Audeze LCD-2 Orthos
May 22, 2011 at 8:10 PM Post #11,971 of 18,459

Who uses their LCD-2's for mainly classical music and do they find any issues with soundstage?

I do, but I'm not sure I understand the concept of soundstage as it's sometimes discussed here. If you're talking studio classical recordings, when you see photos of the recording sessions the mikes are usually above the orchestra slightly and quite close, not really like a concert venue. This then, barring spot mikes for highlighting and reverb, which is another subject, will determine the "soundstage", and this is pretty much what I hear with the LCD-2--a quite close acoustic with some instruments coming from around 45 degrees left or right and the rest filling the gap. IOW, nothing I hear on the LCD-2 in terms of soundstage is inconsistent with the photos I've seen of classical recording sessions in studios (live concerts, church venues etc are of course a different thing). When people say, as I read on one thread, that the LCD-2 makes the orchestra sound like it's in a broom closet, that I don't get and it isn't what I hear. Surely a large, low distortion driver like the LCD-2, angled to fire directly more or less into the ear canal. is not going to radically alter what was recorded, is not going to make a spacious acoustic sound like a broom closet. And if it does, I'd like to know why the effect isn't obvious to all, why it only seems apparent to some. I find the LCD extremely honest in its presentation in all areas, including soundstage.
That said, I've never found any headphone to offer me a holographic image of the orchestra sitting in front of me, at whatever distance. Maybe I haven't yet heard the right phones, or maybe it's not possible at this point in recording history outside of binaural. Or maybe it's poor associated equipment--who knows? The soundstage satisfies me, but doesn't awe me, and I'd be interested in hearing from those who do experience an "awesome" soundstage, from the LCD-2 or anything else.
May 22, 2011 at 8:16 PM Post #11,972 of 18,459

I was thinking about spending the $1000 on a pair of Adam A7s, but I don't really like speakers.  I consider headphones to be superior technology because I love being able to have great sound at my ears no matter what direction I face/where I am in a room/what the room acoustics are.  Also, I'd rather keep the sound to/just for myself.

A man after my own heart!

May 22, 2011 at 8:17 PM Post #11,973 of 18,459


I'd get one of these:,or.r_gc.r_pw.&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=10412819728679438857&sa=X&ei=IGXZTdj6LILmsQO58KSODA&ved=0CJABEPMCMAc4FA&biw=2179&bih=1243#ps-sellers



I'm sorry to hear you had to give it up, but I understand that sometimes life takes us places we never expected.  I can understand better why you've been doing such diligent research into your headphone rig given it'll be your only conduit for music. 
Chair to listen in?  I like my Le Corbusier Lounge chair, but that's as personal as headphone choice, including visually and stylistically, as well as general comfort.

There's a few threads on Audiogon about the listening chair choice.  Here's a current one with a link I posted within it to another, older one.  If you do a search there there are a few others.  I have not tried the lounge chair with the LCD-2's and don't know how they'd work for that given their size and weight in a reclining position.   

Those are some nice chairs.  didn't think I'd get a serious response!
May 22, 2011 at 8:27 PM Post #11,974 of 18,459

 Now that I have the LCD's I'm looking for a really comfortable chair to listen in.  Anyone have any chair suggestions? :)

Of course it's worth more than my entire current headphones setup, but... Herman Miller/Eames. On the other end of the spectrum I have parked myself in more than one La-Z-Boy that I have had to admit were very comfortable if not stylish.
May 22, 2011 at 8:35 PM Post #11,975 of 18,459
Of course it's worth more than my entire current headphones setup, but... Herman Miller/Eames. On the other end of the spectrum I have parked myself in more than one La-Z-Boy that I have had to admit were very comfortable if not stylish.

My grandfather had one of those, very cool and luxurious for reading but I would prefer a zero gravity design for headphone listening, that's the key for me.
May 22, 2011 at 9:45 PM Post #11,977 of 18,459
My zero gravity chair for headphone listening...
May 22, 2011 at 10:19 PM Post #11,981 of 18,459
  My god, the cables are so thin they're practically invisible.
Maybe this will help with the questions about the LCD-2's aesthetics that was being discussed a few pages ago...


May 22, 2011 at 10:45 PM Post #11,982 of 18,459
Look, I've spent countless dollars on audio stuff. But, let's get real, if you have a competent source audio file, DAC, and amplifier, the LCD-2's are incredible and one you won't ever forget. They're not the prettiest, not the most athletic, not the best educated, but damn, they're the SMARTEST and if you've been around the block a time or two, they will get you off with warmth, detail, and just an amazing, overwhelming, unique, PUNCH. It's not about analysis, or prestige, thump, or piercing detail, it's about a long term relationship.
They actually isolate better than my closed Denon 5000's, maybe because they have a diaphragm that covers the entire side of your head. In a silent room, I'll put on my $1700 PS1000's, and adore them, on many tracks. But you get listener fatigue, which never happens with the LCD-2's.
This doesn't happen often, we're privileged to get be in a community where some other "aural-aggressive" guys have given us a true beauty. I mean, we're talking about a piece of machinery, no need to get so passionate we go to war. But those of us who have fallen in love with this siren's song, just want to share the joy with anyone else who feel the same draw.
May 22, 2011 at 11:05 PM Post #11,984 of 18,459

Who uses their LCD-2's for mainly classical music and do they find any issues with soundstage?

That would be me.  Probably 60-70% is chamber music with the remaider large symphonic works.  Unfortunately I can't comment on soundstage, since my faulty hearing in one ear makes this illusion impossible for me with headphones.  But I really like the LCD-2's for their ability to present all the musical threads, so I can follow the first violin, or the woodwinds, or the tympani and not lose the totality of the presentation. 
Just my $.02
May 22, 2011 at 11:09 PM Post #11,985 of 18,459


I'd get one of these:,or.r_gc.r_pw.&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=10412819728679438857&sa=X&ei=IGXZTdj6LILmsQO58KSODA&ved=0CJABEPMCMAc4FA&biw=2179&bih=1243#ps-sellers

I have one of these.  Got it about 8 years ago after a back injury when whitewater kayaking.  Really, really comfortable and yes, you can get your knees up higher than your hips which can unload the lower spine.  You can also get it optionally with memory foam, which is divine.  With the LCD-2's and a little wine, life doesn't get much better.

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