Grado Fan Club!
Jan 9, 2015 at 1:42 AM Post #21,767 of 66,291
  On a serious you use them all, or at least try to rotate between them so they all get close to equal listening time?
If you had to choose 6 to keep, which 6 would they be in order of preference? Just curious.

I indeed rotate among all the Grados.  I often start with the SR60 on one day, and I am still absolutely amazed at how good it sounds and how economical it is.  I then often move to the next one (e.g. SR80) and on up on successive days.  But then the PS1000 and the RS1i (and to a lesser extent, the HP1000, but I baby it more!) I use one of at least half the time.  Generally sit in a chair for those three, but use the other Grados when I am up and around the house working.  I also use the Sennheiser HD 800 a lot... whenever I am at my PC, which drives the USB digital input.  I often use the HiFiMAN HE-500 when I want to hear the full spectrum of a bassy piece.  I occasionally use the AKG-Q701, Sennheiser HD 598 and On-Ear Momentums, and V-Moda M 100s.  I  rarely use the other headphones, but make a lot of use of the T-PEOS, Shure SE535, and AKG 3003i IEMs.
My 6 keepers?  In descending order...
Grado PS1000 and its HPA-1 amp OR my Sennheiser HD 800 and its HDVD 800 DAC amp (tie)
Grado HP1000 HP1
AKG K3003i IEM
Grado RS1i and its RA-1 amp
Beyerdynamic T 5 p
The remainder of the 40 or so, as shown on my profile, are below these.
Jan 9, 2015 at 2:41 AM Post #21,770 of 66,291
  On a serious you use them all, or at least try to rotate between them so they all get close to equal listening time?
If you had to choose 6 to keep, which 6 would they be in order of preference? Just curious.

I indeed rotate among all the Grados.  I often start with the SR60 on one day, and I am still absolutely amazed at how good it sounds and how economical it is.  I then often move to the next one (e.g. SR80) and on up on successive days.  But then the PS1000 and the RS1i (and to a lesser extent, the HP1000, but I baby it more!) I use one of at least half the time.  Generally sit in a chair for those three, but use the other Grados when I am up and around the house working.  I also use the Sennheiser HD 800 a lot... whenever I am at my PC, which drives the USB digital input.  I often use the HiFiMAN HE-500 when I want to hear the full spectrum of a bassy piece.  I occasionally use the AKG-Q701, Sennheiser HD 598 and On-Ear Momentums, and V-Moda M 100s.  I  rarely use the other headphones, but make a lot of use of the T-PEOS, Shure SE535, and AKG 3003i IEMs.
My 6 keepers?  In descending order...
Grado PS1000 and its HPA-1 amp OR my Sennheiser HD 800 and its HDVD 800 DAC amp (tie)
Grado HP1000 HP1
AKG K3003i IEM
Grado RS1i and its RA-1 amp
Beyerdynamic T 5 p
The remainder of the 40 or so, as shown on my profile, are below these.

get ready to make room for the Gs1ke on that list!

Jan 9, 2015 at 3:11 AM Post #21,771 of 66,291
The reason I hate Nirvana is that starting with Kurt Cobain, it's ok to be a suicidal, irresponsible heroin addict. I did grow up listening to all the "classic stuffs" like Metallica, Nirvana, GNR, Scorpions... (which are sort of "customary" for Vietnamese rockfans to go through), but now at 27 years of age I'm just sick of people who quote Nirvana lyrics on Facebook to show that they're so sad so romantic so cool... Some of those are my friends, and it hurts to see people being so destructive. I know it's rather extreme, but I have absolutely no respect for Cobain as a person, and as a rockstar he's dragged down too many people. It is NOT OK to live (and die) like that at all.

And I do agree with you on the matter of choices. Surely no one forces me to listen to Justin Bieber, Kei$ha, Kayne West... and I don't have that "music of these times" attitude.

