Koss Porta Pro 2
Apr 20, 2004 at 1:52 AM Post #31 of 53

Originally Posted by ghesekki
Ok, I lied.

My $.02...

My ears might be messed up or something, but the portapro 2 actually compares favorably to the k240s. I don't get it. I mean, the k240 is more refined with tighter bass and smoother highs, but the portapro 2 is not as far off as I thought it would be. I've been looking for an excuse to get away from huge headphones (and hi-fi obsession) w/out resorting to canalphones again, and I'm beginning to wonder if the Koss lineup is the answer. The portapro 2 will probably go back but so might the k240s because I'm wondering how the KSC35 is.

For those of you familiar with both the KSC35 and original portapro, which one is better sound wise?

I actually liked the comfort of the Portapro, but preferred the KSC35 sound.

I would also like to take a look at these PP2's
Apr 20, 2004 at 2:26 AM Post #32 of 53
Oh I think you get it. Thanks for your impressions. Good stuff.

For what it's worth, I prefer the original portapros to the AKG 240S, straight-up, by a wide margin, so I'm not surprised at what you're saying.

The portapro 2 box at circuit city said it had ajustable temporal pads, didn't it? That's what they called the "comfort zone" on the original portapros. Maybe it's the same but they don't call it the "comfort zone" settings on the porta pro 2s? I found that the sound quality of the original porta pros improved greatly as I used the pad adjustment ("comfort zone") to pull the earpieces up off my ears just a little so they weren't so snug against my ears. It reduces the bass and adds to the mids and highs. Is there anything like that on the porta pro 2s? Did you try it?

FWIW, I feel that the original portapros at their very best (with the comfort zone setting on "high" and fiddling with the fit a little) are just a shade better than the KSC-35. I have both, BTW. But it's well within the realm of personal taste. And the portapros just flat and firm against the ears ("comfort zone" set to "low") are not as good as the KSC-35s. The portapros are on the bass-heavy side with the comfort zone set to "low," IMHO. The portapros are MUCH more convenient though.

I'm thinking of trying the porta pro 2s just for kicks now. I am sooo curious. I'll see what the next wave of impressions brings in...


Originally Posted by ghesekki
Ok, I lied.

My $.02...

My ears might be messed up or something, but the portapro 2 actually compares favorably to the k240s. I don't get it...

For those of you familiar with both the KSC35 and original portapro, which one is better sound wise?

Apr 20, 2004 at 2:48 AM Post #33 of 53
Nope, no adjustable comfort settings. I wonder what the actual differences are between the portapro and portapro 2 except for the absent comfort settings and color. I have a feeling that the portapro 2 is a cheaper version of the portpro (that is if your Circuit City isn't ripping you off like mine is).

Well, I've gone ahead and ordered a pair of KSC35s from Koss. Thanks for the quickie portapro 2.
Apr 20, 2004 at 3:15 AM Post #34 of 53
I found porta pro 2's. They were 39.99 at circuit city here in CA. Sounded more boomy than my old ksc-35's. I'll post some more impressions after a few days burn-in.
Apr 20, 2004 at 3:20 AM Post #35 of 53
The PP's and KSC's use the same exact drivers. The only difference is the housing. Technically, they sound identical which I have proved to myself by taking the PP's drivers off the housing and replacing them with the 35's.

Any differences in sound are a direct result of the distance between the drivers and your ears. Makes a really big difference at that. The 35's on their clips are rather soft sounding and lack the bass of the PP's until you put them on the PP housing and set the comfort zone to tight. Then you've got that bloated bass all over again. Why do you think Koss won't sell you the KSC clips ?

