Feliks-Audio ELISE...New thread.
Jun 20, 2016 at 7:41 AM Post #12,031 of 13,860
Yo H13...same E88CCs...but got mine at a more reasonable price than usual from ebayer with unstamped "military" stock - very impressive looking tube, and good sound too!
Never seen that EP251 before...certainly an unusual looking little thing!...but good sound also, you say?

I think those Teslas of yours are specially made for the military for longevity, and some have a crossed sword logo on the tube.
The EP251 beats every driver I've used with the LD2/2.
I would have liked to roll EF95/6AK5's's into Elise-but I would think that would be taking things a bit too far and asking for trouble as I think it's a completely different circuit.
Elise already gives me plenty of options to keep me happy.
Jun 20, 2016 at 8:08 AM Post #12,032 of 13,860
Hello everybody - hold onto your hats and make way for the next MILESTONE breakthrough.
The thought crossed my mind how the dual 6BL7 adapter is also compatible with 6SN7, which is also compatible with these dual 6J5 adapters, so I thought I'd try my luck. After some initial fear... SPARKS! But just like like an earlier astonished user using this word, we are referring to sparks of infinite SOUND, one hard to put into words... well the sound was so amazing I had to come up with a few new ones:
DRIVERS: two 6SN7 intermixed
POWERS: 2x 6BL7 + 4x 6J5 (2x Sylvania + 2x Visseaux intermixed)

Folks with is without a doubt the best soundstage I have ever heard in my entire life at home. A holographic soundstage as if you're in a jungle of an alien galaxy.
This made every hair on my entire body stand on end. Better than the Zana Deux (and I've heard in 3 times). 16/10!!!
To put this more in audiophile terms, it's silky smooth, superbly extended from subterranean bass to the clearest of highs, immediate dynamics, vivid, sweet, mesmerizing instrument separation (yet still marvelously cohesive). Needless to say, by far and wide my favorite tube combination yet. And I can even enjoy music I previously hated, just for the awe-incredible sound!
Apologies in advance for those who like other tubes, but I did go ahead and try a few other combinations for comparison.
2x EL3N drivers (same powers) about a mile behind in terms of syngergy: loss of details / energy, and bloomy bass
2x EL3N drivers + 4X EL3N as powers (6x). Something is very, very wrong in comparison. Details lost, bass overbaked, confined soundstage, the magic of the above is gone
2x 6SN7 drivers + 2x GE 6AS7 GA: Wow this is like comparing an O2 amp to the Rangarok. No comparison whatsoever
2x 6SN7 drivers + 2x 6sn7 / 2x 6BL7 intermixed (one of my and Howie's prior favorites): very similar signature, but soundstage, refinement / presentation at least 40% less
Like I said folks I do not aim to affront for any of you who are a fan of the above tubes. 
 I just wish to announce my discovery in these totally uncharted waters for what I truly believe is a milestone summit for the Elise. And best of all: this is a solution for 6x powers without external power! and this just may sound equally good.
PS - @HOWIE13 are you hearing this?
PPS - @hypnos1 please accept my delayed replies while I am still catching up with this thread
Jun 20, 2016 at 8:37 AM Post #12,033 of 13,860
  Hello everybody - hold onto your hats and make way for the next MILESTONE breakthrough.
The thought crossed my mind how the dual 6BL7 adapter is also compatible with 6SN7, which is also compatible with these dual 6J5 adapters, so I thought I'd try my luck. After some initial fear... SPARKS! But just like like an earlier astonished user using this word, we are referring to sparks of infinite SOUND, one hard to put into words... well the sound was so amazing I had to come up with a few new ones:
DRIVERS: two 6SN7 intermixed
POWERS: 2x 6BL7 + 4x 6J5 (2x Sylvania + 2x Visseaux intermixed)

Folks with is without a doubt the best soundstage I have ever heard in my entire life at home. A holographic soundstage as if you're in a jungle of an alien galaxy.
This made every hair on my entire body stand on end. Better than the Zana Deux (and I've heard in 3 times). 16/10!!!
To put this more in audiophile terms, it's silky smooth, superbly extended from subterranean bass to the clearest of highs, immediate dynamics, vivid, sweet, mesmerizing instrument separation (yet still marvelously cohesive). Needless to say, by far and wide my favorite tube combination yet. And I can even enjoy music I previously hated, just for the awe-incredible sound!
Apologies in advance for those who like other tubes, but I did go ahead and try a few other combinations for comparison.
2x EL3N drivers (same powers) about a mile behind in terms of syngergy: loss of details / energy, and bloomy bass
2x EL3N drivers + 4X EL3N as powers (6x). Something is very, very wrong in comparison. Details lost, bass overbaked, confined soundstage, the magic of the above is gone
2x 6SN7 drivers + 2x GE 6AS7 GA: Wow this is like comparing an O2 amp to the Rangarok. No comparison whatsoever
2x 6SN7 drivers + 2x 6sn7 / 2x 6BL7 intermixed (one of my and Howie's prior favorites): very similar signature, but soundstage, refinement / presentation at least 40% less
Like I said folks I do not aim to affront for any of you who are a fan of the above tubes. 
 I just wish to announce my discovery in these totally uncharted waters for what I truly believe is a milestone summit for the Elise. And best of all: this is a solution for 6x powers without external power! and this just may sound equally good.
PS - @HOWIE13 are you hearing this?
PPS - @hypnos1 please accept my delayed replies while I am still catching up with this thread

How could I miss that?  

