HiBy RS8 flagship Darwin R2R Android DAP -- Class A -- news and impressions thread
Sep 18, 2022 at 6:18 PM Post #16 of 3,596
Any clue as to what type of amp it uses? The R2R already has me interested but the amp circuitry could make it awesome!
-HK sends
Class A, pretty sure. Might also be a Class A/AB hybrid like N8ii.
Sep 19, 2022 at 9:33 AM Post #25 of 3,596
The RS8 seems to have lots of potential. It's a just a matter of waiting a few more weeks. How big is the device? Does anyone had the chance to demo it at CanJam?
Sep 19, 2022 at 10:03 AM Post #26 of 3,596
The RS8 seems to have lots of potential. It's a just a matter of waiting a few more weeks. How big is the device? Does anyone had the chance to demo it at CanJam?
There are some impressions in Watercooler thread and CanJam thread including some pictures.
Nothing really specific though besides it sounds very good (e.g with Supermoon).
Price estimation (no guarantee) is between 3k and 3.5k Eur.
Generally people liked it more than SP3K (besides some early release software bugs)
Sep 19, 2022 at 11:39 AM Post #27 of 3,596
There are some impressions in Watercooler thread and CanJam thread including some pictures.
Nothing really specific though besides it sounds very good (e.g with Supermoon).
Price estimation (no guarantee) is between 3k and 3.5k Eur.
Generally people liked it more than SP3K (besides some early release software bugs)
I a/bed it with my Aroma Jewel and I preferred it to the LP6 I also got the same impressions from two other fellow canjamers one owning a founders LP6 and really loved the rs8.
Sep 19, 2022 at 11:41 AM Post #28 of 3,596
Oh my, also @HiFiHawaii808 just posted impressions in Watercooler thread.
I am now very tempted to ordering it too!
Sep 19, 2022 at 12:48 PM Post #30 of 3,596
any in depth impressions?
Unfortunately I kinda clocked out so nothing crazy in depth, I just know what my Aroma jewel sounds like and I've never heard it so natural and cohesive with more quantity of bass while being so... The best way to put it the jewel sounds like it hit it's final form... (Refined to the best I've heard it) it gave it a bit of a midbass bump but just right.
The texture is amazing and so was the dynamics timbre and transients.

I hooked up my jewel to the HM1 and I found a similar impression(less so on transients) but with more body it was a great pairing too if you wanted to hook them up for a desktop listen.

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