magic. First thoughts-- very well balanced and pleasing tuning. Think Solaris with more sub-bass, a bit less mid-bass (a little less thump but more woob), not quite as spacious or layered but with more forwardness & even temperedness in the mids combined with The Old Man's peerless affinity for extracting nuance, emotion and subtle textures out of vocals and bringing the whole upper mid-range forward without overshadowing the lower mids, sacrificing weight and body or veering into anything too shouty (it did come a bit close on one of my tracks but that could have been the recording) or sacrificing sweetness in the highs. So far, huge thumbs up.

Some more notes after a few hours. Something I've been surprised about: these things are sub-bass beasts. Not in quantity but in quality-- the bass is quick, thick, very well extended, nicely nuanced & detailed...all in all possibly the most satisfying pure sub-bass experience I've had since the IER Z1R. On the flip side mid-bass oomph, as I noted earlier, is not as strong and at first-- coming right from something like the Dorado or even the Isabellae-- I find myself missing that presence, however invariably after some time passes and my brain adapts to the sound I stop noticing/minding...it's funny how our minds work and what we can adapt to. Not unlike walking into a bright room from the dark-- it's overwhelming at first but after time your perception adjusts accordingly.

On any of my tracks that benefit from a good sub-bass emphasis the Reborn absolutely knocks it out of the park-- I was not expecting the sub-bass to be this good.

Mids are fantastic-- sometimes upper mids veer into "almost too sharp" territory but they never quite get there. I think this is a consequence of missing mid-bass presence I am used to as well as adjusting to, what is in my experience generally sharper, BA midrange timbre. Male vocals are some of the nicest I've heard.

Staging is fairly wide and tall but quite deep-- this is where Reborn's hybrid elements allow it to surpass something like Isa. There is a really nice sense of holographic rendering here and you get the inklings of a tangible 3-d presence-- something that The Old Man perfected in the Traillii.

I listened to the following to the following on Reborn:

...and it's probably my favorite rendering of the song I've ever heard in an IEM (I didn't try it on Traillii though)-- the vocals are pitch perfect & seductive and the bass is super well defined and satisfying. Reborn is definitely skewed a little more towards sub-bass compared to the mid-bass emphasis of Isa..which in the context of Reborn's tuning as a while just works...and it makes the two IEMs very complimentary (for that and other reasons).

All that said this IEM has already won me over. My only real reservations so far are 1) re-adjusting back to BA timbre in the mids, 2) not as much mid-bass presence as I usally like, and 3) upper mids come within a hairbreadth of too strident at times...though I must also say that after I've been listening for a while my awareness of all these things vanish as I find myself melting into the inviting, open and embracing tuning of the Oriolius Reborn.


Oriolus Isabellae

Isa: more balanced, slight mid-bass emphasis over sub-bass, less technical, more romantic, intimate & coherent, a smoother listen overall, more natural timbre in the highs & mids, single DD charm

Reborn: Maintains a nice balance but is a more fun & musical sound, sub-bass monster, less mid-bass emphasis, which allows it to get away with more bass without sacrificing mids anywhere, more technical (layering, separation & resolution is better), can be a little sharper up top

Both: Bright leaning, open seductive midrange, enticing vocals, Oriolus magic.

Dorado 2020

Totally different tuning-- Reborn is a W shaped sub-bass beast with more even keeled mids beast whereas Dorado is a mid-bass monster dedicated to bodied thumping rhythms & driving beats. I use Reborn when I want more balance and to sink into the mids, Dorado is for when I just want to boogie with a smile on my face. Apples & oranges really. The mids on the Dorado are still fantastic imho-- but they are not the star of the show

Reborn definitely has the more consistently open midrange whereas on Dorado everything is so incredibly disciplined considering how much bass there is, which is something to note-- on Dorado the mid-bass definitely can seem to crowd out the mids at times. It's another one of those things, like the upper mids & comparative lack of mid-bass on the Reborn that is jarring at first but after time you just adjust to it.


Jul 15, 2021 at 2:45 PM Post #1,859 of 1,871
Oriolus Reborn first day impressions.