I wonder how many other ways they can manage to market the same drivers over and over again ? Hmm..perhaps they're taking tips from J. Grado eh ?
Apr 20, 2004 at 4:02 AM Post #36 of 53

originally poste by Ghesekki
My ears might be messed up or something, but the portapro 2 actually compares favorably to the k240s. I don't get it. I mean, the k240 is more refined with tighter bass and smoother highs, but the portapro 2 is not as far off as I thought it would be. I've been looking for an excuse to get away from huge headphones

Now I am in a quandary. I was prepared to hike over to Guitar Center and buy AKG 240S. Now I dunno. My (pure speculation) sense is that The AKG 240S amped is way better than Portapro 2 amped. Unless it isn't.
Apr 20, 2004 at 4:13 AM Post #37 of 53

Originally Posted by JAG
Now I am in a quandary. I was prepared to hike over to Guitar Center and buy AKG 240S. Now I dunno. My (pure speculation) sense is that The AKG 240S amped is way better than Portapro 2 amped. Unless it isn't.

Well, I can easily tell the difference between the portapro 2 and the 240s. The latter just sounds better - smoother, more controlled bass, refined highs, better soundstage, etc. It's just that I was expecting a huge difference, and I'm surprised by how well the portapro 2 keeps up. Moreover, I've been bothered by how hot the k240s get now that its warmer, and I've also wondered to myself just how important hifi sound is to me because I listen to music when I'm studying and not really paying attention to it. So in my case, the extra $60-70 or so for the k240s don't seem necessary.

On the other hand, my source isn't exactly uber audiophile quality. I use the njb3 and a cmoy, but I'm sure it pales in comparison to a nice home unit. I think w/ a better source, the differences between the k240s and the portapro 2 would be much more apparent.
Apr 20, 2004 at 6:26 AM Post #39 of 53

Originally Posted by ls20
this day...this age...and people still dont own digicams?

Or more specifically, most people own only the really crappy ones that are useless for anything bigger than postage-stamp-sized pics...
Apr 20, 2004 at 1:26 PM Post #40 of 53
Eek, no comfort zone settings and boomy. Try bending that metal headband any way you can to get those pads up off the ears then. The increase in sound quality could be phenomenal. It'd be a one-shot deal, once you get it so you like it, fine-tuned to your preferences. Could sound exactly like a KSC-35 if you wanted, and it's so much more convenient. Uhg, those KSC-35 clips.

The Circuit City I saw the Porta Pro 2s at had a handwritten 19.99 sign up for them... maybe someone was mistaken about the pricing.

All in all, I think I'd recommend the original portapros at this point. Though I haven't heard the porta pro 2s.


Originally Posted by TimSchirmer
I found porta pro 2's. They were 39.99 at circuit city here in CA. Sounded more boomy than my old ksc-35's. I'll post some more impressions after a few days burn-in.

Apr 20, 2004 at 2:21 PM Post #41 of 53
I just called my local Circuit City here in Columbus Ohio and they have them as well, for $39.99. Not sure if they're worth it, without the adjustable comfort settings. Seems like they will look like the Portapros (except only silver and black) but will sound like the Sportapros (more boomy) unless you bend the headband.

Since I already have the AKG K240S, and the Sportapros, I may just bend the headband on the Sportapros and save myself the $40... lol... but the Portapro 2's probably look a little cooler than the Sportas.

Besides, I like the K240S... there's something comforting about putting on a big ol' set of cans, especially ones that have that "comfy old pair of shoes" feeling that the K240S does...
Apr 20, 2004 at 2:52 PM Post #42 of 53
Based on the specs and the fit, I'd feel that the Porta Pro 2 would be the logical successor to the old Porta Pro Jr. If only Koss didn't mess those plans up by bringing out the Sporta Pro in its place. The Sporta Pro is really an alternative product that isn't a true successor to the Porta Pro Jr.
Apr 20, 2004 at 3:08 PM Post #43 of 53

The Sporta Pro is really an alternative product that isn't a true successor to the Porta Pro Jr.

I really like my SportaPros, even after all these years. The convertible headband is a big plus in my book, and a lot less conspicous than its bigger brothers. If the PP2 doesn't have this feature, it is definitely not worth $40.
Apr 20, 2004 at 3:46 PM Post #45 of 53
Awesome pics! I would guess you could bend the metal part of the headband just above the temporal pads out, using the temporal pads as a sort of pivot, to lighten the pressure of the earpads against the ears. Suit to taste. The difference in sound quality should be huge. You should be able to get awesome, first class groovalizer sound quality.

Just a guess, of course.

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