I see Cobain as brilliantly talented but tragically unable to handle the fame. As with regards to his drug addictions, while I don't have an addictive personality, I know some who do use drugs because they can't handle their reality (which is often bleak).

I'm rarely an unbiased fan of someone - no matter how brilliant someone might be, there's always the human flaw.

As regards to music in general, I feel an intense dislike to 'autotune' music, where vocals are filtered through an equalizer to fit them to the music. That's why I don't listen to a lot of modern music, with a few exceptions.

As to getting friends to listen to 'good music', I had a friend who found King Crimson in my collection and I told him to put them back, because he wasn't 'ready' for that kind of music, which is akin to telling someone their taste is still puerile and immature. That made him want to prove to me that he was ready and listen to King Crimson unbiased by his musical preferences. He became a rabid fan...

A lot of the modern artists, like Bieber and Kesha and whattever is extremely well produced with regards to universal mass appeal, but it leaves me uttlerly cold. And while I do consider Bieber fans to be immature in regards to musical taste, I don't deny them their choice in music. I've done concert security for New Kids On The Block (yes, I'm that old), which is one of the worst concerts I've ever attended. I spent the whole evening dragging fainting girls from the audience to the First Aid backstage. I still get ghost pains in my back whenever a NKOTB number comes on the radio...
Jan 9, 2015 at 4:20 AM Post #21,772 of 66,291
@020Assassin  thanks for the nice post. The reason I won't look down on those kids that listen to Bieber and Kesha is because when I was small (in primary school, perhaps), my friends and I were listening to Backstreetboys, Boyzone, Britney Spears etc. who are all "autotuned", I suppose. Those artist can't stand up to ABBA, Carpenters and other Pop legends, but I always have such fond memories of As long as you love me and other songs of that era. So yes Bieber makes bad music, but who knows how people will remember him in 10 years?
And in my country, in the 1990s people were doing drugs, burning things and turning Beatles tribute concerts into riots. I suppose in comparison to that, a number of fangirls screaming at nice-looking boys are pretty ok.
Now back to Cobain, you can see that I've not discussed his music. After all, the songs are good enough to turn millions people into Nirvana fans. But I totally disagree with people worshipping him. Once you start priding yourself on negativity, things can only get worse. I had such severe bipolar depression I had to postpone my last year in high school, and sometimes it hurts to see people going down the same route.
Jan 9, 2015 at 4:59 AM Post #21,773 of 66,291
  Now back to Cobain, you can see that I've not discussed his music. After all, the songs are good enough to turn millions people into Nirvana fans. But I totally disagree with people worshipping him. Once you start priding yourself on negativity, things can only get worse. I had such severe bipolar depression I had to postpone my last year in high school, and sometimes it hurts to see people going down the same route.