Earliest of early impressions after just a few test tracks were that this is another work of characteristic Oriolus magic. First thoughts-- very well balanced and pleasing tuning. Think Solaris with more sub-bass, a bit less mid-bass (a little less thump but more woob), not quite as spacious or layered but with more forwardness & even temperedness in the mids combined with The Old Man's peerless affinity for extracting nuance, emotion and subtle textures out of vocals and bringing the whole upper mid-range forward without overshadowing the lower mids, sacrificing weight and body or veering into anything too shouty (it did come a bit close on one of my tracks but that could have been the recording) or sacrificing sweetness in the highs. So far, huge thumbs up.

Some more notes after a few hours. Something I've been surprised about: these things are sub-bass beasts. Not in quantity but in quality-- the bass is quick, thick, very well extended, nicely nuanced & detailed...all in all possibly the most satisfying pure sub-bass experience I've had since the IER Z1R. On the flip side mid-bass oomph, as I noted earlier, is not as strong and at first-- coming right from something like the Dorado or even the Isabellae-- I find myself missing that presence, however invariably after some time passes and my brain adapts to the sound I stop noticing/minding...it's funny how our minds work and what we can adapt to. Not unlike walking into a bright room from the dark-- it's overwhelming at first but after time your perception adjusts accordingly.

On any of my tracks that benefit from a good sub-bass emphasis the Reborn absolutely knocks it out of the park-- I was not expecting the sub-bass to be this good.

Mids are fantastic-- sometimes upper mids veer into "almost too sharp" territory but they never quite get there. I think this is a consequence of missing mid-bass presence I am used to as well as adjusting to, what is in my experience generally sharper, BA midrange timbre. Male vocals are some of the nicest I've heard.

Staging is fairly wide and tall but quite deep-- this is where Reborn's hybrid elements allow it to surpass something like Isa. There is a really nice sense of holographic rendering here and you get the inklings of a tangible 3-d presence-- something that The Old Man perfected in the Traillii.

I listened to the following to the following on Reborn:

...and it's probably my favorite rendering of the song I've ever heard in an IEM (I didn't try it on Traillii though)-- the vocals are pitch perfect & seductive and the bass is super well defined and satisfying. Reborn is definitely skewed a little more towards sub-bass compared to the mid-bass emphasis of Isa..which in the context of Reborn's tuning as a while just works...and it makes the two IEMs very complimentary (for that and other reasons).

All that said this IEM has already won me over. My only real reservations so far are 1) re-adjusting back to BA timbre in the mids, 2) not as much mid-bass presence as I usally like, and 3) upper mids come within a hairbreadth of too strident at times...though I must also say that after I've been listening for a while my awareness of all these things vanish as I find myself melting into the inviting, open and embracing tuning of the Oriolius Reborn.


Oriolus Isabellae

Isa: more balanced, slight mid-bass emphasis over sub-bass, less technical, more romantic, intimate & coherent, a smoother listen overall, more natural timbre in the highs & mids, single DD charm

Reborn: Maintains a nice balance but is a more fun & musical sound, sub-bass monster, less mid-bass emphasis, which allows it to get away with more bass without sacrificing mids anywhere, more technical (layering, separation & resolution is better), can be a little sharper up top

Both: Bright leaning, open seductive midrange, enticing vocals, Oriolus magic.

Dorado 2020

Totally different tuning-- Reborn is a W shaped sub-bass beast with more even keeled mids beast whereas Dorado is a mid-bass monster dedicated to bodied thumping rhythms & driving beats. I use Reborn when I want more balance and to sink into the mids, Dorado is for when I just want to boogie with a smile on my face. Apples & oranges really. The mids on the Dorado are still fantastic imho-- but they are not the star of the show

Reborn definitely has the more consistently open midrange whereas on Dorado everything is so incredibly disciplined considering how much bass there is, which is something to note-- on Dorado the mid-bass definitely can seem to crowd out the mids at times. It's another one of those things, like the upper mids & comparative lack of mid-bass on the Reborn that is jarring at first but after time you just adjust to it.


I echo everything in this review/impression.

I solve (mask) the BA timbre a bit by reducing the 2-3kHz area and increasing the 100-300Hz area. I also reduce stridency and increase bass impact by doing so, it's a win-win-win!
Jul 15, 2021 at 3:46 PM Post #1,860 of 1,871
Oriolus Reborn first day impressions.

