CanJam New York 2024 Impressions Thread (March 9-10, 2024)
Mar 10, 2024 at 11:20 PM Post #256 of 709
I can see some people not liking these, but they're unique for sure, no arguing that. I'm going to spend my morning with them. And talk myself out of asking what the show discount is.

I thought the Trifecta had good bass definition and clear vocals but for me there was some sibilance/brightness in the highs which would become fatiguing over time. Personally I would not buy them at the asking price.

I much preferred the Andromeda and Solaris over the Trifecta. I thought the Andromeda were just a great all-around IEM; they seemed balanced and like nothing was over-emphasized. Great value for the price.

The Solaris though - to me, that was the IEM that was in a different league. I thought the bass was very well-controlled and powerful with impressive imaging and clean vocals. The sub-bass did roll off more quickly than I would have liked and felt a little muted. I also thought they revealed compression and resolution in source material more than any other IEM I listened to at the show; hi-res FLACs vs CD-quality FLACs vs plain 'ol VBR MP3 differences seemed more audible.
Mar 10, 2024 at 11:20 PM Post #257 of 709
From what I remember and don't quote me... I think the initial run was 25. The wood is harvested in very small batches and then goes up for auction only twice a year. So part of it is waiting and getting the wood, but they felt it added to the exclusivity of the amp.
How did it sound Dave?

Yes I was curious to check out due to being a big playback designs fan.

The playback has a more musical but still VERY detailed presentation, if you have not tried, I would give it a whirl.

I'm still thinking about that Portable Mass Kobo + Sony Dap + Storm combo... 1 + 1 + 1 = 5 type of wonderful.
Can't wait to hear more impressions from you on this combo... because 3=5 is high praise indeed.

Gustard A23!
Is the Gustard A23 an AIO?
Mar 10, 2024 at 11:57 PM Post #258 of 709
The Drop + Grell OAE1 headphones are special. The diaphragm's design allows it to project a large room-like staging that would be perfect for live audio recordings. I was surprised to hear that it cost $500.
Mar 11, 2024 at 12:48 AM Post #259 of 709
They use HiFi Rose RS150 as streamer/DAC? The N30LE also draw my attention :beerchug:
Andy, it's my favorite DAP.

Let's ask if there is a bundle deal for the amp and headphones....maybe an even 112k? :)

I'll buy the headphones you get the amp.
I think it you buy the amp, they throw in the headphones.
Mar 11, 2024 at 12:52 AM Post #260 of 709
Just a quick brain dump after attending my first ever CanJam this weekend:

First of all, I'm kicking myself for not attending these sooner, there is no better way to see/touch/listen to almost everything ChiFi/MidFi/HighFi/SummitFi under the sun. Over 80+ different vendors lugging in giant crates of gear. Simply an audiophile's playground.

1. DCA E3 - This was the first headphone I put on to start the day and it really blew me away. Quite possibly the best closed back i've heard all weekend. Sounds better to me than both the Stealth and Expanse.
2. Abyss Diana MR? - I thought these were just OK, first time trying headphones from Abyss and just didn't get that 'wow' factor. Also, it wasn't that comfortable on my head either. (Not sure if there is some special adjustment that can be made but it just felt very loose)
3. ZMF Bokeh (Open and Closed) - Zach has done it again. The Bokeh Open was a great listen(definitely baby Atrium vibes). Definitely preferred it to bokeh closed (on same source/songs). Unfortunately, Zach wouldn't take my money :sob:. ETA -sometime this Summer
4. Meze 109 Pro - I know I'm late to the party on this one, but I was thoroughly impressed with the sound coming out of these cans. Great clarity across the frequency spectrum but not harsh or sibilant. Definitely on my short list to pick-up in the near future.
5. Meze empyrean II - Did not see the hype of this headphone, nothing really stood out or wow'd me. yes, of course it has great sonic capabilities but everything just sounded 'safe'.
6. Campfire Audio Fathom - This one really blew my mind as it was the first IEM I tried on at the show, they really hit it out of the park with this one. Great timbre and tonality throughout the frequency range with damn good bass coming from the six BAs. I was definitely rocking out to these Fathoms. The Campfire guy let me try out some of the higher end stuff too (Trifecta?) but preferred the Fathom much more.
7. HIFIMAN (Dr. Fang in the house!) - Got to try out their new Dac/Amp combos and was really impressed by the EF600(R2R with dual Hymalaya Pro DAC outputting 10W). Smooth but detailed. Handled He1000 and Arya's with ease.
8. Sennheiser HD600/650/660s2 - Did a three way battle at the Sennheiser booth and really really loved the 660s2. Definitely on the short list to upgrade my 6xx. The dac/amp they used also sounded pretty good (HDV 820).

