NEW! Pioneer SE-MJ591 "Audiophile" headphones unboxing & impressions to come.
Dec 3, 2012 at 9:38 AM Post #151 of 188
Spirit One is a nice headphone. Smooth response, full bodied, more bass presence and more spacious than the 591. Folds up nice for travel.

IMO, the Spirit One doesn't sound like a $300 headphones.  
Dec 3, 2012 at 5:32 PM Post #152 of 188
Well it looks like you can get it new for about $200, and even less for open box models, had me thinking for maybe a little less than what I paid for the 591 I could get the spirit one, which you HiFi(I think it was you) said it was the better sounding cans. 
Dec 3, 2012 at 6:29 PM Post #154 of 188
In case any one is interested, it seems like ourfpshero is selling his for $150 (
Anyway to mod the 591 to sound a bit less dark?


Sorry battle, not laughing at you.  It's just that, well, almost everyone who has ever owned these cans can understand that sentiment exactly.
Dec 3, 2012 at 6:55 PM Post #155 of 188
On some songs it's perfectly acceptable, while other tracks makes you wonder why did I get them. I guess now I know what you guys mean about these cans. This is the third pair of headphones I got this week, and so far this one has me the most confused on if I like the sound or not. If I return it, I think I may just save up for a P3 or something a bit less dark(that isn't overly bright). 
Dec 3, 2012 at 8:34 PM Post #156 of 188
This is the third pair of headphones I got this week, and so far this one has me the most confused on if I like the sound or not.


Actually, here's the thing.  If you just listen exclusively to the MJ591, you'll be just fine.  Seriously, no worries, and happy as a clam.
But the minute you put on another pair of headphones... any decent pair of course (i.e. not crap)... you're gonna have a What moment.  Not saying it's good or bad, just very very different.  The SE-MJ591 is truly in a class of its own (I can hear Beagle lolling from thousands of miles away).
Having said all that, Beagle did look under the hood and mess with it a bit.  And he swears it sounds better (which I have no reason in the world to doubt) after he did what he did.  Though I'm pretty sure it will void the warranty.
Also, I believe that both HiFiGuy and I have moved on from these being our mainstay portables.  Not sure what HiFiGuy is listening to these days (one of the new UEs I think?).  I'm on a pair of lovely IEMs at the moment (RHA MA450i), and I'll be transitioning to a pair of V-Moda M-80 soon.
Also, haven't heard the P3 so I can't comment on those.
Dec 3, 2012 at 8:40 PM Post #157 of 188
Well my main portables are the Klipsch X5, which are really something when it comes to IEM. I was just looking to use at work, and home when I want to get lost in the music(where the X5 is for everything else), and my other set of cans are the old Sennheiser HD495, but those are open.I must have skipped it, but what did Beagle do to adjust these? 
I wish the Magnolia at the BB near had those AKG 451 on the floor to try. Was about to get those when they told me if I get the AKG now, I can't get the 591 at the price I got it, because the pricing error would be corrected after I leave. :-\
Dec 4, 2012 at 6:40 AM Post #159 of 188
How do the similarly priced HD25 II(with the faux leather and w/velour pads) compare to these?  

You there, sir!  I hereby award you the "I-accidentally-mentioned-the-one-pair-of-cans-that-are-more-or-less-the-exact-opposite-of-the-MJ591" award!!!  Congratulations! 

Dec 4, 2012 at 10:42 AM Post #160 of 188
Actually, here's the thing.  If you just listen exclusively to the MJ591, you'll be just fine.  Seriously, no worries, and happy as a clam.

He is 100% correct.
So disconnect from Head-Fi immediately, enjoy your music with your MJ591 and live happily ever after!
Is there a Nicorette sort of thing for Head-Fi? 

Dec 4, 2012 at 10:45 AM Post #161 of 188
He is 100% correct.
So disconnect from Head-Fi immediately, enjoy your music with your MJ591 and live happily ever after!
Is there a Nicorette sort of thing for Head-Fi? 

Hum, perhaps new sub-$150 FOTM headphones...?

Dec 4, 2012 at 2:49 PM Post #163 of 188
I would be perfectly fine listening for the most part exclusively to the 591, but I own some Klipsch X5, that I also use regularly. They sound is almost totally different, but yet there is something about the X5(or something lacking in the 591) that stops me from fully liking the 591. I think I am going to give it a few more days of full listening before making a full judgement. But, so far it's better than the other two I tried last week. 
Dec 4, 2012 at 4:22 PM Post #164 of 188
Yeah so my Sennheiser HD495 were sitting next to my computer and I had to put them on just for a fair comparison. The 591 has much better SQ and the pads are very soft comfortable, but total comfort the HD495 has it, which can really matter after long periods of listening to music. So, I guess I am going to have to return the 591 as they were tight, but didn't realize how tight they were until I tried another pair of can. :-\
Thank you though. 
Dec 4, 2012 at 5:12 PM Post #165 of 188
Hum, perhaps new sub-$150 FOTM headphones...?

  Let's not tempt fate. 

You there, sir!  I hereby award you the "I-accidentally-mentioned-the-one-pair-of-cans-that-are-more-or-less-the-exact-opposite-of-the-MJ591" award!!!  Congratulations! 

Can you elaborate a bit? Like give a quick comparison of their sound difference?

Well, the HD 25-1-II (I'm assuming that's the one you're referring to) has a prominent and punchy bass response, with reasonably good extension so as to be pleasing for genres like EDM.  The mids are - as you would expect - a bit veiled if not recessed.  The highs are ever so slightly thin, but otherwise have a good snap to them.
OTOH, the MJ591 has a smooth bass response that (for me) rolls off a bit prematurely.  The mids are RIGHT UP IN YOUR FACE ALL THE TIME.  And the highs are blanketed.
So depending on what genres you favor, you're most likely going to like one of them very much... and the other one decidedly less so.
But, so far it's better than the other two I tried last week. 

Just out of curiosity, what were the other two?
So, I guess I am going to have to return the 591 as they were tight, but didn't realize how tight they were until I tried another pair of can. :-\

Hmm, I had forgotten all about that.  I tended to not mind the tightness at the time because I used them as a portable.  So their ability to stay on my head during the hustle and bustle of city life was very much appreciated.

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