It is up there with the best I have seen simply because of what it is.
Thanks for sharing the chart and the cool post card
Best of luck!
I do hear some things differently as well, and speaking of bass extension, I have it very differently with test tones (I listen in 1 Hz increments starting at 50 Hz down to 10). The i9pro is the winner for me as it is clearly audible at 12 Hz, which is lower than the next three that tie at 14 Hz, which are the JH16, NT-6, and NT-6 pro. The SE5 goes down to 18 Hz for me, but the important aspects for me are how the bass is handled, how clean and articulated it is, and how much it can rumble when necessary.
Here is a sneak peek at the bass quality and note sustaining ability (rumble) ratings of some of my CIEMs, which play into my overall scores. I value the combination of these two qualities and would hold a CIEM in higher regard if it can both maintain control and sustain notes close to 20 Hz than something that is sloppy but can reproduce 20 Hz and below with no problem.
Regardless, I sincerely appreciate your input as well that from project86.