「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Aug 12, 2014 at 12:49 AM Post #123,586 of 177,747
No no guys, i know it's Michael Caine lol.
Seeing him referred to as the guy was just unfortunate.

But thanks.

Who doesn't know it's Michael Caine?
In addition to being Michael Caine, he's the guy who plays the butler in the newer Batman movies!

Aug 12, 2014 at 1:14 AM Post #123,588 of 177,747

Now this, I can wake up to with a smile.

Sawano's compositions and style is quite something. But there are a few others that are just as good, Taku Iwasaki and Shoji Meguro comes to mind for me
Aug 12, 2014 at 1:17 AM Post #123,589 of 177,747
I would give Attack On Titan 7/10 and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 10/10. Watch ittt! :D

Did you see the English dubbed episodes of Attack On Titan that are out so far? I loved when Mikasa called her comrades worms! Her speech was much better in that dub, IMO.

I saw Spirited Away many years ago.

That is my second favorite track. I call it "Counter Attack - Mankind"; the back of the CD case says "cóunter・attàck-mˈænkάɪnd" lol

Here and here are info links for the two Attack On Titan soundtracks released. I still need to share some of my favorite tracks with Tracy to convince her to listen to it all.

Higurashi is by far the most deep and emotional anime I've seen. It has some very intense horror-oriented scenes, which is why you may not like some of it - but it's not even 25% as violent as the Blood-C clip you just saw. Watch the scene I mentioned in this post. It's only a few minutes long. The music was edited with different tracks to make it even more intense than the original.

Ah, I see. I tend to rate things kind of high, I suppose. The average rating I have on MyAnimeList for the 19 entries I entered is 7.8, and Attack on Titan is definitely above average in my book.

I watched it subbed when it was being aired, as with most of the members here. I don't think I've heard the English dub apart from what they showed in "Teens React to Attack on Titan." I tend to prefer subs since it....is how it was meant to be recorded and mastered; native DSDJapanese. Bam audiophile stuff. XD
But really, I don't mind dubs if it's done well.

Actually I just UTub3ed this and I like Eren's Titan roar in English more than Japanese since it reminds me of Hollow Ichigo from Bleach (a really great dub in my opinion).

What? What kind of drugs ωε®é †4e¥ øñ when making those ñåµ3Σ? D:
Might as well call it (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

And I'll pass on the Higurashi video. My stomach is still queasy from the last one...

[rule]This was shown at Sakura-Con this year, hahaha.


It's one of the other 9/10 rated series I have on my list.
Aug 12, 2014 at 1:26 AM Post #123,590 of 177,747
Ah, I see. I tend to rate things kind of high, I suppose. The average rating I have on MyAnimeList for the 19 entries I entered is 7.8, and Attack on Titan is definitely above average in my book.

I watched it subbed when it was being aired, as with most of the members here. I don't think I've heard the English dub apart from what they showed in "Teens React to Attack on Titan." I tend to prefer subs since it....is how it was meant to be recorded and mastered; native DSDJapanese. Bam audiophile stuff. XD
But really, I don't mind dubs if it's done well.

Actually I just UTub3ed this and I like Eren's Titan roar in English more than Japanese since it reminds me of Hollow Ichigo from Bleach (a really great dub in my opinion).

What? What kind of drugs ωε®é †4e¥ øñ when making those ñåµ3Σ? D:
Might as well call it (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

And I'll pass on the Higurashi video. My stomach is still queasy from the last one...

This was shown at Sakura-Con this year, hahaha.

It's one of the other 9/10 rated series I have on my list.

I hope you see FMAB sometime in the next year. It's the only anime I would personally award a 10/10 rating.
Aug 12, 2014 at 1:49 AM Post #123,591 of 177,747
What? What kind of drugs ωε®é †4e¥ øñ when making those ñåµ3Σ? D:
Might as well call it (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

Think almost all of Sawano's Soundtracks have all these funny names. KlK's 1st Ost had different variants that had some similarities to the term "Kill la Kill" and the 2nd one was multiples of Gokuseifuku Stars.

I can almost guarantee than Aldnoah's OST will be the same.
Aug 12, 2014 at 2:27 AM Post #123,592 of 177,747
Aug 12, 2014 at 4:11 AM Post #123,595 of 177,747

Now this, I can wake up to with a smile.

Sawano's compositions and style is quite something. But there are a few others that are just as good, Taku Iwasaki and Shoji Meguro comes to mind for me

Link's down. Someone deathhugged it.

But, Sawano Hiroyuki and Taku Iwasaki is two of the best OST making person-people in the business. So good that it's a given their style is very recognisable. Like how I thought Aldnoah cheated in the first episode for using Sawano's work. :p

But then Aldnoah actually delivered.

Checked Iwasaki's work (I remember his work in TTGL and JJBA) and par for the course of my tin ears, I didn't realise his recent work in Akame Ga Kill. Forgot that he also was involved in Jormungand and GATCHAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN Crowds.
Aug 12, 2014 at 4:44 AM Post #123,596 of 177,747
Link's down. Someone deathhugged it.

But, Sawano Hiroyuki and Taku Iwasaki is two of the best OST making person-people in the business. So good that it's a given their style is very recognisable. Like how I thought Aldnoah cheated in the first episode for using Sawano's work. :p

But then Aldnoah actually delivered.

Checked Iwasaki's work (I remember his work in TTGL and JJBA) and par for the course of my tin ears, I didn't realise his recent work in Akame Ga Kill. Forgot that he also was involved in Jormungand and GATCHAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN Crowds.

Works fine for me. Basically an alarm that wakes you up with the smell of brewing coffee instead of a buzzer. Too bad it's priced at £250.

Iwasaki also worked on Noragami. When Noratan came on for the first time, the Japanese-styled technology just blew me away. And yes, forgot about Koko.
Aug 12, 2014 at 5:29 AM Post #123,598 of 177,747
Just finished 時計仕掛けのレイライン -黄昏時の境界線-... 8/10!

I think this is the first time I've ever seen a Czech speaking character and the pronunciation is not too far off according to google :D
Now then... on the the sequel: 時計仕掛けのレイライン -残影の夜が明ける時-
Aug 12, 2014 at 5:37 AM Post #123,599 of 177,747
Welp, I finally updated it after not touching it for a good two years.

I've "only" watched ~7.5 days' worth of anime. You all probably have at least 3 times that amount.

According to my MAL...... I have spent ~3% of my entire lifetime on anime alone.

Aug 12, 2014 at 5:43 AM Post #123,600 of 177,747

According to my MAL...... I have spent ~3% of my entire lifetime on anime alone.

Wow.... ~11k episodes.

Everytime I see the word "Jikan" in any eroges I immediately think of the Timing freezing r*pe one I played awhile back... I couldn't get past the first victims. Trauma man...

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