EDIT: Forgot to add 2 other IEMs that really impressed me
DUNU SA6 MK1 - For the price point these sounded magical, definitely preferred the Mk1 over Mk2. Preferred over the more expensive Glacier that they were demoing.
64 Audio U4s - Probably my favorite IEM that I listened to at the show. Classic 64audio sound at a great price point.A/B'd against the Volur and while Volur did have better technicalities I don't think it's 1500 dollars better.

Once again, I can't emphasize enough how important it is to put your own ears to the music when considering big or small HiFi purchases. $30 is a small price to pay for what may save you thousands in the future.
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Mar 11, 2024 at 1:05 AM Post #261 of 709

Just a quick brain dump after attending my first ever CanJam this weekend:

First of all, I'm kicking myself for not attending these sooner, there is no better way to see/touch/listen to almost everything ChiFi/MidFi/HighFi/SummitFi under the sun. Over 80+ different vendors lugging in giant crates of gear. Simply an audiophile's playground.

1. DCA E3 - This was the first headphone I put on to start the day and it really blew me away. Quite possibly the best closed back i've heard all weekend. Sounds better to me than both the Stealth and Expanse.
2. Abyss Diana MR? - I thought these were just OK, first time trying headphones from Abyss and just didn't get that 'wow' factor. Also, it wasn't that comfortable on my head either. (Not sure if there is some special adjustment that can be made but it just felt very loose)
3. ZMF Bokeh (Open and Closed) - Zach has done it again. The Bokeh Open was a great listen(definitely baby Atrium vibes). Definitely preferred it to bokeh closed (on same source/songs). Unfortunately, Zach wouldn't take my money :sob:. ETA -sometime this Summer
4. Meze 109 Pro - I know I'm late to the party on this one, but I was thoroughly impressed with the sound coming out of these cans. Great clarity across the frequency spectrum but not harsh or sibilant. Definitely on my short list to pick-up in the near future.
5. Meze empyrean II - Did not see the hype of this headphone, nothing really stood out or wow'd me. yes, of course it has great sonic capabilities but everything just sounded 'safe'.
6. Campfire Audio Fathom - This one really blew my mind as it was the first IEM I tried on at the show, they really hit it out of the park with this one. Great timbre and tonality throughout the frequency range with damn good bass coming from the six BAs. I was definitely rocking out to these Fathoms. The Campfire guy let me try out some of the higher end stuff too (Trifecta?) but preferred the Fathom much more.
7. HIFIMAN (Dr. Fang in the house!) - Got to try out their new Dac/Amp combos and was really impressed by the EF600(R2R with dual Hymalaya Pro DAC outputting 10W). Smooth but detailed. Handled He1000 and Arya's with ease.
8. Sennheiser HD600/650/660s2 - Did a three way battle at the Sennheiser booth and really really loved the 660s2. Definitely on the short list to upgrade my 6xx. The dac/amp they used also sounded pretty good (HDV 820).

Once again, I can't emphasize enough how important it is to put your own ears to the music when considering big or small HiFi purchases. $30 is a small price to pay for what may save you thousands in the future.
Rather mod your 6XX, you will get more out of it, easily.
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Mar 11, 2024 at 1:07 AM Post #262 of 709
If I got a penny every time I heard that remark here on head-fi....
You would have earned $.03 from me. First time was Wells Audio Headtrip II Level II, then Sennheiser HE-1, and now Audio Technica HPA-KG NARU
Mar 11, 2024 at 1:31 AM Post #263 of 709
Just a quick brain dump after attending my first ever CanJam this weekend:

First of all, I'm kicking myself for not attending these sooner, there is no better way to see/touch/listen to almost everything ChiFi/MidFi/HighFi/SummitFi under the sun. Over 80+ different vendors lugging in giant crates of gear. Simply an audiophile's playground.