You have not discussed his music, however, you mentioned having a problem with Nirvana's exalted status as prime examples of Grunge because you don't like people worshipping Cobain.
I like John Mayer. I think he's incredibly talented and his music shows good taste, and I have pretty big collection of his music. An American friend, who knows about my love for Jeff Beck and Stevie Ray Vaughan, et cetera, asked me if I didn't know what an utter ******* John Mayer was and cited a whole list of reasons why Mayer was an *******.
I don't give a **** who Mayer boinked and what else he does in his private life. I listen to the music and it strikes a chord with me. I'm firmly separating the person with the musician.
I love jazz, but you shouldn't idolize the people behind the musicians. Charlie Parker, insanely talented, was also a hopeless addict. However, because 'Bird' could 'handle' doing heroin and speedballs and still play like a god, many jazz musicians became hooked on heroin. People tend to forget that he died young, but that the doctor though he was 65 years old, that's how he'd abused his body. His music is fabulous, though.
Miles Davis, probably one of the most revered jazz musicians ever, was by all accounts an utter *******. I'm 'fan' of Hank Mobley (underrated), and Miles pulled Mobley into his quartet to replace John Coltrane (who had a totally different sound from Mobley). Miles cut part of Mobley's solo from 'Drad-Dog' on Someday My Prince Will Come and during live concerts would leave the stand during Mobley's solo, stand at the bar and mimic hitting Mobley over the head with his trumpet. His music is great, though.
I'm an author, but I wouldn't want my private life to be associated with my suspense fiction (my protagonist is a female freelance assassin), since that is totally irrelevant. I could be the nicest guy in the world or an utter *******, but what counts is if my fiction is well-written and engaging and stays with the reader. I still frown at readers banning books by Orson Scott Card, because, as a Mormon, he mentioned in interviews that he opposes gay marriage because it's against his religion. I never hear people complain about reggae, but Rastafari is a homophobic religion, as you can also read in many reggae lyrics. Should I therefore ban reggae on principle? I have gay friends and I support gay marriage, but if I want to listen to Peter Tosh, that's my prerogative.
So, in short, hating Nirvana because Cobain makes a bad rolemodel and should not be idolized is a bit silly. Cobain himself would probably agree with you: from all accounts he hated the media frenzy around Nirvana and he didn't want to be a Grunge Jesus. It was one of the things that weighed heavy on him and what may have led to his suicide.
Just don't put people on pedestals. Nobody likes to be on a pedestal, except the people who do like it. And those people are often utter ********...

Jan 9, 2015 at 5:03 AM Post #21,774 of 66,291
I indeed rotate among all the Grados.  I often start with the SR60 on one day, and I am still absolutely amazed at how good it sounds and how economical it is.  I then often move to the next one (e.g. SR80) and on up on successive days.  But then the PS1000 and the RS1i (and to a lesser extent, the HP1000, but I baby it more!) I use one of at least half the time.  Generally sit in a chair for those three, but use the other Grados when I am up and around the house working.  I also use the Sennheiser HD 800 a lot... whenever I am at my PC, which drives the USB digital input.  I often use the HiFiMAN HE-500 when I want to hear the full spectrum of a bassy piece.  I occasionally use the AKG-Q701, Sennheiser HD 598 and On-Ear Momentums, and V-Moda M 100s.  I  rarely use the other headphones, but make a lot of use of the T-PEOS, Shure SE535, and AKG 3003i IEMs.
My 6 keepers?  In descending order...
Grado PS1000 and its HPA-1 amp OR my Sennheiser HD 800 and its HDVD 800 DAC amp (tie)
Grado HP1000 HP1
AKG K3003i IEM
Grado RS1i and its RA-1 amp
Beyerdynamic T 5 p
The remainder of the 40 or so, as shown on my profile, are below these.

I have never listen through Sennheiser's their tonal foot print compared to Grado's are?
Jan 9, 2015 at 5:26 AM Post #21,775 of 66,291
  I do envy you, sir! And here I am, still pondering whether I should pay 450 for a pair of HF2...

for that price, or a couple of dollars more, i'd rather have a ps500(no e) , its better top to bottom
Jan 9, 2015 at 6:03 AM Post #21,776 of 66,291
  Thanks for that information. Magni 2 U might be the better choice since it has more options.
also could expand on what you mean "a little tube sound"?
Thanks for responding.

a little warmth, maybe a little mid-bass bump
Jan 9, 2015 at 6:19 AM Post #21,777 of 66,291
Isn't hate a bit of a strong emotion to feel towards a band? I don't like Nickerlback, but I don't hate them either. So much good music to listen to, I don't need to worry having to listen to Nickerlback becasue there's a shortage of good music somewhere.

Keep your hatred for those who really deserve sch intense dislike.

For the record, I feel the exact same way about Nirvana. I have a loathing for that band that transcends intense dislike- I save that for the Beatles and the Stones.
  And while such strong emotions may be uncomfortable, I own mine, brother. I'm also relieved to read someone else admit it. Lots of Nirvana-defenders out there!
That being case, they do sound pretty darn good on the tape-modded SR-225i's. 
Jan 9, 2015 at 6:29 AM Post #21,778 of 66,291
for that price, or a couple of dollars more, i'd rather have a ps500(no e) , its better top to bottom

Why distinguish non-"e" from "e" version, just the pricing or you like the non-"e" bit better?