Well I never thought my first week with Elise would be so busy.
Like you I've got loads of single triode octals. So are you putting a 6BL7 and a 6J5 into one of Mrs Xuling's dual 6BL7 to 6AS7 adapters?
I had been wondering what would happen if I put a 6J5 into that adapter but didn't have the guts to try.
Jun 20, 2016 at 8:43 AM Post #12,034 of 13,860
Yes and no. Those 6BL7 to 6AS7 adapters are for dual octal tubes, so you would need to stack on it another dual 6J5 to 6SN7 adapter to use those single octals on this adapter. Two 6J5 are electrically identical to a single 6SN7, but by golly are two better than one in this case 

PS- I have 4 spare 6J5 tubes...
Jun 20, 2016 at 8:46 AM Post #12,036 of 13,860
I lost them while I was sleeping :D Bad timing, what HPs are you looking to buy next? Everyone around here loves T1.1 hehe

Hey LR...how could you let me down by sleeping, lol?!...were you too @Suuup? But the price was probably crazy anyway, I suspect...
...So now I must wait even longer for company in what I believe is the summit for Elise!!
As I have mentioned before, probably the only way to avoid the nonsense money is to study their "look" meticulously and keep an eagle eye out for some 'sleepers' with a different name to the obvious...along with a good dose of patience/perseverance (not to mention also being able to recognise at a 100 paces the likes of the Russian counterparts LOL!!)...along with a hefty dose of LUCK!
(which is what I wish all those who are interested in trying same...
Jun 20, 2016 at 8:53 AM Post #12,038 of 13,860
  Yes and no. Those 6BL7 to 6AS7 adapters are for dual octal tubes, so you would need to stack on it another dual 6J5 to 6SN7 adapter to use those single octals on this adapter. Two 6J5 are electrically identical to a single 6SN7, but by golly are two better than one in this case 

PS- I have 4 spare 6J5 tubes...

Only 4- you must have shed a load. 
So what's the green adapter arrangement in the picture ?
EDIT: OK got it now. Cheers.
Jun 20, 2016 at 8:57 AM Post #12,039 of 13,860
Hello everybody - hold onto your hats and make way for the next MILESTONE breakthrough.

The thought crossed my mind how the dual 6BL7 adapter is also compatible with 6SN7, which is also compatible with these dual 6J5 adapters, so I thought I'd try my luck. After some initial fear... SPARKS! But just like like an earlier astonished user using this word, we are referring to sparks of infinite SOUND, one hard to put into words... well the sound was so amazing I had to come up with a few new ones:


DRIVERS: two 6SN7 intermixed
POWERS: 2x 6BL7 + 4x 6J5 (2x Sylvania + 2x Visseaux intermixed)

Folks with is without a doubt the best soundstage I have ever heard in my entire life at home. A holographic soundstage as if you're in a jungle of an alien galaxy.
This made every hair on my entire body stand on end. Better than the Zana Deux (and I've heard in 3 times). 16/10!!!

To put this more in audiophile terms, it's silky smooth, superbly extended from subterranean bass to the clearest of highs, immediate dynamics, vivid, sweet, mesmerizing instrument separation (yet still marvelously cohesive). Needless to say, by far and wide my favorite tube combination yet. And I can even enjoy music I previously hated, just for the awe-incredible sound!

Apologies in advance for those who like other tubes, but I did go ahead and try a few other combinations for comparison.

2x EL3N drivers (same powers) about a mile behind in terms of syngergy: loss of details / energy, and bloomy bass
2x EL3N drivers + 4X EL3N as powers (6x). Something is very, very wrong in comparison. Details lost, bass overbaked, confined soundstage, the magic of the above is gone
2x 6SN7 drivers + 2x GE 6AS7 GA: Wow this is like comparing an O2 amp to the Rangarok. No comparison whatsoever
2x 6SN7 drivers + 2x 6sn7 / 2x 6BL7 intermixed (one of my and Howie's prior favorites): very similar signature, but soundstage, refinement / presentation at least 40% less

Like I said folks I do not aim to affront for any of you who are a fan of the above tubes. :bigsmile_face: :L3000: I just wish to announce my discovery in these totally uncharted waters for what I truly believe is a milestone summit for the Elise. And best of all: this is a solution for 6x powers without external power! and this just may sound equally good.

are you hearing this?
PPS - @hypnos1
please accept my delayed replies while I am still catching up with this thread

Interesting setup, DL!!

Uncharted territory indeed, and no external power!

Good job!


Jun 20, 2016 at 8:59 AM Post #12,041 of 13,860
Hey guys...please don't forget that using so many different tubes at once in this circuit is going to be throwing the design operating points all over the place, with the possible negative effects on various components over time. Feliks-Audio will not countenance such experiments!...and by the way @DecentLevi...Lukasz does look in on our thread from time to time, and so does know who does what lol!
Please be careful out there, guys...
Jun 20, 2016 at 9:04 AM Post #12,042 of 13,860
Jun 20, 2016 at 9:10 AM Post #12,044 of 13,860
  Feliks-Audio will not countenance such experiments!

As far as I know, it also include EL3N as they are not in the manual. So there's not a lot of people with warranty anyway in this thread. :p (But I agree with you on that matter).
For people looking for cheap conventional tubes, I can recommend FOTON 6N8S (pre 1966 thanks to @hpamdr for the tip) and TungSol 6080 (a bit hard to find).
Jun 20, 2016 at 9:20 AM Post #12,045 of 13,860
@DecentLevi. Do you spend more time consulting a Thesaurus than actually finding the combinations you like? I have yet to hear a live performance that could match some of your descriptions.
Have you compared any of your preferred combinations to some of the popular 1-tube-per-socket approaches such as the 5998, 6520, 7236?
Any reason you don't use external power just to stay on the safe side of the Elise transformer's suggested operating maximum?

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