JVC HA-FW01 - The New Top End Wood Driver IEM (2017)
Feb 17, 2017 at 3:40 PM Post #106 of 781
I decided to upgrade my cable and purchased an Ortofon ec8s silver MMCX cable. Once I get it, I'll report back on the sound differences ...
Feb 17, 2017 at 5:49 PM Post #108 of 781
Im probably gonna purchase the jvc fw01 and compare it to the akg k3003, ath ckr10 & ckw1000ANV. No point in throwing the ie800 into the test due to the k3003 beating it.

FW01 is definitely not K3003 league.
Feb 17, 2017 at 9:00 PM Post #111 of 781
Feb 17, 2017 at 9:28 PM Post #113 of 781
Feb 18, 2017 at 12:11 AM Post #115 of 781
Feb 18, 2017 at 3:12 AM Post #116 of 781
Funny that you said fx01 is not in the same league as the k3003.
BUT Its just your opinion
People have difference preferences
Feb 18, 2017 at 4:46 AM Post #118 of 781
Funny that you said fx01 is not in the same league as the k3003.
BUT Its just your opinion
People have difference preferences

Imo, FW01 is fun to listen to but definitely cannot be compared to K3003, FI-BA-SS, Ck100pro, Fitear Tg334 etc.
With a good source, side by side FW01 cannot beat those I mentioned above at all.
Feb 18, 2017 at 9:04 AM Post #119 of 781
Imo, FW01 is fun to listen to but definitely cannot be compared to K3003, FI-BA-SS, Ck100pro, Fitear Tg334 etc.
With a good source, side by side FW01 cannot beat those I mentioned above at all.

I use my FW01 with Tralucent Uber cable and They beated the K10 with Effect audio Mars, when I compared them side by side (not only one time but 2 times and I would say I spent 2 hours both time) 
Both Tralucent Uber cable and Effect Audio Mars MSRP are around 1000$  (more or less ). But I dont say the FW01 is superior to the K10,but it is just because I like it more, 
About my source :my source is the Questyle QP1R, which is  to someone better than AK380,mojo or HM901 , If you read the thread about QP1R , you will see how people think about my source. It is subjective though, but I think it's not a bad dap at all.
About the Fitear Tg334, I used to spent time with them + Brimar supreme Monarch  compared to the Akt8ie+ ak crystal  cable PEF22 and I prefer the Akt8ie combination to the 334 combination and Actually I even prefer the FW01 to the Akt8ie mkII,which I already sold. 
From my experience , people are really different. I've myself found the K3003 bright  and overpriced compared to something like Dita the truth, but I think someone may prefer K3003 to many other iems.   
Today I compared the FW01 with the K3003 (see the picture), because of your comment and because I want to confirm my old feeling about the K3003 (overly bright and can only use to listen to few music genres). The result was the same. I still dont like them like before.  
To each his own mate,I respect your opinion, you have you own preference, and the system , you use, just differs from mine. This is  just my opinion and just my personal preference, nothing more.
Feb 18, 2017 at 9:54 AM Post #120 of 781
I use my FW01 with Tralucent Uber cable and They beated the K10 with Effect audio Mars, when I compared them side by side (not only one time but 2 times and I would say I spent 2 hours both time) 
Both Tralucent Uber cable and Effect Audio Mars MSRP are around 1000$  (more or less ). But I dont say the FW01 is superior to the K10,but it is just because I like it more, 
About my source :my source is the Questyle QP1R, which is  to someone better than AK380,mojo or HM901 , If you read the thread about QP1R , you will see how people think about my source. It is subjective though, but I think it's not a bad dap at all.
About the Fitear Tg334, I used to spent time with them + Brimar supreme Monarch  compared to the Akt8ie+ ak crystal  cable PEF22 and I prefer the Akt8ie combination to the 334 combination and Actually I even prefer the FW01 to the Akt8ie mkII,which I already sold. 
From my experience , people are really different. I've myself found the K3003 bright  and overpriced compared to something like Dita the truth, but I think someone may prefer K3003 to many other iems.   
Today I compared the FW01 with the K3003 (see the picture), because of your comment and because I want to confirm my old feeling about the K3003 (overly bright and can only use to listen to few music genres). The result was the same. I still dont like them like before.  

To each his own mate,I respect your opinion, you have you own preference, and the system , you use, just differs from mine. This is  just my opinion and just my personal preference, nothing more.

I can understand your preference, FW01 is warm and bassy whereas my preference is bright and detailed like FI-BA-SS and Ck100pro.

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