1. DCA E3 - This was the first headphone I put on to start the day and it really blew me away. Quite possibly the best closed back i've heard all weekend. Sounds better to me than both the Stealth and Expanse.
2. Abyss Diana MR? - I thought these were just OK, first time trying headphones from Abyss and just didn't get that 'wow' factor. Also, it wasn't that comfortable on my head either. (Not sure if there is some special adjustment that can be made but it just felt very loose)
3. ZMF Bokeh (Open and Closed) - Zach has done it again. The Bokeh Open was a great listen(definitely baby Atrium vibes). Definitely preferred it to bokeh closed (on same source/songs). Unfortunately, Zach wouldn't take my money :sob:. ETA -sometime this Summer
4. Meze 109 Pro - I know I'm late to the party on this one, but I was thoroughly impressed with the sound coming out of these cans. Great clarity across the frequency spectrum but not harsh or sibilant. Definitely on my short list to pick-up in the near future.
5. Meze empyrean II - Did not see the hype of this headphone, nothing really stood out or wow'd me. yes, of course it has great sonic capabilities but everything just sounded 'safe'.
6. Campfire Audio Fathom - This one really blew my mind as it was the first IEM I tried on at the show, they really hit it out of the park with this one. Great timbre and tonality throughout the frequency range with damn good bass coming from the six BAs. I was definitely rocking out to these Fathoms. The Campfire guy let me try out some of the higher end stuff too (Trifecta?) but preferred the Fathom much more.
7. HIFIMAN (Dr. Fang in the house!) - Got to try out their new Dac/Amp combos and was really impressed by the EF600(R2R with dual Hymalaya Pro DAC outputting 10W). Smooth but detailed. Handled He1000 and Arya's with ease.
8. Sennheiser HD600/650/660s2 - Did a three way battle at the Sennheiser booth and really really loved the 660s2. Definitely on the short list to upgrade my 6xx. The dac/amp they used also sounded pretty good (HDV 820).

Once again, I can't emphasize enough how important it is to put your own ears to the music when considering big or small HiFi purchases. $30 is a small price to pay for what may save you thousands in the future.
I owned the Empy II for a few months, I agree with this assessment. It does not have the technicalities of a 3k headphone.
Mar 11, 2024 at 1:34 AM Post #264 of 709
Would love to hear impressions on the Unique Melody Soleil / Nuit.
I spent quite a bit of time with them over several listening sessions since I have been very interested in it due to my love for Red Halo. After the first 3 seconds, I was in love with them. They are every bit as technically impressive as Amber Pearl which is my current favorite IEM. After a quick a/b test. There is more bass then the Red Halo and less than Amber Pearl. There is definitely an emphasis place on the mids. My only issue with it after the first day may have been the bass timbre was not as good as Amber Pearl. Amber Pearl and Storm have the best BA bass of any sets I have heard.

On day two, I came back to it and then did some a/b testing with Mason FS and Red Halo. It was here that I really remember what I love about Red Halo. It is really targeted toward vocals and it tuned better for them with slightly reduced bass level. This makes it a perfect vocals specialist and also as equally good with strings which makes up a large share of my collection. Mason FS is not that because the elevated bass gets in the way of a pure vocal set.

So, Mason FS is trying for a more all arounder type tuning which would make it more generally appealing. For me, I have the Amber Pearl as my favorite all arounder and the Red Halo as a vocal specialist. I wish UM decided to stay more true with the Red Halo tuning concept. I was looking for a Red Halo with superior technicals. As a result, I am probably not going to pick one up right away. But, inevitably I need it in my collection to complete the set.

I love the new FTS cable. It's much more ergonomic than the original FTS which is one of my favorites. And, the build quality seems much improved.

I also sent 3 IEMs through to UM for refurbishment for their generous program from last month, they are going to refurb both the IEM and the cables. Really happy with UM at the moment.
Mason FS with N30LE.jpeg
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Mar 11, 2024 at 1:36 AM Post #265 of 709
Any chance you could compare the Envy 25th to the Riviera aic-10 (with Susvara)?
Apologies for the delayed response. I haven't really checked this thread since I posted last night, and I didn't see your message before going to the show today. Unfortunately, the only AIC-10 I saw was in the Abyss room being fed by a reel-to-reel tape deck. There was a 1266 TC plugged into the amp, and while I really wanted to hear my Susvara through the AIC-10, I thought it might be a bit, um, awkward to do so in that setting. I did, however, briefly listen to said system as it was configured, and the tunes then playing (Oye Como Va by Santana, followed by something else unfamiliar) sounded quite excellent through it, about as good as I've heard the 1266 TC sound, in fact.

