Aw these suck.....
Mar 23, 2004 at 11:35 PM Post #16 of 65

Originally posted by Superbaldguy
The EX70/71's are the most controversial headphones in history; 50% of the users like them, 50% hate them. For myself, they are ideal for working out with my exercyle and MZ-S1. I find that earbuds pretty much all sound the same, which isn't great by standards comparing them to my ER-4P's.

The EX71's do isolate reasonably well and stay in your ears decently, which is something that few buds can do.

I agree, the only time I find use for my EX71's is when I exercise.
Mar 23, 2004 at 11:37 PM Post #17 of 65

Originally posted by JaZZ
I guess you still haven't heard «The Plug».


Are the "Plugs" any good?
Mar 23, 2004 at 11:57 PM Post #19 of 65
What Shurenuff says...

Mar 24, 2004 at 12:00 AM Post #20 of 65
At least unmodded, The Plug(h)s make everything sound like they've been played on a bad-sounding AM radio tuner connected to a boomy-sounding speaker.
Mar 24, 2004 at 12:43 AM Post #21 of 65

I had to try them out for myself to be sure. I was looking for a decent workout phone. Not your fault at all. Good news is I've passed them on to someone who can appreciate them.

As for sensitivity, no my ears haven't become more sensitive. Just better trained to hear the inherent separation and soundstage present with different sets of cans. That's all I meant.

Anyway, the 71's found a new home.

Thanks for your interest.

Now back to my e5's.
Mar 24, 2004 at 12:59 AM Post #23 of 65

Originally posted by etys rule
I had to try them out for myself to be sure. I was looking for a decent workout phone.

The E2's are really good for working out if you don't want to use your 5's for that. Not quite sonic bliss. But, especially with the Ety P/S converter for a little more clarity, they're really quite perfect for the gym.
Mar 24, 2004 at 1:21 AM Post #24 of 65
I bought my EX71's about a year and a half ago so I don't know if they have gotten any better over the time in between... Plus i'm a noob

That said I have always been dissapointed with them. If I had to describe the sound it would be muddy bass with a midrange that just floods out sound. That makes them pretty easy to listen to, but not enough clarity for my liking.

I upgraded from garbage Sony earphones and to be honest I prefer them to this day, due mainly to the lack of clarity on the EX71's. However, like with all investments I pull out the EX71's now and again just to see if I was mishearing them or didn't have the seal right. Probably just time to ditch them
Mar 24, 2004 at 1:54 AM Post #25 of 65
i forced a pair of Etymotic ER6 clear silicon tips on my EX71 and now they don't sound half bad, actually pretty decent. i don't know why, but the treble is much more tame and the screechy, ear piercing qualtiy is gone. the midrange is considerably better, and with the tape mod, the bass is leaner and less boomy. and the clear tips look better than the original sony tips.

however, i only use my EX71 (white version) with my iPod wired remote only when i feel "stylish." i normally just plug my other phones on the iPod itself without the remote. white remote with black headphone wires doesn't look right.

i wish Sony made a white verson of the E888sp...
Mar 24, 2004 at 2:41 AM Post #27 of 65
FINALLY! Someone dislikes EX71s as much as i do.

They really are pretty bad, IMO. I was listening to Tool - Parabola with them right after listening to that same song with my Labtecs (see sig) and the 71's sounded like CRAP. i was like, "AHHH" and could not scrape them out fast enough.
Mar 24, 2004 at 2:53 AM Post #28 of 65

EX71 = crAp at best

i A/B'ed my friend's EX71's against my KSC-35's and the ex71's could not compare with my trusty KSC-35's. my friend still believes that his cans are superior to mine because they bear the "Sony" logo. hah
Mar 24, 2004 at 4:46 AM Post #29 of 65

Originally posted by ls20
bahhahahah, 95% of the thread at ipodlounge recommend ex71..apparently these guys have never ever listened to anything else

Their "headphone" forum is a joke. It should be called the Sony EX71 forum, because that's pretty much all they like to talk about. And then there are wonderful comments like this one I found yesterday, "i think once youre used to the basic ear buds its best to stick with them cause theyre so much prettier". Man, it's painful to visit that place sometimes.
Mar 24, 2004 at 11:41 AM Post #30 of 65

There are no canalphones priced under $100 (list) that are even worth considering. Every one of those that sell for much less than $100 sound like ©®@p, even at their going prices.

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