「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Aug 11, 2014 at 10:56 PM Post #123,573 of 177,747
I've seen quite enough

The guy?

Yup, this guy.

Aug 11, 2014 at 11:21 PM Post #123,575 of 177,747
lol, I watched the end of Resident Evil: Afterlife while eating. Have you seen those movies? They're very well-done, although the two CGI films are better, IMO.

I was hoping for more details than that. Saw doesn't interest me; nor do most horror movies, despite having seen probably over a hundred of them.

Here's another question: what are the scariest anime series you've seen?

I got Music Guru - but I wanted Music Alchemist! :p  

If you are skilled in the Art of Victory Photoshop, you could make yourself become a Music Alchemist. : D
I like how people in that thread are all like "wow, it's so accurate!" The main question that determines the outcome is "what are you most obsessed with?" and if you love music, of course you're going to get "music _" result if you clicked on the dude listening to music; if you love sports, of course you're going to get "sports _" if you clicked on the football image; if you love computers, of course you're going to get "tech _" if you clicked on the computer. This is exactly like those old Facebook surveys that people always used to do and "like," except that was 5 years ago. I used to take the "what kind of girlfriend are you," et al., and I used to have the same reaction. lol

Gullible people will be gullible. -_-

Hm, scariest anime....I haven't really watched a whole lot of anime to being with.
From my pathetic MyAnimeList, I would have to say either Paprika because of its bizarrness, Totoro because of his creepy smile, or Princess Mononoke for its creepy demon spirit thing.

Actually, Attack on Titan is pretty scary too, for me.

There was one scene where the main protagonist nearly gets his guts ripped out, well his intestines, from the antagonist/cereal killer/psycho dude and it's painful to watch and really scary to me. I'm fine with watching surgeries and whatnot, I've seen a few in person, but in a movie with the creepy setting, it's a whole different story.
...not really a spoiler but it was in the movie and helps create the creepy aura of the antagonists' world

The fact that the psycho sheriff dude is trying to kill anyone who enters the town is pretty creepy, and the fact that he's possessed or something by some evil ghost spirit thing made it haunting to me. I don't remember this movie quite as much since it's been a while and I didn't pay much attention to the movie at all except for how much it scared me.

Aug 11, 2014 at 11:22 PM Post #123,576 of 177,747
I liked Ebiten more than Seitokai no Ichizon, and I think the latter is supposed to be higher ranked. 

I like Ichizon, but couldn't finish Ebiten orz..
Aug 11, 2014 at 11:55 PM Post #123,578 of 177,747
If you are skilled in the Art of Victory Photoshop, you could make yourself become a Music Alchemist. : D
I like how people in that thread are all like "wow, it's so accurate!" The main question that determines the outcome is "what are you most obsessed with?" and if you love music, of course you're going to get "music _" result if you clicked on the dude listening to music; if you love sports, of course you're going to get "sports _" if you clicked on the football image; if you love computers, of course you're going to get "tech _" if you clicked on the computer. This is exactly like those old Facebook surveys that people always used to do and "like," except that was 5 years ago. I used to take the "what kind of girlfriend are you," et al., and I used to have the same reaction. lol

Gullible people will be gullible. -_-

Hm, scariest anime....I haven't really watched a whole lot of anime to being with.
From my pathetic MyAnimeList, I would have to say either Paprika because of its bizarrness, Totoro because of his creepy smile, or Princess Mononoke for its creepy demon spirit thing.

Actually, Attack on Titan is pretty scary too, for me.
There was one scene where the main protagonist nearly gets his guts ripped out, well his intestines, from the antagonist/cereal killer/psycho dude and it's painful to watch and really scary to me. I'm fine with watching surgeries and whatnot, I've seen a few in person, but in a movie with the creepy setting, it's a whole different story.
...not really a spoiler but it was in the movie and helps create the creepy aura of the antagonists' world
The fact that the psycho sheriff dude is trying to kill anyone who enters the town is pretty creepy, and the fact that he's possessed or something by some evil ghost spirit thing made it haunting to me. I don't remember this movie quite as much since it's been a while and I didn't pay much attention to the movie at all except for how much it scared me.