Whilst I enjoyed listening to the Susvara through the Envy 25th more than I enjoyed listening to the 1266 TC through the AIC-10 with a different front end, sadly there's no useful or actionable information to be gained about the amps from that data point. :relaxed:
Things I missed this year that I really wanted to demo: Empyrean II, Audio-Technica billionaire amp & headphone, EE Raven, Feliks Envy 25th, Mass Kobo, Subtonic Storm
The Empy II is available to audition at Audio46, which is a vastly superior venue for doing so, as you must know. I did audition it there on Friday, for the second time overall, and *I* think it's a very fine headphone, and clearly the best thing Meze has released to date. The only issue I have is that it's not necessarily better than the DCA E3 (YMMV), and it's a grand more expensive.
I personally found, quite to my surprise, Trifecta to do 3-d imaging like nothing I've ever heard before. Agree the bass is quite elevated, but would posit that most people prefer that in a IEM.
I'm not an "IEM guy" by any stretch, but there were three I really wanted to check out this weekend based on buzz and reputation: Oriolus Traillii, Subtonic STORM, and Campfire Trifecta. Actually, the latter got added based on your favorable impression earlier in this thread. I spaced out on the Traillii with everything else going on, and though I walked by the Subtonic table a half dozen times, there was always a row of people waiting behind the people who were actually auditioning. I did get to hear the Trifecta near the end of today. Even though it was fitted with large tips, the seal wasn't perfect (reason #1 why I don't do IEMs). The path of least resistance was using a DAP preloaded with (it turned out) the company owner's favorite music. Somewhat impulsively, I selected the track Passover by Joy Division (Closer). At first, I was pretty underwhelmed, but then realized the dodgy seal was probably the issue. I used my index fingers to press the IEMs securely into my ear canals, and things dramatically improved. I thought the tonal balance (my #1 priority) was excellent, and dynamics were great as well. The thing I really love about IEMs is how they really immerse you in the soundstage, and the Trifectas pulled off that trick with great ease. So yeah, I really enjoyed my very limited time with them, but not enough to join Team IEM... especially for $3k+ entry fee!
Mar 11, 2024 at 1:45 AM Post #266 of 709
My first CanJam, and boy was it worth it. Getting to see, listen to, and demo the world's best audio gear is awesome. Then chatting with some of the creators/owners/employees was cool too. The place was packed, especially in the afternoon on Saturday. Only got about 3 hours of sleep this weekend, so I'm very exhausted.

I mainly only tried out IEMs. It was too loud to properly demo most of the headphones, even in the side rooms. Didn't take notes or anything, so no detailed descriptions or opinions, but these are some of my favorite IEMs I got to listen to and the highlights of the show for me personally. In no particular order...

  • Oriolus Traillii Titanium
  • FatFreq Grand Maestro
  • Subtonic Storm
  • Aroma Fei Wan
  • Unique Melody Amber Pearl (1 of 1 demo unit made for @twister6 - so jealous lol), Multiverse, and Mason FS Nuit Étoilée
  • Nightjar Singularity
  • Symphonium Titan
  • Elysian Annihilator 2023
  • Noble Onyx
  • Fir Xenon 6
  • Empire Ears Raven LE and Odin
  • 64 Audio Volür

There was a lot other products from companies that I wanted to try out, but just didn't have the time or energy for it all. Definitely going to come back next year. What an incredible experience! :L3000:
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Mar 11, 2024 at 1:49 AM Post #267 of 709
I'll likely attempt a proper report in a couple days but here are some hot takes while the memories are fresh in my mind.

Summary: An epic show, probably my favorite CJ yet (they just seem to get better and better) made so mostly by all the wonderful people I got to catch up with and meet for the first time-- you are innumerable and you know who you are. Much gratitude to the organizers who work tirelessly behind the scene to make these shows happen for us.

Show highlights:

1) Elysian Pilgrim.

I just loved this IEM and it was the one I kept coming back to over and over. Beautiful mids with spectacular vocals, characteristic Elysian magic up top, lush and detailed treble with no fatigue whatsoever. Bass quantity was low but imho the quality is on point. Reminds me of Gaea (which l loved, but which needed EQ) but with more meat in the mid-bass lower mids, less insanity in the upper mids and better bass. Something of a specialist for someone with my particular tastes but when it hits this thing holds court with anything else I heard at the show, at any price point. At @RTodd's recommendation I listed to Diana Krall Temptation with these and I damn near seductive and beautiful.


