New Member Introductions thread
Aug 29, 2014 at 7:54 PM Post #421 of 15,604
Hi, my name is Owen and I've been a lurker on here for years. Finally decided to join when I had a stroke of genius and wanted to share a cheap headphone mod with the world.
My interest in headphones started when I was maybe 13. I discovered a nice pair of headphones that my dad didn't want. I know they were Koss but I have no idea what model they were. I wish I could find out as I would like to hear them now and see if they really were good. I think I hot glued them together once or twice when they fell apart. Later on in my teenage years, I picked up a pair of Koss Pro35A's at Radio Shack. In the intervening 18 years I have gone through 3 pair of them. I also purchased a pair of Bose Tri-Ports which had to be taped together after 8 months and after 13 months of ownership started to make some weird noises. The 1 year warranty had run out, so I figured they were a lost cause and threw them away. Big mistake as I later realized it was probably just a bit of loose hair rubbing on the diaphragm. I regretted that, but I didn't regret replacing them with a set of Sony MDR-V6's. They served me for 9 years when the right driver went out and the cable insulation split. I just recabled them today and plan to replace the right driver when the UPS man gets here this evening.
So that's my headphone history in a nutshell. Thanks, I already know about my wallet!
Aug 30, 2014 at 9:06 AM Post #422 of 15,604
New guy here too! I'm Hugo, from Brazil, but I'm living in Hungary now!
So, I've been using this forum for getting info about audio gear since a long time ago, but just now that I'm entering the high-end audio realm for real that I singed up!
I hope to be worthy of this forum!
Peace out!
Aug 30, 2014 at 10:34 AM Post #423 of 15,604
Like many I have been lurking for quite a while.  I can usually glean what info I need from questions that have already been asked.  But wanted to contribute so here I am!  I have been into audio since I was a kid and worked in the industry for a while in the late 90's.  Still an avid collector and have more gear than I should.  Relatively new to headphones, but I had a older pair of Sony cans that sounded "good enough" for when they had to be used.  Lately I have found advantages to both closed and open back types and use both for different applications. Thanks for letting me join your community!  Nathan
Aug 30, 2014 at 1:35 PM Post #424 of 15,604
I've been lurking in DIY on and off for quite a while now. I'm not nessecarily an audiophile, I just enjoy the tech, and appreciate sound that isn't absolutely awful. I also enjoy modding headphones. I have a variety of headphones: Modified Senheisser HD150e's, MEE M6's, a pair of waiting to be modified Grado SR60i's, and I just unboxed a pair of Logitech UE 9000's. No amps or anything, I don't really have audio sources to make an amp worth it. Anyway, I'll see everyone around the forum!
Sep 3, 2014 at 4:15 PM Post #426 of 15,604
Hi, my name is Eric. I had to clean my music room to transform it in an office for my spouse. I'm looking for a good headphone portable solution to enjoy music again in audiophile quality. I'll hope that thsi forum will help me to find the most adequate solution! By the way I'm living near Brussels in Belgium and I'm the lucky father of 3 daughters! Kind regards, Eric
Sep 3, 2014 at 7:21 PM Post #427 of 15,604
Hello to all and thanks.
My first post to say hi and share my excitement of just getting my 1st amp, my Fiio E12 just arrived and is currently charging. Also thanks to all that posted very helpful information that help make my choice. It will be pushing my Grado SR80, AKG K-141, and I'll give my WestTone M1 a test drive to see how that goes. I'll be sourcing from my old Gen 5 iPod. Happy listening ....
Sep 3, 2014 at 7:33 PM Post #428 of 15,604
Hi my name is Chris. With kids now I end up listening to headphones for movies quite a bit. I put some bass shakers under the couch so it seems like I have much more bass but still looking into better sounds for movies.
Also have two channel system and I'm looking forward to upgrading it and there is a lot  of good information to be had in the forums especially on DACs I have found.
Sep 3, 2014 at 10:42 PM Post #429 of 15,604
Hi my name is Kevin and I've been lurking the forums for about a month now. My background is in big full sanding home audio equipment and I'm currently listening to BMW 804s. I've recently had to move in with a family member and I've been frustrated by the lack of available listening time so I'm diving into the world of earphones/headphones to see if I can get some audio satisfaction. My first purchase is the Fiio e12 diy and I'm waiting delivery with se215 iems and hd600 cans to start there. I'm hopeful to find iems that satisfy so I don't need headphones. If the se215s fit well I'm guessing I'll end up with the se535s or *gasp* the se846s. As far as daps I'm holding out for the Fiio X1 to tie me over until the X7 is released.

Thanks everyone, I'll see you in the forums.

Sep 3, 2014 at 11:00 PM Post #430 of 15,604
Hi my name is Kevin and I've been lurking the forums for about a month now. My background is in big full sanding home audio equipment and I'm currently listening to BMW 804s. I've recently had to move in with a family member and I've been frustrated by the lack of available listening time so I'm diving into the world of earphones/headphones to see if I can get some audio satisfaction. My first purchase is the Fiio e12 diy and I'm waiting delivery with se215 iems and hd600 cans to start there. I'm hopeful to find iems that satisfy so I don't need headphones. If the se215s fit well I'm guessing I'll end up with the se535s or *gasp* the se846s. As far as daps I'm holding out for the Fiio X1 to tie me over until the X7 is released.

Thanks everyone, I'll see you in the forums.


Welcome Kevin!

I'm sure if you go with the SE846, you'll love them. But, you can always try them out for yourself to find out if they are right for you before spending that kind of dough - at your local airport InMotion store, here is the link:

If you have any questions regarding the SE846, you can read the SE846 Impressions Thread and/or post on there. I'm sure someone will answer any questions or inquires you may have.

Welcome again and take care!
Sep 4, 2014 at 1:47 AM Post #431 of 15,604
I'm usually just a creeper on this site but I may as well introduce myself since I have finally moved up in the chain.
My name's Clayton and I finally threw my Sennheiser 380 Pro's in the trash and picked up the HD800's. Throw on anything from Amon Tobin or the latest Kangding Ray and prepare to wet yourself.
Loves these things.
Been a speaker guy for most of my life, but this is a very nice alternative to experiencing music sometimes.
Especially in the deep of night.
When everyone is asleep.
And you are not.

Sep 4, 2014 at 12:36 PM Post #435 of 15,604
Hi guys, I stumbled across this site while researching the iBasso DX50. I'm looking to possibly replace my aging iRiver H340. It still works, but the drive is old, and I'm not sure I want to spend money replacing the drive, considering how old the unit is.
So I'm here to read reviews and hopefully get some advice. :D

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