Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)
Dec 6, 2013 at 3:55 PM Post #18,738 of 48,583
This is a quote from a thread here re: the Corsair Vengeance. It's no great performer by any means (I had one on loan for a bit), however this is interesting:
These days, do we find it so hard to believe that a USB soundcard can sound good? And given the above statement regarding the specific tuning of the soundcard to the headset.. well.. who knows? I'm out of here.........

It sounds plausible, but in practice, it usually just winds up being marketing hype...and there's no way in hell I'm giving up A3D/EAX support for the classics, not until someone can effectively emulate the DSP and pipe the output through any audio device.
Even with those aside, I'm extremely skeptical they'd have anything on an MA900 + CMSS-3D Headphone for positional audio, let alone my old Stax SR-Lambda + SRM-T1 setup.
How does the STAX SR-009 compare to a bowl of Captain Crunch?

Not bad, but I found a bowl of Crunchy Bunches to make a better match.
(Leave it to one of my friends to introduce me to webcomics parodying cereal mascots...)
Dec 6, 2013 at 5:47 PM Post #18,739 of 48,583
I know it uses Dolby Headphone, but it uses something else as well, it uses more processing because this sounds way better than just regular dolby headphone. I know that because the sound changes when I start some video material with several channels. For example, If I'm listening to music in foobar2000, and then I start a blu-ray in some other program, the sound of music in foobar drastically changes, on top of already being changed by having the surround enabled. I'm telling you, I know what dolby is, I've owned 10,000 dollars worth of headphones in the last 3 years and ALL of them went trough the process of gaming and watching movies using my Asus ST as a sound card with dolby headphone enabled, so I know exactly how dolby headphone changes the sound, and this Logitech's processing is superior.

As for increasing the detail, resolution, and makes things sound more real, yes, that is exactly what it does. I don't know why you find that difficult to accept, because the very point of these headphone related DSP's is to make the headphones sound...more REAL, and it actually makes the sounds sound more real. Its the most realistic feeling I've gotten so far with any sort of surround sound processing.

The point of a DSP is to process a signal, and every time you digitally process and alter the signal your are losing some information from the original.  The nature of altering a signal can only be a destructive process in regards to the original information (in terms of bits). 
Now, if the processing is done well enough, it's possible to minimize some of those negative effects to the resolution and still deliver whatever the benefits of the DSP are (surround sound in this case).  A bad DSP however can be sort of equivalent to taking a photo and then slapping a bunch of dirty instagram filters on it. So, to be able to process a signal, add in surround sound, AND simultaneously improve upon the detail/resolution/etc from the original signal all simultaneously seems a bit farfetched.  That's why it's hard to believe.  Of course I want to believe you (we all want better sound), but you'll understand why it sounds too good to be true. 
Maybe you could try uninstalling the Logitech software that came with it and see if it still sounds the same?  This would at least determine whether the processing was done in the USB hardware or from the logitech software.
Maybe you could also send it to MLE so he can review it??  It'd be good to add another decent budget headset option to the list (since there aren't that many on there), and also get a second opinion on your findings regarding this sound card(from someone who's impressions I trust).  It's not that I DON'T trust your or anything (although I do remember you saying the Q701's soundstage/imaging was garbage at one point
).  Regardless, for something like a surround sound DSP a second opinion would be appreciated since different DSPs can vary a lot in favorability from person to person with HRTFs and what not.
If it's as good as you say it is it, it would be worth it buying the G430 just to get the magical DSP of this USB card.  
Also, I know that the matches video is binaural, I never said its not.

You know the dolby headphone video on youtube with the match stick box shaking around you?
Dec 6, 2013 at 5:53 PM Post #18,740 of 48,583
I am very happy to say that the X1 is the first headphone that does not cause me any discomfort after prolonged use.
Spend a few hours playing Most Wanted and what an immersive and comfy experience!
The sound signature really sings with games.
The big memory velour Earpads and comfy headband truly makes them disappear!
The first few minutes can be a bit itchy but it then goes away and once you are lost in a game, they disappear completely.
Sure I have to readjust them after a time, but it's like a whole hour before I gotta!
The bass is more pronounced in games than with music it seems (which is true in general with DH I guess?) which is also good as I thought it'd be quite a.bit more bassy.
Great separation and everything you need for games!
Once the stock cable is replaced, it should tighten up and crystallize even more.
If the pads were replaceable, that'd be awesome... I'd buy a bunch of these pads!
Headphone is beautiful and feels solid.
I probably prefer it slightly for games than music so it's good to have the MA900 too.
The comfort is impeccable though, it's a first for me.
If this is Philips last headphone entry, then hats off to them.
Overall, I'd say build is a solid 9/10, sound is an 8.5 (9 - games, 8 - music, may be subject to change). Comfort is a 9 and so is value IMO.
A solid 9+/10 in my book.
Really happy with these as an all-round multi purpose headphone.
MA-900 gets a 9 too (sound 9, comfort 8, build 8 , value 9)
W1000X gets a 7 - 8 here. It's beautiful and sounds good, but kinda pales in comparison to these IMO... For shame!
MA900 and X1 is similar in that they are very good, high quality headphones from a brand that'd be a bit surprising for me. I like Sony and Philips they make great TVs and other electronics but headphones?!
Oh well, I'd recommend owning both just because they are a tremendous value and exception in those Brands kinda.
You can also get them both for around $500 even in EU, which is not common with most HPs
Ok out. Cya tomorrow. Night night.
Dec 6, 2013 at 10:36 PM Post #18,742 of 48,583
Right IN THE review, I stated it makes the HD598 obsolete, and is superior in almost every way.

People just don't check.
Dec 6, 2013 at 11:05 PM Post #18,745 of 48,583
Hi Mud Last Envy.   I'm looking for a good gaming headphone that is under $15, is portable, has clips and is preferably silver in color.
Do you know of anything like that???
Dec 6, 2013 at 11:06 PM Post #18,746 of 48,583
  Hi Mud Last Envy.   I'm looking for a good gaming headphone that is under $15, is portable, has clips and is preferably silver in color.
Do you know of anything like that???

I see my post was ignored :frowning2:
Dec 6, 2013 at 11:15 PM Post #18,749 of 48,583
Do I need an amp for the Q701/K702 or am I ok with just the mixamp?

The mixamp is way overkill for that headphone. 
I recommend the FiiO E5.

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