EPZ Discussion and Impressions
Apr 1, 2024 at 10:06 PM Post #92 of 106
It's nice to see a thread for the 530. I will be an owner soon. Maybe in a week as mine is on the way. Reading all your impressions makes me excited. I can remember the first time i was blown away by an all ba set by Seeaudio Bravery og. It was the first time i heard details like that and fast transients. I did not get to keep that one as it was a loaner. The second time i really liked a ba set is the dunu sa6 mkii. I liked its tonality but technicalities are just average for me. Im wishing the 530 will blow my mind this time. I always have a soft spot for all BA, and for me ba timbre cannot be completely eliminated. You have to embrace that timbre as for what it is.

Anyways i will be sharing here as well and i embrace you guys as brothers in arms.
Apr 7, 2024 at 1:58 AM Post #96 of 106

At last!! These bad boys arrived! I'll be posting early impressions soon. Quite excited to open these up but i have to fulfill my duties first as a father. Lol.
Apr 7, 2024 at 10:56 PM Post #97 of 106
Hi there gorgeous 😎😎

EPZ 530 in the house gentlemen. 😉😉 A midfi entry from the brand. Here are some early impressions after a couple of hours of listening.

• these are midbass priority over sub bass. To those who loves their rumbles, you might miss them in this set.
• overall sound has a leaner presentation. I'm coming from TSMR X so while that set is lush and rich, the 530s are leaner but portrays more details.
• bright neutral sound profile for a more mature listener. Suitable for treble heads.
• a contender for purposes like stage monitoring or reference. Suitable for audio work.
• lots or energy and details in the treble. Opens up a plethora of micro and macro details.
• vocals are forward and highlighted as they should be in a vocal track.
• very agile and fast transients. Speedy. Can handle complex and fast paced tracks without a sweat.
• best paired with a r2r dac amp like cayin ru6 or hiby fc6
• separation and layering are spot on. Unbelievably impressive. Can trade blows with TOTL caliber.
• instrument placement is accurate. I can easily pick or pinpoint 2 different instruments on the same place within the stage.
• might be too bright for sensitive folks.
• sub bass lovers might want to look elsewhere.
• decay might be too fast on someone else's preference.
• sound signature might not be appreciated by those who are accustomed to rich, lush and colored sound.
• very high detail retrieval.
• texture of instruments are very prominent. Grit and bite of guitars are distinguished.
• not forgiving on low res files.
• spacious and wide stage.
• airy treble.
• source sensitive.
• if you want or need to hear every part of the musicians in your music, this is it. 530 can reveal 90-95% percent of what every instruments and vocals does in the arrangement. Even chordal and vocal harmonies are easier to disect.
• superb isolation. Which can be dangerous at times when used outside. Do pay extra attention to your surroundings.
• if you are into laid back sound, look elsewhere. These are aggressive and a highly technical set.

I gotta be honest, it took a while for me to adjust to 530s sound. Why? Because i was listening to TSMR X for a week. And somehow my brain adjusted to its sound. Lush, rich, thick, and that DD bass that is hard to resist. But, technical wise, i gotta give it to 530. For a musician like me, who has a cover band, we need to study our parts. And 530 seem like made for that purpose. For me that is the highlight of this set. BA timbre is present to my ears but hey, you gotta embrace BA as for what it is.

Full review in... 2 weeks. I gotta finish TSMR X first. 🤣


#epz #530
Apr 7, 2024 at 11:22 PM Post #98 of 106
Hi there gorgeous 😎😎

EPZ 530 in the house gentlemen. 😉😉 A midfi entry from the brand. Here are some early impressions after a couple of hours of listening.

• these are midbass priority over sub bass. To those who loves their rumbles, you might miss them in this set.
• overall sound has a leaner presentation. I'm coming from TSMR X so while that set is lush and rich, the 530s are leaner but portrays more details.
• bright neutral sound profile for a more mature listener. Suitable for treble heads.
• a contender for purposes like stage monitoring or reference. Suitable for audio work.
• lots or energy and details in the treble. Opens up a plethora of micro and macro details.
• vocals are forward and highlighted as they should be in a vocal track.
• very agile and fast transients. Speedy. Can handle complex and fast paced tracks without a sweat.
• best paired with a r2r dac amp like cayin ru6 or hiby fc6
• separation and layering are spot on. Unbelievably impressive. Can trade blows with TOTL caliber.
• instrument placement is accurate. I can easily pick or pinpoint 2 different instruments on the same place within the stage.
• might be too bright for sensitive folks.
• sub bass lovers might want to look elsewhere.
• decay might be too fast on someone else's preference.
• sound signature might not be appreciated by those who are accustomed to rich, lush and colored sound.
• very high detail retrieval.
• texture of instruments are very prominent. Grit and bite of guitars are distinguished.
• not forgiving on low res files.
• spacious and wide stage.
• airy treble.
• source sensitive.
• if you want or need to hear every part of the musicians in your music, this is it. 530 can reveal 90-95% percent of what every instruments and vocals does in the arrangement. Even chordal and vocal harmonies are easier to disect.
• superb isolation. Which can be dangerous at times when used outside. Do pay extra attention to your surroundings.
• if you are into laid back sound, look elsewhere. These are aggressive and a highly technical set.

I gotta be honest, it took a while for me to adjust to 530s sound. Why? Because i was listening to TSMR X for a week. And somehow my brain adjusted to its sound. Lush, rich, thick, and that DD bass that is hard to resist. But, technical wise, i gotta give it to 530. For a musician like me, who has a cover band, we need to study our parts. And 530 seem like made for that purpose. For me that is the highlight of this set. BA timbre is present to my ears but hey, you gotta embrace BA as for what it is.

Full review in... 2 weeks. I gotta finish TSMR X first. 🤣


#epz #530
Just had a listen with 530 and jumped to TSMR-X. Concur with your impressions.

Why Midfi from EPZ, price-wise? As this is their TOTL until the K9 is announced.
Apr 17, 2024 at 2:38 AM Post #99 of 106
How can the epz 530 fare against the blessing 3?
May 12, 2024 at 12:44 PM Post #102 of 106

I just wanna share that I've found the best tips for the 530 aligned to my preference. The Eletech Baroque tips.

As much as i love the details, and speed of the 530, to my ears it has a lean overall note weight. And i cant help but crave for a little more body to it. The Baroque tips, being wide bore, surprised me. I was expecting the bass to be totally gone, then sharper trebles. And to my surprise, i was proven wrong. Bass has more weight and punchy. Treble are tamed. Smoother overall sound. The details are not that crisp anymore or edgy, which i honestly miss a little, but i was willing to sacrifice that for a more comfortable listening experience.

The Baroque tips is not that popular. And i only got lucky a friend, sold me his pair.

If you find the 530 a bit too sharp on the edges, the Baroque tips will save the day.

Still, your mileage may vary. Cheers!
Jun 9, 2024 at 2:01 PM Post #103 of 106
Jun 9, 2024 at 4:30 PM Post #104 of 106
There's also a TOTL coming, the K9: 1DD + 8BA!
Any news about any of the new things you mentioned? I love my K5, have a 530 on the way. If they release a tribrid that might be my first tribrid purchase 🤔 new flagship is also exciting.

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