Earliest of early impressions after just a few test tracks were that this is another work of characteristic Oriolus magic. First thoughts-- very well balanced and pleasing tuning. Think Solaris with more sub-bass, a bit less mid-bass (a little less thump but more woob), not quite as spacious or layered but with more forwardness & even temperedness in the mids combined with The Old Man's peerless affinity for extracting nuance, emotion and subtle textures out of vocals and bringing the whole upper mid-range forward without overshadowing the lower mids, sacrificing weight and body or veering into anything too shouty (it did come a bit close on one of my tracks but that could have been the recording) or sacrificing sweetness in the highs. So far, huge thumbs up.

Some more notes after a few hours. Something I've been surprised about: these things are sub-bass beasts. Not in quantity but in quality-- the bass is quick, thick, very well extended, nicely nuanced & detailed...all in all possibly the most satisfying pure sub-bass experience I've had since the IER Z1R. On the flip side mid-bass oomph, as I noted earlier, is not as strong and at first-- coming right from something like the Dorado or even the Isabellae-- I find myself missing that presence, however invariably after some time passes and my brain adapts to the sound I stop noticing/minding...it's funny how our minds work and what we can adapt to. Not unlike walking into a bright room from the dark-- it's overwhelming at first but after time your perception adjusts accordingly.

On any of my tracks that benefit from a good sub-bass emphasis the Reborn absolutely knocks it out of the park-- I was not expecting the sub-bass to be this good.

Mids are fantastic-- sometimes upper mids veer into "almost too sharp" territory but they never quite get there. I think this is a consequence of missing mid-bass presence I am used to as well as adjusting to, what is in my experience generally sharper, BA midrange timbre. Male vocals are some of the nicest I've heard.

Staging is fairly wide and tall but quite deep-- this is where Reborn's hybrid elements allow it to surpass something like Isa. There is a really nice sense of holographic rendering here and you get the inklings of a tangible 3-d presence-- something that The Old Man perfected in the Traillii.

I listened to the following to the following on Reborn:

...and it's probably my favorite rendering of the song I've ever heard in an IEM (I didn't try it on Traillii though)-- the vocals are pitch perfect & seductive and the bass is super well defined and satisfying. Reborn is definitely skewed a little more towards sub-bass compared to the mid-bass emphasis of Isa..which in the context of Reborn's tuning as a while just works...and it makes the two IEMs very complimentary (for that and other reasons).

All that said this IEM has already won me over. My only real reservations so far are 1) re-adjusting back to BA timbre in the mids, 2) not as much mid-bass presence as I usally like, and 3) upper mids come within a hairbreadth of too strident at times...though I must also say that after I've been listening for a while my awareness of all these things vanish as I find myself melting into the inviting, open and embracing tuning of the Oriolius Reborn.


Oriolus Isabellae

Isa: more balanced, slight mid-bass emphasis over sub-bass, less technical, more romantic, intimate & coherent, a smoother listen overall, more natural timbre in the highs & mids, single DD charm

Reborn: Maintains a nice balance but is a more fun & musical sound, sub-bass monster, less mid-bass emphasis, which allows it to get away with more bass without sacrificing mids anywhere, more technical (layering, separation & resolution is better), can be a little sharper up top

Both: Bright leaning, open seductive midrange, enticing vocals, Oriolus magic.

Dorado 2020

Totally different tuning-- Reborn is a W shaped sub-bass beast with more even keeled mids beast whereas Dorado is a mid-bass monster dedicated to bodied thumping rhythms & driving beats. I use Reborn when I want more balance and to sink into the mids, Dorado is for when I just want to boogie with a smile on my face. Apples & oranges really. The mids on the Dorado are still fantastic imho-- but they are not the star of the show

Reborn definitely has the more consistently open midrange whereas on Dorado everything is so incredibly disciplined considering how much bass there is, which is something to note-- on Dorado the mid-bass definitely can seem to crowd out the mids at times. It's another one of those things, like the upper mids & comparative lack of mid-bass on the Reborn that is jarring at first but after time you just adjust to it.


Very nice write up! Long time Mk2 user here and I also get shocked how nice the bass comes out on this set as well as the overall tonal balance. It’s a punch in the face especially after rotating through different IEMs. I just don’t get the desire to let these go!

I would say that the old man has succeeded in his marketing efforts by capturing attention with his remarkably tuned and super-size-priced Traillii, and then selling his more “normal” priced IEMs like the best selling donuts :sweat_smile:

Anyways, glad to see renewed interest in this amazing set. I know there are few fans out there!

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