2) Eletech Prototype "Romeo"

I listened to this one early today at the recommendation of @bigbeans and others who heard it the previous day. The tuning on these is spectactular and they swept me up right off the bat. Most impressive to me was the quality and quantity of the bass while maintaining wonderful epic air and highly articulate staging. These do something similar to Fei Wan where no matter where in the soundscape you are focusing every element of the sound seems to blend seemlessly with the whole while maintaining its own individual air and "atmosphere" if that makes sense. Very compelling IEM. Still a proto and I really hope they don't mess with it too much if at all as they really have something special here.


3) AK/EE Novus

Heard this early on and it kind of unobtrusively blew me away. Reminds me somewhat of the Raven when I heard it at its best in SoCal. For some reason the Raven I heard this weekend had a touch too much upper mids for me-- not Odin or EVO levels but I found myself reaching for skip ore often than I'd hoped. The Novus though is just perfect for me. Captures that beautiful EE magic in the bass and marries it to a nicely balanced sig with great present mids and detailed non-fatiguing highs. I can't wait to hear this one again. The price is steep but I'll stay out of that far as sound goes this is possibly my favorite EE related product I've heard yet.


Special shoutout: Nightjar Duality
I heard this IEM...or variants of it at two prior shows (SoCal and NYC last year) but I never really clicked with it until today. Bass is great and everything else is well balanced. Something of a juiced up Singularity. Takes a lot of clicks but sounds epic on my 1Z. Looking forward to spending more time with this one


Special shoutout #2 - Oriolus Traillii JP, the one and only OG.
I was fortunate to hear @Frankie D's Traillii alongside the Ti...and I much prefer the OG. The bird just sweeps me off my feet every time I hear it, even after all this time. BA bass aside it does everything right. The TI subdues the mids a bit and boosts the bass..which for me killed some of the transparency and forward mids I love so much about the Bird. I didn't find the boosted bass helped as more BA bass is still BA bass. OG Bird all the way for me.


Pleasant surprise...somewhat...LP E7

I was happy to find this at the show. Sound is smooth, clear and intoxicating. My Trifecta sounded divine. OS while better is still kind of crap imho and the unit crashed while we were using it and I still found it rather unintuitive to use. Sound is on point though.


Always a pleasure...

Never hit NYC without enjoying a slice or two of Joe's and some Mexican Coke.

Screen Shot 2024-03-10 at 10.25.55 PM.png


Myself and a couple others hit the road after the show to have our mind's blown by @RTodd's Wilsons.


Hours later I still can't wipe the smile off my face. More on this adventure to come tomorrow, with updates likely in the Cooler thread.

Love and thanks to everyone...
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Mar 11, 2024 at 1:57 AM Post #268 of 709
Have to leave the show mid way due to work and all but got a chance to listen to these with Abyss 1266TC powered by Riveria 10 amp. It was playing some Audiophile grade music unknown to me but it sounded great but little too splashy and energetic in highs. Bass was great but highs were little hot for me. Very open sounding.

Tried the new CFA-3 with Tungsten but again music was shared and control was not with me. Better experience with Tungsten today compared to yesterday. Good body and layering. This amp has more than enough power for it.
Below is finished one
Is there a price available? Release date?
Mar 11, 2024 at 2:46 AM Post #269 of 709
Okay. I found it!
Has anyone had any experience with the Topping A900+D900?
I heard it was newly unveiled at Canjam NYC this year.

++++ 10band peq DAC D90 lll Discrete + A50 lll D50 lll



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Mar 11, 2024 at 3:08 AM Post #270 of 709
I am in this picture in spirit (and by that I mean I am not in this picture in any way, shape or form) but truly when we go to CanJams, it always feels like our family is expanding.


IMG_3976.jpeg would not exist without the amazing support from @jude @third_eye and the amazing Head-Fi crew, our review team like @Resolve , @GoldenSound , @Precogvision , @FcConstruct or DMS and most importantly, the amazing community that we’ve come to know and love. We seriously could not be here without you and every CanJam is a reminder of why we do, what we do.

Cheers from Andrew, myself and the entire team. We can’t wait to see you all at the next one!

Special shoutout to Blaine, @Netforce , Sam and April for manning the booth all day and making sure anything that broke, was promptly fixed. Stay updated on at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.

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