Yes, but at least Music Guru is better than Music Addict and Music Buff.
And that's just basic HTML editing; you don't need an image editor.
I haven't seen any of the three anime you listed, but none of what you described sounds that scary.
Have you seen anything from Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni?
Did you see all the Attack On Titan episodes? That's the most dramatic anime I've seen. I like the soundtrack more than the series, though.
lol, that horror movie stuff just makes me laugh. It's not believable. All the over the top gore in movies like The Evil Dead is just goofy, in my opinion.
The most disturbing moment in a horror movie, for me, was
in Scream 4 when the girl shoots her ex-boyfriend in the forehead.
That's scary because it could easily happen in real life, you know?
The Hostel movies were very disturbing as well, because
they are based on torture for fun and profit.
Wanna see what anime ultra-violence looks like? Try handling just two minutes of it:

Aug 12, 2014 at 12:04 AM Post #123,579 of 177,747
I wish I could send you some good chocolate but I have a feeling that this might not end too well :|

This miiiiiight be okay, our customs generally let chocolates through as long as they're properly commercially packaged and such, but then there's always the plane ride and various transportation it has to survive...

lol, even nearer to me

Well that explains the food poisoning. 

You could get so many things for that money.

  Most expensive concert ticket I ever bought. Normally I pay around €10-15.
Was worth the money though. I had a lot of fun and also just could not live with the thought that I missed one of the really rare Distant World concerts her in Germany.

When you get a little older you'll start to understand that money spent on 'experiences' isn't so much a waste compared to buying physical goods.
I spent $750 for three tickets to one of nagi's first concerts, it might have been the best money I've ever spent in my life. You had to enter a raffle to buy the tickets, it's for Japanese residents only so I had to search for them on Yahoo Auctions Japan, I sure paid a pretty penny for them, not to mention the 30% commission on the buying service. Our plane tickets were bought way in advance so it was a miracle the concert was on while we were there.
Still, we're probably the only foreigners at her concert, and she sung songs that will most likely never ever be performed live again, including my favourite song!
We wandered through a graveyard/cemetery to get to the place because we were baka gaijin and blindly followed google maps, what a night to remember.
I've been wondering about this. All you guys who are proficient in two or more languages, do you have a strongly preferred language of thought?

I usually speak Khmer while talking to my mum so that's what I think in. But I'm not exactly proficient in it so I often have to go back into thinking in English if I'm talking about anything complicated and then trying to translate to Khmer on the fly.
Rejecting to watch shows is not necessarily close mindedness. If it is based on previous experience of disliking seemingly similar shows, then it is definitely acceptable.

We're paying the most valuable currency to watch shows, our time. I'm sure we've all had that phase where we'd watch anything and everything, but as time goes on, that's just not practical any more and we have to start filtering shows.
Aug 12, 2014 at 12:28 AM Post #123,581 of 177,747
If you are skilled in the Art of Victory Photoshop, you could make yourself become a Music Alchemist. : D

I like how people in that thread are all like "wow, it's so accurate!" The main question that determines the outcome is "what are you most obsessed with?" and if you love music, of course you're going to get "music _" result if you clicked on the dude listening to music; if you love sports, of course you're going to get "sports _" if you clicked on the football image; if you love computers, of course you're going to get "tech _" if you clicked on the computer. This is exactly like those old Facebook surveys that people always used to do and "like," except that was 5 years ago. I used to take the "what kind of girlfriend are you," et al., and I used to have the same reaction. lol

Gullible people will be gullible. -_-

Hm, scariest anime....I haven't really watched a whole lot of anime to being with.

From my pathetic MyAnimeList, I would have to say either Paprika because of its bizarrness, Totoro because of his creepy smile, or Princess Mononoke for its creepy demon spirit thing.

Actually, Attack on Titan is pretty scary too, for me.
There was one scene where the main protagonist nearly gets his guts ripped out, well his intestines, from the antagonist/cereal killer/psycho dude and it's painful to watch and really scary to me. I'm fine with watching surgeries and whatnot, I've seen a few in person, but in a movie with the creepy setting, it's a whole different story.

...not really a spoiler but it was in the movie and helps create the creepy aura of the antagonists' world
The fact that the psycho sheriff dude is trying to kill anyone who enters the town is pretty creepy, and the fact that he's possessed or something by some evil ghost spirit thing made it haunting to me. I don't remember this movie quite as much since it's been a while and I didn't pay much attention to the movie at all except for how much it scared me.

