Cayin N5 DAP - Product Info (Post #2), Resources (Post #3) and Discussion
Nov 12, 2015 at 9:19 PM Post #1,007 of 2,546
Great, Group 1 and Group 2 in transit, Group 4 is ahead and Podster has been playing with the tour N5 for a few days already.
Cayin Stay updated on Cayin at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Nov 13, 2015 at 3:14 AM Post #1,008 of 2,546
I'm coming from the Chord Mojo angle where I am still struggling to get an ideal transport for it. Today I tested a Fiio X5ii via coaxial and DSD (.dff and .dsf) was down sampled to 88 KHz. 
Has anyone tested this Cayin with a Mojo and able to get the Mojo to show the white light which is full DSD?
Nov 17, 2015 at 11:05 PM Post #1,009 of 2,546

I'm coming from the Chord Mojo angle where I am still struggling to get an ideal transport for it. Today I tested a Fiio X5ii via coaxial and DSD (.dff and .dsf) was down sampled to 88 KHz. 

Has anyone tested this Cayin with a Mojo and able to get the Mojo to show the white light which is full DSD?


Sorry for belated respond.

Cayin N5 (and N6) cannot output DoP through Coaxial at the moment, we have worked on this features a few months back, progress is slow and one of the reason is lack of portable DAC/amp in the market that will take coaxial DoP, Hugo was the obvious choice but its size and price is probably not the target choice for N5/N6 users, now that we have the right companion products, I'll try my best to urge the engineering team to speed up the DoP development ASAP. :beerchug:
Cayin Stay updated on Cayin at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Nov 17, 2015 at 11:17 PM Post #1,010 of 2,546
The pictures will said it all.

This is miles ahead of the prototype that I have showed previously. For those who are interested in this leather jacket, please contact your local reseller for detail.

Trust me, this won't cost you an arm and a leg, check it out and give your N5 a treat. :D :D :D
Cayin Stay updated on Cayin at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Nov 17, 2015 at 11:45 PM Post #1,011 of 2,546
Lovely offering, Andy. The community thanks you.
Nov 18, 2015 at 12:08 AM Post #1,013 of 2,546
Glad to inform the forum that Extreme Audio has received their N5 already, for those who have been waiting for an US local supplier, arrangement for N5, please check this out:

I had received numerous PM asking for the availability of N5 in US back in September, I was optimistic that we can arrange a sales channel by October and that's how I respond to the messages, unfortunately there were some delay in between so we are kind of 1 month delayed in due course. Lets hope this is not too late and I would like to thanks all friends and customers who have been waiting for the N5 patiently.

Cayin encourages buying from local supplier as they can offer after-sales support and safeguard the interest of our customers, I shall keep you all informed if we have new information on N5 retail channel at other areas. :beerchug:
Cayin Stay updated on Cayin at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Nov 18, 2015 at 11:07 AM Post #1,018 of 2,546
 - I saw your X7 review. How does the N5 compare to the new Fiio player (sound, UI)?

Quite different beasts PsiCore. As far as sound is concerned, X7 sounded more neutral to my ears whereas N5 sounded more colored (warmer down low and with sparkly highs). Soundstage is good for both. Whether this is a good thing is up to you. For me, I can really appreciate both.

As an aside, I'd say the Shanling M2 and X7 sound more similar than N5 and X7.

As far as aesthetics go, N5 wins that battle every time for me. Hands-down. No questions asked. N5 is just gorgeous to my eyes!

I also appreciate N5's smaller size because it fit in my pocket without feeling like it was going to burst. It might not look that much smaller than X7 in the pics, but it really does feel it.

HW UI isn't perfect on either. X7 has those symmetrical buttons which really frustrated a lot of people. I didn't find it that bad in use. You get the hang of it pretty quickly. N5 just requires a bit of shifting in the hand to go back n forth between wheel and buttons. I do really like it that the N5 has the Volume + M button close to the headphone jack, so when it's in your pocket you've got really easy access to basic transport scintilla while the screen is locked. Nice! Not so easy with X7.

GUI for X7 depends on the app you're using. I honestly really like non-touchscreen GUIs. The one thing touchscreen X7 has over N5 is scrolling through long lists. It's a PITA with N5 as with every other non-touchscreen DAP I've used. I always use a very organized folder system to make scrolling easier. With the X7 though, just flick through lists quickly like in your phone. That FiiO music app really needs some work though. I found it harder to use and more limiting than something like FiiO X5 or Cayin N5. Same with TIDAL's app. I just don't understand why these guys can't get it right.

But again, two different beasts. If I were buying today, I'd hold off on X7 and wait to see what X7ii and the competition brings for these Android DAPs. Just my two cents I'm sure Cayin, Lotoo, Questyle, Shanling etc are studying X7 carefully.

I have no hesitation recommending N5. It pushes way to many of the right buttons for me :D
Nov 18, 2015 at 11:13 AM Post #1,019 of 2,546
Guys, do not forget the new Ibasso DX80 and the Hidizs AP100, etc. - too many choices!!!


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