You have not discussed his music, however, you mentioned having a problem with Nirvana's exalted status as prime examples of Grunge because you don't like people worshipping Cobain.

I like John Mayer. I think he's incredibly talented and his music shows good taste, and I have pretty big collection of his music. An American friend, who knows about my love for Jeff Beck and Stevie Ray Vaughan, et cetera, asked me if I didn't know what an utter ******* John Mayer was and cited a whole list of reasons why Mayer was an *******.
I don't give a **** who Mayer boinked and what else he does in his private life. I listen to the music and it strikes a chord with me. I'm firmly separating the person with the musician.

I love jazz, but you shouldn't idolize the people behind the musicians. Charlie Parker, insanely talented, was also a hopeless addict. However, because 'Bird' could 'handle' doing heroin and speedballs and still play like a god, many jazz musicians became hooked on heroin. People tend to forget that he died young, but that the doctor though he was 65 years old, that's how he'd abused his body. His music is fabulous, though.
Miles Davis, probably one of the most revered jazz musicians ever, was by all accounts an utter *******. I'm 'fan' of Hank Mobley (underrated), and Miles pulled Mobley into his quartet to replace John Coltrane (who had a totally different sound from Mobley). Miles cut part of Mobley's solo from 'Drad-Dog' on Someday My Prince Will Come and during live concerts would leave the stand during Mobley's solo, stand at the bar and mimic hitting Mobley over the head with his trumpet. His music is great, though.

I'm an author, but I wouldn't want my private life to be associated with my suspense fiction (my protagonist is a female freelance assassin), since that is totally irrelevant. I could be the nicest guy in the world or an utter *******, but what counts is if my fiction is well-written and engaging and stays with the reader. I still frown at readers banning books by Orson Scott Card, because, as a Mormon, he mentioned in interviews that he opposes gay marriage because it's against his religion. I never hear people complain about reggae, but Rastafari is a homophobic religion, as you can also read in many reggae lyrics. Should I therefore ban reggae on principle? I have gay friends and I support gay marriage, but if I want to listen to Peter Tosh, that's my prerogative.

So, in short, hating Nirvana because Cobain makes a bad rolemodel and should not be idolized is a bit silly. Cobain himself would probably agree with you: from all accounts he hated the media frenzy around Nirvana and he didn't want to be a Grunge Jesus. It was one of the things that weighed heavy on him and what may have led to his suicide.

Just don't put people on pedestals. Nobody likes to be on a pedestal, except the people who do like it. And those people are often utter ********... :D

This is where parents' importance comes in. As Charles Barkley said when people criticized many of his antics and comments and was told by many to be responsible as kids are adoring, idolizing and watching him and, therefore, would likely copy/follow him, and I'm paraphrasing: "I'm not your kids parents, so I'm not supposed to be the one to raise them!" LOL
Jan 9, 2015 at 6:33 AM Post #21,779 of 66,291
Why distinguish non-"e" from "e" version, just the pricing or you like the non-"e" bit better?
This is where parents' importance comes in. As Charles Barkley said when people criticized many of his antics and comments and was told by many to be responsible as kids are adoring, idolizing and watching him and, therefore, would likely copy/follow him, and I'm paraphrasing: "I'm not your kids parents, so I'm not supposed to be the one to raise them!" LOL

pricing, and i haven't heard the ps500e
Jan 9, 2015 at 6:42 AM Post #21,780 of 66,291
pricing, and i haven't heard the ps500e

Wonder what's the difference with the non-e and e drivers (I mean technically and material-wise). Saw pictures and the e drivers are markedly different materials/color, looks cheaper. I'm not an expert though, so I may be seeing superficial stuff.

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