has headfi also made you an everythingohphile?
Mar 27, 2004 at 1:39 AM Post #16 of 36

Originally posted by Earwax
Is a rice cooker better than using the microwave? 6 minutes on 100%, followed by 17 minutes on 50% generally works for me.

The problem is each crop has different texture. If you always use the same amount of water to cook for the same time with the same heat intensity. Some crops may be too soft and some may be too hard. The more advanced cookers have different settings and the built-in computers are supposed to adapt to cook the rice to your liking.
Mar 27, 2004 at 1:41 AM Post #17 of 36
i refuse to use a rice cooker.

a good old saucepan and and gas stove. old school...
Mar 27, 2004 at 1:44 AM Post #18 of 36

Originally posted by usc goose
i refuse to use a rice cooker.

a good old saucepan and and gas stove. old school...

Good way to go if you know what you're doing...
Mar 27, 2004 at 1:45 AM Post #19 of 36
I kind of liked the thread about root beer about a year ago. I'll have to go dig that one up again...
Mar 27, 2004 at 5:08 AM Post #21 of 36

Originally posted by Gregor
You should be able to find one in Japanese store. If you are close to San Jose, try Mitsuwa or User's Side.

ai mitsuwa is hella expensive =(. i bet that rice cooker costs $300 brand new.
Mar 27, 2004 at 7:55 AM Post #22 of 36

Originally posted by ch1nkster
ai mitsuwa is hella expensive =(. i bet that rice cooker costs $300 brand new.

It shouldn't be that expensive. Stuffs sold there are not cheap, but considering they're direct import, I don't think it's too outrageous.
Mar 27, 2004 at 2:20 PM Post #23 of 36
I've always enjoyed researching a purchase, especially with the advent of the internet. I can't say that Head-Fi has influenced this (beyond audio of course) but using Windows at work and a Mac at home *has* caused me to demand that everything I purchase be well designed and elegent. I know it's a tired old argument but the Mac just all works better.
Mar 27, 2004 at 6:11 PM Post #24 of 36

I'm quite paranoid about getting burn-in on my monitors. If I'm not going to be looking at it for 30 seconds, off it goes. At school there are often PCs that are in the midst of a windows install overnight and I make sure the monitors are off before I elave, so there is no burn in.

I don't like worrying about it, but when i see a screen not in use that's still turned on I have to go and shut it off or I will worry about it getting burn in until I turn it off.

Mar 27, 2004 at 7:16 PM Post #25 of 36
No... in many areas of life, I still buy and use cheap stuff and just don't care. Where quality is important to me, I'll go for quality. I think only the wealthy can afford "quality over price" in every area of life

I can be really picky-picky about certain things (e.g. if anyone physically touches the screen on my computer monitor I hit the ceiling) but I was like that before joining Head-fi.

Strangely enough perhaps, Head-Fi has affected me very little in an "overall" sense. I own better quality headphones and a couple amps that I otherwise wouldn't have purchased. I now listen almost exclusively to uncompressed or lossless file formats on my PC-based setup, rather than MP3. That's about it.
Mar 27, 2004 at 8:41 PM Post #27 of 36

Originally posted by Edwood

Well, I think we all border (or completely overboard) on the obsessive compulsive.

Headphones are just another obsession of mine.

I already had a crazy computerized rice cooker, visco-elastic foam pillows, etc, before joining Head-fi.


I think its a pride issue for me. I harbor this belief that the evil mass market consumer products manufacturers prey on mass market consumers' ignorance by equivocating "flashiness" with quality. For instance, an electric shaver that look as if it was some titanium alien artifact that blinks, chimes, says "hello," tells you time and dock in a "space port" cradle, that does just about everything but gives you a clean shave and disintegrates 001 hours after the warranty expires.
Mar 28, 2004 at 12:03 AM Post #28 of 36
I've got a damned good Sanyo rice cooker which is about 11 years old. It cooks basmati rice to absolute perfection and the longer the rice is left on the "keep" setting the better it gets. I still prefer to cook long grain rice manually in lots of boiling water tho... it just doesn't do so well as basmati in the rice cooker.
Mar 28, 2004 at 12:39 AM Post #29 of 36

Originally posted by tomek

Pillowfile I had to read up on the different kinds of down before I'd consider buying.

heh, you guys and your rice cookers are a crazy bunch.

but seriously, a pillow is something you use (or should use) eight hours a day. Might as well spend those hours with a good one!

I am obsessed with the German jumbo sized goose down pillows, 80x80 cm. I bought one in Germany about 5 years ago, wore it down, then made a deal recently with lini to send me a German pillow from Munich. These pillows are unbelievable - you guys have to try 'em!
Mar 28, 2004 at 6:43 AM Post #30 of 36

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