Yes, but at least Music Guru is better than Music Addict and Music Buff. :D And that's just basic HTML editing; you don't need an image editor.

I haven't seen any of the three anime you listed, but none of what you described sounds that scary.

Have you seen anything from Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni?

Did you see all the Attack On Titan episodes? That's the most dramatic anime I've seen. I like the soundtrack more than the series, though.

lol, that horror movie stuff just makes me laugh. It's not believable. All the over the top gore in movies like The Evil Dead is just goofy, in my opinion.

The most disturbing moment in a horror movie, for me, was

in Scream 4 when the girl shoots her ex-boyfriend in the forehead.

That's scary because it could easily happen in real life, you know?

The Hostel movies were very disturbing as well, because

they are based on torture for fun and profit.

Wanna see what anime ultra-violence looks like? Try handling just two minutes of it:

I should have taken that last spoiler seriously. My stomach doesn't feel too good after watching that, like no joke; I should probably drink some ginger ale now to calm it. T_T

You haven't seen Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli's films yet? I'd recommend at least watching Totoro, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, and Princess Mononoke since those are the most popular ones.

I did watch all of Attack on Titan, and the soundtrack's composition is marvelous (Hiroyuki Sawano composes some great music as a whole though). It's too bad the mastering is kind of lame and compressed like nearly all other anime series because it would be one of the few soundtracks I would like to buy. Let's see if I can find my favourite track


^ the naming of tracks always seems inconsistent to me depending on where you look, so I don't know what that track is officially called

I guess Attack on Titan scared me because of the brutal deaths some of the people encountered, as it's part of what I consider to be in the horror genre. I would give it 9/10 based on the AnimeNewsNetwork rating scale (excellent). Mikasa saying "Eren" a thousand times per episode got annoying to me, and likewise for Armin's voice, but the action, soundtrack, and unique story made up for it.

I haven't seen Higurashi yet other than the nippa~ scene. I don't really plan to watch it either as I've heard a lot about it and it doesn't suite my tastes.
Aug 12, 2014 at 12:30 AM Post #123,582 of 177,747
Aug 12, 2014 at 12:42 AM Post #123,585 of 177,747
I should have taken that last spoiler seriously. My stomach doesn't feel too good after watching that, like no joke; I should probably drink some ginger ale now to calm it. T_T

You haven't seen Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli's films yet? I'd recommend at least watching Totoro, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, and Princess Mononoke since those are the most popular ones.

I did watch all of Attack on Titan, and the soundtrack's composition is marvelous (Hiroyuki Sawano composes some great music as a whole though). It's too bad the mastering is kind of lame and compressed like nearly all other anime series because it would be one of the few soundtracks I would like to buy. Let's see if I can find my favourite track

^ the naming of tracks always seems inconsistent to me depending on where you look, so I don't know what that track is officially called

I guess Attack on Titan scared me because of the brutal deaths some of the people encountered, as it's part of what I consider to be in the horror genre. I would give it 9/10 based on the AnimeNewsNetwork rating scale (excellent). Mikasa saying "Eren" a thousand times per episode got annoying to me, and likewise for Armin's voice, but the action, soundtrack, and unique story made up for it.

I haven't seen Higurashi yet other than the nippa~ scene. I don't really plan to watch it either as I've heard a lot about it and it doesn't suite my tastes.

I would give Attack On Titan 7/10 and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood 10/10. Watch ittt!

Did you see the English dubbed episodes of Attack On Titan that are out so far? I loved when Mikasa called her comrades worms! Her speech was much better in that dub, IMO.
I saw Spirited Away many years ago.
That is my second favorite track. I call it "Counter Attack - Mankind"; the back of the CD case says "cóunter・attàck-mˈænkάɪnd" lol
Here and here are info links for the two Attack On Titan soundtracks released. I still need to share some of my favorite tracks with Tracy to convince her to listen to it all.
Higurashi is by far the most deep and emotional anime I've seen. It has some very intense horror-oriented scenes, which is why you may not like some of it - but it's not even 25% as violent as the Blood-C clip you just saw. Watch the scene I mentioned in this post. It's only a few minutes long. The music was edited with different tracks to make it even more intense than the original.

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